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A Healing for Gregory

Member since 1/07 1217 total posts
Name: Barbara
Transporting a Disabled Child? Advice needed.
This may be a long shot, but if you have a disabled child who is past the point of fitting in a standard store bought stroller, how do you transport them? Have you purchased a Convaid (disability stroller) or a push chair? We are finally at this point for my son, and I'm not sure which way to turn. The costs are astronomical and I want to make the right decision. Since you can't look at these things in the stores (only online), it's really hard to tell what is what and what is worth the thousands they want for them.
Any advice at all would help. Thanks so much!
Posted 2/18/08 11:00 PM |
St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07 7650 total posts
Name: K
Re: Transporting a Disabled Child? Advice needed.
i don't have a disabled child, so dont' have any recommendations for you. But I am a special educator and I will assume your child receives services and you've had PSCEs, etc. for him/her. Could this stroller/scooter, etc. perhaps be put on the IEP and therefore could be paid for or subsidized by the state or district? It sounds like not only would it make your life easier, but it is necessary. Also, it sounds like his/her success in any sort of program or services you have them in may depend on this equipment.
i would look into that before spending thousands. Also, is there someone in charge of his/her IEP (like the Direcctor of Special ed. for your district) that could help you with looking at equipment, deicding which is best, etc.
Posted 2/19/08 9:40 AM |
A Healing for Gregory

Member since 1/07 1217 total posts
Name: Barbara
Re: Transporting a Disabled Child? Advice needed.
Thanks so much for the advice! Unfortunately, the school district gave up on my son a long time ago and I am now homeschooling ... so ... I have no support there. I'm still trying to work with the insurance company and find out why this isn't covered ... I just can't understand it!
Posted 2/19/08 5:45 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/07 2179 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: Transporting a Disabled Child? Advice needed.
Maybe you can contact your local BOCES and they can provide you with some information/suggestions on what might be best for your son? Or your pediatrician can recommend a specialist? Good luck.
Posted 2/19/08 5:47 PM |
St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07 7650 total posts
Name: K
Re: Transporting a Disabled Child? Advice needed.
Thanks so much for the advice! Unfortunately, the school district gave up on my son a long time ago and I am now homeschooling ... so ... I have no support there. I'm still trying to work with the insurance company and find out why this isn't covered ... I just can't understand it!
I don't know your situation, but legally the school district can NOT "give up on your son." Even if you do homeschool, they are still required to ensure that he is being educated and has the equipment he needs. in addition, if the school district and the program in the school does NOT meet your child's needs, he is entitled to services at a private school, BOCES, or other setting where his needs could be adequately met. This would be paid for by the district. You may done this, or you may not even want to do this, but I would consult an attorney who specializes in IDEA and Public Law 504 and see exactly what the school district should be providing to you.
Posted 2/19/08 7:25 PM |
Member since 5/05 5025 total posts
Re: Transporting a Disabled Child? Advice needed.
Here's the link for the 504 plan. My DD has multiple (and life threatening) food allergies and asthma - And even though she is only 2 1/2 I made myself familiar with this law.
Even though your DC is being home schooled - The district still has a responsibilty to you and your family. I would take it up with the Superintedent of schools and their lawyers.
Good luck!
Posted 2/20/08 12:18 PM |
I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Transporting a Disabled Child? Advice needed.
I agree -- that even if you are home schooling you still pay taxes that go towards your school district, so there are out of school services that can and should be provided to your child as well, if he needs them.
I have a child in my class with muscular dystrophy and he is rapidly deteriorating. The school is ordering him a special chair (hopefully it'll come in soon) that has removable wheels, as well as removable back, head, and arm supports. This way it can be a regular chair or adapt to him as he needs more support. I asked the PT about it and she said that since it is in his IEP it is HIS property and will go with him wherever he goes.
Good luck and fight hard! I do believe that the SD should be able to help with this!
Posted 2/20/08 5:42 PM |