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Travel and Formula Question

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Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Travel and Formula Question

Well, Noah and I are flying out to NY this week and with the new restrictions, I am a bit worried about his formula on the plane. I can bring babyfood with me, thats no problem. But I wanted to bring juice boxes of RTF Formula, but they aren't allowed, so I bought some sachets of formula that are premeasured in 4 oz portions, but I am not sure of what water to use. Should I bring a bottle of cool boiled with me, or just use whatever they have on board...evian or whatever kind of mineral water??

I am leaning towards bringing water with me and just tasting it in front of security...but what would happen if I used bottled water for 3 feeds???

Posted 9/3/06 4:34 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Travel and Formula Question

Bottled water should be fine. Does the airline provide that? I use bottled water to mix the formula for Sofia.

Posted 9/3/06 6:36 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Travel and Formula Question

When my SIL flew they didnt allow any water brought on. She had to use the bottled water on the plane. They did allow her the baby food. I know that people had to test the jars but I am not sure if they still have to do that so I suggest bringing food that you like the test of aswell. She flew August 12th back home. My sister came back this past wed. and flew through London and she said it was strict at Heathrow especially coming to the U.S.

Posted 9/3/06 7:21 AM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Re: Travel and Formula Question

I think they're more strict in England than they are here. we just flew out of NY this week and they allowed us to take our premade bottles of formula no questions asked. i didnt' even have to taste them, thank god, yiuk. and the bottled breast milk too.

Posted 9/3/06 7:39 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Travel and Formula Question

Can you bring sippy cups of milk? I am traveling later in the day and my son can only have soy I wanted to bring his evening and first thing in the morning sippy cups of milk - because if we arrive late we won't be able to buy it for him right you think I can?

Posted 9/3/06 2:57 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Travel and Formula Question

I think as long as you can taste them, you will be fine. When I flew over last time, I had a coolbag with BM in it. So I would guess thats fine.

I think I will bring powdered formula and just use bottled water on the plane!

Posted 9/3/06 3:24 PM


Member since 5/05

2313 total posts


Re: Travel and Formula Question

I just flew and the formula was fine in a bottle. you can't bring the ice pack on since there is gel in it. But I made sure that I put them in a freezer bag as I was walking out of the house so it would stay cooler and it worked out alright.

Posted 9/3/06 4:07 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Travel and Formula Question

If they offer plain bottled water that will be fine....I've used that plenty of times when out and about with powder already premeasured in her bottles.

Can you call the airline and ask for special permission for your formula? What about a Dr's note....and you want to make sure that you'll be able to receive enough water....some flights only provide enough drinks for each person to receive a certain amount and not unlimited.

some babies don't do well going from RTF to powder.

have a safe flight and I wish I could be in NY to meet you!Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/06 8:06 PM

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