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Trump is so tone deaf

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Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Trump is so tone deaf

He will NEVER get how HE is the problem. Did you see his comments from TX? According to him the impeachment is (of course) a mistake and Pelosi and Schumer are angering the country and causing problems. I guess never mind the fact that this incompetent POS incited a riot and insurrection and then sit back and did NOTHING. I don't know, maybe he is the problem, maybe he is the reason the country is so angry. Ya think? Chat Icon Chat Icon LOL

Trump's Stupid Comments

Posted 1/11/21 4:42 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Trump is so tone deaf

He’s a mentally ill man. The fact that he got into office in the first place completely tainted our reputation as a country. A reality TV star running the country. I feel like we are in the Truman show movie and this is one big failed psychological experiment. But I will say find it fascinating how he has been able to manipulate the minds of the masses. Including those who are seemingly intelligent otherwise...

Posted 1/11/21 5:22 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by Mrs213

He’s a mentally ill man. The fact that he got into office in the first place completely tainted our reputation as a country. A reality TV star running the country. I feel like we are in the Truman show movie and this is one big failed psychological experiment. But I will say find it fascinating how he has been able to manipulate the minds of the masses. Including those who are seemingly intelligent otherwise...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/21 5:37 PM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Every day in his head, must be Opposite Day.

Posted 1/11/21 5:47 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by Sash

Every day in his head, must be Opposite Day.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Yup!

Posted 1/11/21 5:54 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Trump is so tone deaf

He is now boasting that they will never used the 25th amendment on him and it will be used on Biden. And he signed his autograph on the border wall.

Posted 1/11/21 9:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by Mrs213

He is now boasting that they will never used the 25th amendment on him and it will be used on Biden. And he signed his autograph on the border wall.

oh right. The one we paid for right? Not Mexico? the one he claimed Mexico would pay for?

how funny to have spent billions on a wall to keep out people fleeing their corrupt government when we really need a wall around the Capitol from angry, violent, white racists.

Message edited 1/11/2021 10:39:34 PM.

Posted 1/11/21 10:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

- Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the President.
- Cory Booker says he wants to punch the President.
- Robert De Niro says he wants to punch Trump in the face.
- Maxine Waters says get in Republicans faces in public places, "I will take Trump out Tonight."
- Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the President.
- Snoop Dog makes a video of assassinating the President.
- Johnny Depp talks about an actor assassinating the President.
- Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the President.
- Tom Arnold says: “Don’t get too c.... traitor, they showed up for JFK too”
- Gaetz is threatened by someone who warned that he will blow the congressman’s head off.
- Scalise gets shot and almost killed.
- ANTIFA routinely attacks and now killed conservatives.
- Hollywood makes a movie about killing Trump supporters.
- Tucker Carlson has left wing activists at his home threatening to burn his house down with his wife & kids inside.
- Madonna talks about wanting to blow up the White House.
- McConnell is threatened by left wing activists at his home to be stabbed in the heart.
- Democrat Constitutional professor Jonathan Turley’s life is threatened for his opinion opposing impeachment.
Yet, the Socialist Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TDIP, Media Matters, and the DNC say “Trump is inciting violence.”

Posted 1/12/21 11:18 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by valentinesbaby48

- Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the President.
- Cory Booker says he wants to punch the President.
- Robert De Niro says he wants to punch Trump in the face.
- Maxine Waters says get in Republicans faces in public places, "I will take Trump out Tonight."
- Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the President.
- Snoop Dog makes a video of assassinating the President.
- Johnny Depp talks about an actor assassinating the President.
- Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the President.
- Tom Arnold says: “Don’t get too c.... traitor, they showed up for JFK too”
- Gaetz is threatened by someone who warned that he will blow the congressman’s head off.
- Scalise gets shot and almost killed.
- ANTIFA routinely attacks and now killed conservatives.
- Hollywood makes a movie about killing Trump supporters.
- Tucker Carlson has left wing activists at his home threatening to burn his house down with his wife & kids inside.
- Madonna talks about wanting to blow up the White House.
- McConnell is threatened by left wing activists at his home to be stabbed in the heart.
- Democrat Constitutional professor Jonathan Turley’s life is threatened for his opinion opposing impeachment.
Yet, the Socialist Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TDIP, Media Matters, and the DNC say “Trump is inciting violence.”

LOLOL Are you serious with this post???

NONE of what you posted holds a candle to the POTUS riling up mobs of people in a violent insurrection. Please let the severity of what has taken place sink in already. The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, the man in charge of our country and national safety, tried to overthrow his own government. Why is this something that isn't resonating with you? Why do you keep trying to find a way to minimize what has happened? As an American citizen you should be both outraged and scared for our democracy, that is the NORMAL reaction to what has happened. Posting a bunch of "mean" comments about Trump as a means to make a point about how an insurrection is no worse shows that you too are tone deaf.

Your relentless attempts to defend Trump and to minimize the insurrection are truly frightening. You really need to come down to reality or at the very least stop posting such nonsense. EVERYONE isn't lying to you, there is a valid reason why there is bipartisan support to impeach him again. There is a reason that everyone from social media, to big business, to military, to high ranking government officials, to average citizens have all turned on him and have called for his removal. This isn't a drill, Trump is a treasonous and dangerous man. Period.

Posted 1/12/21 11:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by valentinesbaby48

- Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the President.
- Cory Booker says he wants to punch the President.
- Robert De Niro says he wants to punch Trump in the face.
- Maxine Waters says get in Republicans faces in public places, "I will take Trump out Tonight."
- Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the President.
- Snoop Dog makes a video of assassinating the President.
- Johnny Depp talks about an actor assassinating the President.
- Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the President.
- Tom Arnold says: “Don’t get too c.... traitor, they showed up for JFK too”
- Gaetz is threatened by someone who warned that he will blow the congressman’s head off.
- Scalise gets shot and almost killed.
- ANTIFA routinely attacks and now killed conservatives.
- Hollywood makes a movie about killing Trump supporters.
- Tucker Carlson has left wing activists at his home threatening to burn his house down with his wife & kids inside.
- Madonna talks about wanting to blow up the White House.
- McConnell is threatened by left wing activists at his home to be stabbed in the heart.
- Democrat Constitutional professor Jonathan Turley’s life is threatened for his opinion opposing impeachment.
Yet, the Socialist Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TDIP, Media Matters, and the DNC say “Trump is inciting violence.”

LOLOL Are you serious with this post???

NONE of what you posted holds a candle to the POTUS riling up mobs of people in a violent insurrection. Please let the severity of what has taken place sink in already. The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, the man in charge of our country and national safety, tried to overthrow his own government. Why is this something that isn't resonating with you? Why do you keep trying to find a way to minimize what has happened? As an American citizen you should be both outraged and scared for our democracy, that is the NORMAL reaction to what has happened. Posting a bunch of "mean" comments about Trump as a means to make a point about how an insurrection is no worse shows that you too are tone deaf.

Your relentless attempts to defend Trump and to minimize the insurrection are truly frightening. You really need to come down to reality or at the very least stop posting such nonsense. EVERYONE isn't lying to you, there is a valid reason why there is bipartisan support to impeach him again. There is a reason that everyone from social media, to big business, to military, to high ranking government officials, to average citizens have all turned on him and have called for his removal. This isn't a drill, Trump is a treasonous and dangerous man. Period.

Double standard much for violence? Not defending anyone on either side. Just stating facts. Facts you don't want to listen to and accept.

Posted 1/12/21 11:44 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by valentinesbaby48

- Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the President.
- Cory Booker says he wants to punch the President.
- Robert De Niro says he wants to punch Trump in the face.
- Maxine Waters says get in Republicans faces in public places, "I will take Trump out Tonight."
- Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the President.
- Snoop Dog makes a video of assassinating the President.
- Johnny Depp talks about an actor assassinating the President.
- Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the President.
- Tom Arnold says: “Don’t get too c.... traitor, they showed up for JFK too”
- Gaetz is threatened by someone who warned that he will blow the congressman’s head off.
- Scalise gets shot and almost killed.
- ANTIFA routinely attacks and now killed conservatives.
- Hollywood makes a movie about killing Trump supporters.
- Tucker Carlson has left wing activists at his home threatening to burn his house down with his wife & kids inside.
- Madonna talks about wanting to blow up the White House.
- McConnell is threatened by left wing activists at his home to be stabbed in the heart.
- Democrat Constitutional professor Jonathan Turley’s life is threatened for his opinion opposing impeachment.
Yet, the Socialist Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TDIP, Media Matters, and the DNC say “Trump is inciting violence.”

LOLOL Are you serious with this post???

NONE of what you posted holds a candle to the POTUS riling up mobs of people in a violent insurrection. Please let the severity of what has taken place sink in already. The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, the man in charge of our country and national safety, tried to overthrow his own government. Why is this something that isn't resonating with you? Why do you keep trying to find a way to minimize what has happened? As an American citizen you should be both outraged and scared for our democracy, that is the NORMAL reaction to what has happened. Posting a bunch of "mean" comments about Trump as a means to make a point about how an insurrection is no worse shows that you too are tone deaf.

Your relentless attempts to defend Trump and to minimize the insurrection are truly frightening. You really need to come down to reality or at the very least stop posting such nonsense. EVERYONE isn't lying to you, there is a valid reason why there is bipartisan support to impeach him again. There is a reason that everyone from social media, to big business, to military, to high ranking government officials, to average citizens have all turned on him and have called for his removal. This isn't a drill, Trump is a treasonous and dangerous man. Period.

Double standard much for violence? Not defending anyone on either side. Just stating facts. Facts you don't want to listen to and accept.

Facts??? Facts of what exactly?? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Saying something mean about someone is not "violent". It is just mean.

Inciting an angry, pi$$ed off mob to storm the capital, destroy public property, kill people and overthrow the government is violent. VERY violent.

That you cannot see the difference shows your ignorance and lack of understanding about history and the consequences of what took place.

Facts. Chat Icon Chat Icon You are funny.

Posted 1/12/21 11:48 AM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

9537 total posts

The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by valentinesbaby48

- Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the President.
- Cory Booker says he wants to punch the President.
- Robert De Niro says he wants to punch Trump in the face.
- Maxine Waters says get in Republicans faces in public places, "I will take Trump out Tonight."
- Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the President.
- Snoop Dog makes a video of assassinating the President.
- Johnny Depp talks about an actor assassinating the President.
- Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the President.
- Tom Arnold says: “Don’t get too c.... traitor, they showed up for JFK too”
- Gaetz is threatened by someone who warned that he will blow the congressman’s head off.
- Scalise gets shot and almost killed.
- ANTIFA routinely attacks and now killed conservatives.
- Hollywood makes a movie about killing Trump supporters.
- Tucker Carlson has left wing activists at his home threatening to burn his house down with his wife & kids inside.
- Madonna talks about wanting to blow up the White House.
- McConnell is threatened by left wing activists at his home to be stabbed in the heart.
- Democrat Constitutional professor Jonathan Turley’s life is threatened for his opinion opposing impeachment.
Yet, the Socialist Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TDIP, Media Matters, and the DNC say “Trump is inciting violence.”

Let me see if I understand your point . . .

If I get on national tv and say that YOU are a complete moron and should be shot, it is the same exact thing as arranging for every single person who posts on the politics board to gather 1/2 mile from your house to beat some sense into you. And then, after they actually show up at this "free speech" gathering 1/2 mile from your house, I invite then to march the 1/2 mile to your front door because we're never going to convince you you're wrong unless we show strength, so we are all going to march to your house and give you what you need to show you that you're wrong. And after I give that rousing speech, all of the people march to your house, break down your door, piss on your living room rug, break windows, smash furniture, and generally cause mayhem and destruction.

You seriously think those two scenarios are the same thing??? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

edit to fix typos

Message edited 1/13/2021 12:36:36 PM.

Posted 1/13/21 12:35 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by DancinBarefoot

Posted by valentinesbaby48

- Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the President.
- Cory Booker says he wants to punch the President.
- Robert De Niro says he wants to punch Trump in the face.
- Maxine Waters says get in Republicans faces in public places, "I will take Trump out Tonight."
- Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the President.
- Snoop Dog makes a video of assassinating the President.
- Johnny Depp talks about an actor assassinating the President.
- Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the President.
- Tom Arnold says: “Don’t get too c.... traitor, they showed up for JFK too”
- Gaetz is threatened by someone who warned that he will blow the congressman’s head off.
- Scalise gets shot and almost killed.
- ANTIFA routinely attacks and now killed conservatives.
- Hollywood makes a movie about killing Trump supporters.
- Tucker Carlson has left wing activists at his home threatening to burn his house down with his wife & kids inside.
- Madonna talks about wanting to blow up the White House.
- McConnell is threatened by left wing activists at his home to be stabbed in the heart.
- Democrat Constitutional professor Jonathan Turley’s life is threatened for his opinion opposing impeachment.
Yet, the Socialist Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TDIP, Media Matters, and the DNC say “Trump is inciting violence.”

Let me see if I understand your point . . .

If I get on national tv and say that YOU are a complete moron and should be shot, it is the same exact thing as arranging for every single person who posts on the politics board to gather 1/2 mile from your house to beat some sense into you. And then, after they actually show up at this "free speech" gathering 1/2 mile from your house, I invite then to march the 1/2 mile to your front door because we're never going to convince you you're wrong unless we show strength, so we are all going to march to your house and give you what you need to show you that you're wrong. And after I give that rousing speech, all of the people march to your house, break down your door, piss on your living room rug, break windows, smash furniture, and generally cause mayhem and destruction.

You seriously think those two scenarios are the same thing??? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

edit to fix typos

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/13/21 12:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by DancinBarefoot

Posted by valentinesbaby48

- Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the President.
- Cory Booker says he wants to punch the President.
- Robert De Niro says he wants to punch Trump in the face.
- Maxine Waters says get in Republicans faces in public places, "I will take Trump out Tonight."
- Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the President.
- Snoop Dog makes a video of assassinating the President.
- Johnny Depp talks about an actor assassinating the President.
- Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the President.
- Tom Arnold says: “Don’t get too c.... traitor, they showed up for JFK too”
- Gaetz is threatened by someone who warned that he will blow the congressman’s head off.
- Scalise gets shot and almost killed.
- ANTIFA routinely attacks and now killed conservatives.
- Hollywood makes a movie about killing Trump supporters.
- Tucker Carlson has left wing activists at his home threatening to burn his house down with his wife & kids inside.
- Madonna talks about wanting to blow up the White House.
- McConnell is threatened by left wing activists at his home to be stabbed in the heart.
- Democrat Constitutional professor Jonathan Turley’s life is threatened for his opinion opposing impeachment.
Yet, the Socialist Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TDIP, Media Matters, and the DNC say “Trump is inciting violence.”

Let me see if I understand your point . . .

If I get on national tv and say that YOU are a complete moron and should be shot, it is the same exact thing as arranging for every single person who posts on the politics board to gather 1/2 mile from your house to beat some sense into you. And then, after they actually show up at this "free speech" gathering 1/2 mile from your house, I invite then to march the 1/2 mile to your front door because we're never going to convince you you're wrong unless we show strength, so we are all going to march to your house and give you what you need to show you that you're wrong. And after I give that rousing speech, all of the people march to your house, break down your door, piss on your living room rug, break windows, smash furniture, and generally cause mayhem and destruction.

You seriously think those two scenarios are the same thing??? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

edit to fix typos

Threats, all threats. Just like the threats to Pelosi and Pence were spoken about more than once on this board.
NO ONE knows how far someone will go. You don't know if any of these threats would have been panned out as anyone can be an extremist.
We are getting too used to celebrities getting away with so much. Saying whatever they want, doing whatever they want. Just getting a slap on the wrist and going back to making millions.
NONE of this should be tolerated no matter who it comes from.
A threat is a threat and everyone should be arrested for a threat.

Posted 1/13/21 12:24 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by DancinBarefoot

Posted by valentinesbaby48

- Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the President.
- Cory Booker says he wants to punch the President.
- Robert De Niro says he wants to punch Trump in the face.
- Maxine Waters says get in Republicans faces in public places, "I will take Trump out Tonight."
- Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the President.
- Snoop Dog makes a video of assassinating the President.
- Johnny Depp talks about an actor assassinating the President.
- Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the President.
- Tom Arnold says: “Don’t get too c.... traitor, they showed up for JFK too”
- Gaetz is threatened by someone who warned that he will blow the congressman’s head off.
- Scalise gets shot and almost killed.
- ANTIFA routinely attacks and now killed conservatives.
- Hollywood makes a movie about killing Trump supporters.
- Tucker Carlson has left wing activists at his home threatening to burn his house down with his wife & kids inside.
- Madonna talks about wanting to blow up the White House.
- McConnell is threatened by left wing activists at his home to be stabbed in the heart.
- Democrat Constitutional professor Jonathan Turley’s life is threatened for his opinion opposing impeachment.
Yet, the Socialist Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TDIP, Media Matters, and the DNC say “Trump is inciting violence.”

Let me see if I understand your point . . .

If I get on national tv and say that YOU are a complete moron and should be shot, it is the same exact thing as arranging for every single person who posts on the politics board to gather 1/2 mile from your house to beat some sense into you. And then, after they actually show up at this "free speech" gathering 1/2 mile from your house, I invite then to march the 1/2 mile to your front door because we're never going to convince you you're wrong unless we show strength, so we are all going to march to your house and give you what you need to show you that you're wrong. And after I give that rousing speech, all of the people march to your house, break down your door, piss on your living room rug, break windows, smash furniture, and generally cause mayhem and destruction.

You seriously think those two scenarios are the same thing??? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

edit to fix typos

Threats, all threats. Just like the threats to Pelosi and Pence were spoken about more than once on this board.
NO ONE knows how far someone will go. You don't know if any of these threats would have been panned out as anyone can be an extremist.
We are getting too used to celebrities getting away with so much. Saying whatever they want, doing whatever they want. Just getting a slap on the wrist and going back to making millions.
NONE of this should be tolerated no matter who it comes from.
A threat is a threat and everyone should be arrested for a threat.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon


Posted 1/13/21 12:36 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

26792 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

When Ted Nugent *constantly* talks about harming and killing Democrats, and is then brought into the Oval Office, Dems just roll their eyes because he's just a 2nd-rate entertainer.

Since not everyone seems to understand that "entertainers" making stupid jokes/comments that infer or outright talk about violence to politicians is not the same as the potus inciting an insurrection, here's a "whataboutism" list of Republican "entertainers" discussing violence against Obama.

Glenn Beck In a 2009 Fox News broadcast, the conservative pundit joked about poisoning then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. During the bizarre skit, one of Beck's helpers attempted to sip a glass of red wine while wearing a mask of Pelosi's face. Beck then informs "Pelosi" that he slipped poison into her drink.

Minneapolis' Guthrie Theater Minnesota's famed Guthrie Theater "assassinated" an Obama-like figure in its 2012 production of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." Unlike the NYC Public Theater's Trump-themed assassination in 2017, this production saw no backlash or loss of corporate sponsorship.

Shannon Richardson Actress Shannon Richardson, who has appeared in "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Walking Dead," was sentenced to 18 years in prison in 2014 for attempting to poison Barack Obama. According to CNN, Richardson mailed ricin-laced letters to Obama and several other politicians, because she was displeased with their stances on gun control.

Scott Stapp The lead singer of Creed got himself in trouble in 2014 months after his release from a mental facility. According to 911 tapes obtained by TMZ, Stapp's then-wife told police that the rocker was in the middle of a psychotic episode and had threatened to kill President Obama. "He thinks they're trying to kill him, and he has a bunch of paperwork in his backpack that he's a CIA agent and he's supposed to assassinate Obama," she said. Stapp's episode later prompted a Secret Service investigation.

Ted Nugent To encourage a group of NRA convention attendees to vote for 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Nugent instructed them to "ride onto that battlefield and chop their heads off in November," the heads in question belonging to Democratic voters. At a 2007 concert, Nugent said Obama could "suck on [his] machine gun."

Donald Trump At a North Carolina rally in August 2016, Trump suggested that his gun-toting supporters could prevent Hillary Clinton from taking office if they exercised their 2nd Amendment rights. He said, "[If Hillary Clinton] gets to pick...her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know."

No excuse for threatening violence towards the president, or anyone, but entertainers are different than a sitting president inciting a violent overthrow of the government.

Posted 1/13/21 12:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by GoldenRod

When Ted Nugent *constantly* talks about harming and killing Democrats, and is then brought into the Oval Office, Dems just roll their eyes because he's just a 2nd-rate entertainer.

Since not everyone seems to understand that "entertainers" making stupid jokes/comments that infer or outright talk about violence to politicians is not the same as the potus inciting an insurrection, here's a "whataboutism" list of Republican "entertainers" discussing violence against Obama.

Glenn Beck In a 2009 Fox News broadcast, the conservative pundit joked about poisoning then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. During the bizarre skit, one of Beck's helpers attempted to sip a glass of red wine while wearing a mask of Pelosi's face. Beck then informs "Pelosi" that he slipped poison into her drink.

Minneapolis' Guthrie Theater Minnesota's famed Guthrie Theater "assassinated" an Obama-like figure in its 2012 production of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." Unlike the NYC Public Theater's Trump-themed assassination in 2017, this production saw no backlash or loss of corporate sponsorship.

Shannon Richardson Actress Shannon Richardson, who has appeared in "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Walking Dead," was sentenced to 18 years in prison in 2014 for attempting to poison Barack Obama. According to CNN, Richardson mailed ricin-laced letters to Obama and several other politicians, because she was displeased with their stances on gun control.

Scott Stapp The lead singer of Creed got himself in trouble in 2014 months after his release from a mental facility. According to 911 tapes obtained by TMZ, Stapp's then-wife told police that the rocker was in the middle of a psychotic episode and had threatened to kill President Obama. "He thinks they're trying to kill him, and he has a bunch of paperwork in his backpack that he's a CIA agent and he's supposed to assassinate Obama," she said. Stapp's episode later prompted a Secret Service investigation.

Ted Nugent To encourage a group of NRA convention attendees to vote for 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Nugent instructed them to "ride onto that battlefield and chop their heads off in November," the heads in question belonging to Democratic voters. At a 2007 concert, Nugent said Obama could "suck on [his] machine gun."

Donald Trump At a North Carolina rally in August 2016, Trump suggested that his gun-toting supporters could prevent Hillary Clinton from taking office if they exercised their 2nd Amendment rights. He said, "[If Hillary Clinton] gets to pick...her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know."

No excuse for threatening violence towards the president, or anyone, but entertainers are different than a sitting president inciting a violent overthrow of the government.

ALL should be condemned. THAT is the problem with this country.

Posted 1/13/21 2:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by Hofstra26

He will NEVER get how HE is the problem. Did you see his comments from TX? According to him the impeachment is (of course) a mistake and Pelosi and Schumer are angering the country and causing problems. I guess never mind the fact that this incompetent POS incited a riot and insurrection and then sit back and did NOTHING. I don't know, maybe he is the problem, maybe he is the reason the country is so angry. Ya think? Chat Icon Chat Icon LOL

Trump's Stupid Comments

Thank you for opening my eyes. Your daily anti trump posts have made me change my mind. Thank you.

Fingers crossed your next post can change someone else’s mind with your im right and your wrong and there is no other opinion on here except mine, and that guy who doesn’t chime in until you do first, nasty attitude.

Posted 1/13/21 2:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Hofstra26

He will NEVER get how HE is the problem. Did you see his comments from TX? According to him the impeachment is (of course) a mistake and Pelosi and Schumer are angering the country and causing problems. I guess never mind the fact that this incompetent POS incited a riot and insurrection and then sit back and did NOTHING. I don't know, maybe he is the problem, maybe he is the reason the country is so angry. Ya think? Chat Icon Chat Icon LOL

Trump's Stupid Comments

Thank you for opening my eyes. Your daily anti trump posts have made me change my mind. Thank you.

Fingers crossed your next post can change someone else’s mind with your im right and your wrong and there is no other opinion on here except mine, and that guy who doesn’t chime in until you do first, nasty attitude.

This board is getting to be just the same few people posting over and over the same things. People don't bother coming over here anymore as if they have a difference of opinion they will be cursed at, laughed at and told they are idiots.

Posted 1/13/21 2:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Hofstra26

He will NEVER get how HE is the problem. Did you see his comments from TX? According to him the impeachment is (of course) a mistake and Pelosi and Schumer are angering the country and causing problems. I guess never mind the fact that this incompetent POS incited a riot and insurrection and then sit back and did NOTHING. I don't know, maybe he is the problem, maybe he is the reason the country is so angry. Ya think? Chat Icon Chat Icon LOL

Trump's Stupid Comments

Thank you for opening my eyes. Your daily anti trump posts have made me change my mind. Thank you.

Fingers crossed your next post can change someone else’s mind with your im right and your wrong and there is no other opinion on here except mine, and that guy who doesn’t chime in until you do first, nasty attitude.

This board is getting to be just the same few people posting over and over the same things. People don't bother coming over here anymore as if they have a difference of opinion they will be cursed at, laughed at and told they are idiots.

You are next. Get ready, you are going to have an epiphany with her next post.

Posted 1/13/21 2:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Hofstra26

He will NEVER get how HE is the problem. Did you see his comments from TX? According to him the impeachment is (of course) a mistake and Pelosi and Schumer are angering the country and causing problems. I guess never mind the fact that this incompetent POS incited a riot and insurrection and then sit back and did NOTHING. I don't know, maybe he is the problem, maybe he is the reason the country is so angry. Ya think? Chat Icon Chat Icon LOL

Trump's Stupid Comments

Thank you for opening my eyes. Your daily anti trump posts have made me change my mind. Thank you.

Fingers crossed your next post can change someone else’s mind with your im right and your wrong and there is no other opinion on here except mine, and that guy who doesn’t chime in until you do first, nasty attitude.

This board is getting to be just the same few people posting over and over the same things. People don't bother coming over here anymore as if they have a difference of opinion they will be cursed at, laughed at and told they are idiots.

You are next. Get ready, you are going to have an epiphany with her next post.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/13/21 2:47 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Hofstra26

He will NEVER get how HE is the problem. Did you see his comments from TX? According to him the impeachment is (of course) a mistake and Pelosi and Schumer are angering the country and causing problems. I guess never mind the fact that this incompetent POS incited a riot and insurrection and then sit back and did NOTHING. I don't know, maybe he is the problem, maybe he is the reason the country is so angry. Ya think? Chat Icon Chat Icon LOL

Trump's Stupid Comments

Thank you for opening my eyes. Your daily anti trump posts have made me change my mind. Thank you.

Fingers crossed your next post can change someone else’s mind with your im right and your wrong and there is no other opinion on here except mine, and that guy who doesn’t chime in until you do first, nasty attitude.

This board is getting to be just the same few people posting over and over the same things. People don't bother coming over here anymore as if they have a difference of opinion they will be cursed at, laughed at and told they are idiots.

You are next. Get ready, you are going to have an epiphany with her next post.

I truly feel bad for you and VB, it must be hard living in a different reality from the rest of the world. In light of Trump's treasonous behaviors, his SECOND impeachment and the end of his reign of terror might I suggest you both find a way to separate yourselves from the cult. It will do you both some good.

Posted 1/13/21 2:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Hofstra26

He will NEVER get how HE is the problem. Did you see his comments from TX? According to him the impeachment is (of course) a mistake and Pelosi and Schumer are angering the country and causing problems. I guess never mind the fact that this incompetent POS incited a riot and insurrection and then sit back and did NOTHING. I don't know, maybe he is the problem, maybe he is the reason the country is so angry. Ya think? Chat Icon Chat Icon LOL

Trump's Stupid Comments

Thank you for opening my eyes. Your daily anti trump posts have made me change my mind. Thank you.

Fingers crossed your next post can change someone else’s mind with your im right and your wrong and there is no other opinion on here except mine, and that guy who doesn’t chime in until you do first, nasty attitude.

This board is getting to be just the same few people posting over and over the same things. People don't bother coming over here anymore as if they have a difference of opinion they will be cursed at, laughed at and told they are idiots.

You are next. Get ready, you are going to have an epiphany with her next post.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Don’t laugh. Wait. It’s coming, you will see the light.

Posted 1/13/21 2:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Hofstra26

He will NEVER get how HE is the problem. Did you see his comments from TX? According to him the impeachment is (of course) a mistake and Pelosi and Schumer are angering the country and causing problems. I guess never mind the fact that this incompetent POS incited a riot and insurrection and then sit back and did NOTHING. I don't know, maybe he is the problem, maybe he is the reason the country is so angry. Ya think? Chat Icon Chat Icon LOL

Trump's Stupid Comments

Thank you for opening my eyes. Your daily anti trump posts have made me change my mind. Thank you.

Fingers crossed your next post can change someone else’s mind with your im right and your wrong and there is no other opinion on here except mine, and that guy who doesn’t chime in until you do first, nasty attitude.

This board is getting to be just the same few people posting over and over the same things. People don't bother coming over here anymore as if they have a difference of opinion they will be cursed at, laughed at and told they are idiots.

You are next. Get ready, you are going to have an epiphany with her next post.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Don’t laugh. Wait. It’s coming, you will see the light.

Yes, maybe, possibly because that is how it works. You call someone names and curse at them and then they just change their mind. You need to have more than book smart in life. Common sense gets you much further.

Posted 1/13/21 2:51 PM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Trump is so tone deaf

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Hofstra26

He will NEVER get how HE is the problem. Did you see his comments from TX? According to him the impeachment is (of course) a mistake and Pelosi and Schumer are angering the country and causing problems. I guess never mind the fact that this incompetent POS incited a riot and insurrection and then sit back and did NOTHING. I don't know, maybe he is the problem, maybe he is the reason the country is so angry. Ya think? Chat Icon Chat Icon LOL

Trump's Stupid Comments

Thank you for opening my eyes. Your daily anti trump posts have made me change my mind. Thank you.

Fingers crossed your next post can change someone else’s mind with your im right and your wrong and there is no other opinion on here except mine, and that guy who doesn’t chime in until you do first, nasty attitude.

This board is getting to be just the same few people posting over and over the same things. People don't bother coming over here anymore as if they have a difference of opinion they will be cursed at, laughed at and told they are idiots.

Pot meet kettle? Chat Icon

Posted 1/13/21 2:52 PM
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