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TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

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Twin mommy

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TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

Yes I will admit I lurk on the TTC/pregnancy/parenting boards while DH and I are not ready TTC yet. I have learned A LOT and I thank you ladies so much!!!!

My question is, even though you are not TTC, when you get your period are you the slightest bit disappointed? I mean although we arent ready yet, if it were to happen now it wouldnt be the WORST thing in the world you know what I mean?

Anyone else feel the same?

Posted 7/26/05 10:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

Yes! I always felt like that before TTC. I even felt like that before we were even married! I guess it's our natural maternal instinct :)

Posted 7/26/05 11:18 AM

life is good

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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

I'm not even married yet and I absolutely agree!

Posted 7/26/05 11:21 AM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

Yes, this happens to me! We aren't going to start TTC until early next year but sometimes I am hopeful when AF is a little late that maybe something happened!

Posted 7/26/05 11:52 AM

me and baby #3!

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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

Even when we weren't trying, I would hope for an accident.....

Posted 7/26/05 6:23 PM

i run for bacon

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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

Posted by missus-hbradio

My question is, even though you are not TTC, when you get your period are you the slightest bit disappointed?

I wouldn't call it "disappointed" really, but right now my sister, my SIL and another family member (who shall remain anonymous) are all pregnant. I guess I always imagined my sister and I being pregnant together, having our kids at the same time, so they could grow up together. So.. if an accident were to happen I would be happy, because my child would have 3 cousins their same age.
But the more I think about it,Ray and I have things we want to do before having kids, and I am not physically or mentally ready for kids yet.. which is why I am not disappointed.

Posted 7/26/05 7:26 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

About 3 months ago i really thought i was PG and was scared and nervous. My Dh and i sat down and had a long talk about the "what if"....

It was one of the best talks i have ever had with him. I am much more relaxed and ok with the possiblilty of accidentially becoming PG.

So yes...i think about it actually every month and get little butterflies. Probably because we are planning on on starting soon Chat Icon

Posted 7/26/05 7:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

Chat Icon I'm so happy I'm not the only TTC lurker!!! We are in no way ready to start trying right now so I can't say I get disappointed per se but I do think about it more often and wonder more now what it's like the try and get pregnant.

And a big TY to the ladies on this board. This entire idea has always sort of freaked me out but reading your stories gives me a much better idea of what I'm in for. Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 1:33 PM

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

I had posted about this a little while ago on the newlywed board on LIW. I thought I was the only one! I definitely get a little disappointed each month even though it is my decision to wait a bit before TTC Chat Icon DH has been ready for months and keep saying, "ready to make a baby yet?", like it is that easy Chat Icon Chat Icon
We are going to start TTC in a few months but I definitely get a little sad each month AF comes

Here is the link

Message edited 7/27/2005 2:28:27 PM.

Posted 7/27/05 2:24 PM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

Posted by missus-hbradio

Yes I will admit I lurk on the TTC/pregnancy/parenting boards while DH and I are not ready TTC yet. I have learned A LOT and I thank you ladies so much!!!!

My question is, even though you are not TTC, when you get your period are you the slightest bit disappointed? I mean although we arent ready yet, if it were to happen now it wouldnt be the WORST thing in the world you know what I mean?

Anyone else feel the same?

Wow you must have jumped into my mind when you wrote this! Chat Icon I can totally relate! I think mainly because I am ready to TTC but still waiting for DH to jump on the TTC wagon. What's even funnier is that I'm on BCP and always get a little sad when AF shows almost like I secretly wish they would fail. I'll be coming off them soon (thank god!) and hopefully be really TTC.

Posted 7/27/05 2:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

I felt that way before we started really trying...

Posted 7/27/05 8:29 PM


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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

Posted by Redhead

About 3 months ago i really thought i was PG and was scared and nervous. My Dh and i sat down and had a long talk about the "what if"....

This happened to me too, the month after we got married. I was really freaked out and upset, because I wasn't ready and we were living in a fourth floor walk up and we didn't know when we would be in a house.

I'm starting to freak out a little since we are getting closer to our estimated time of beginning to TTC.

Posted 7/27/05 8:42 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

Posted by MrsProfessor

Posted by Redhead

About 3 months ago i really thought i was PG and was scared and nervous. My Dh and i sat down and had a long talk about the "what if"....

This happened to me too, the month after we got married. I was really freaked out and upset, because I wasn't ready and we were living in a fourth floor walk up and we didn't know when we would be in a house.

I'm starting to freak out a little since we are getting closer to our estimated time of beginning to TTC.


Posted 7/28/05 9:49 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

I thought I was a weirdo for thinking that way. I wouldn't even tell my DH. Before we were TTC, I would get really disappointed every month when AF came. BUt is was weird, cause before we were TTC, we took precautions, but I always had a glimmer of hope and that if it happened it would be okay.

Posted 7/28/05 12:39 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

A few months ago I passed out in the city. It was very scary, and everyone including my doctor thought I was pregnant. I was totally terrified...
Then I had the blood work done, and I found out that I obviously wasnt pregnant. I have to say, I felt sad...
We are not trying, and I am on the pill. But while I waited for the blood work to come back I grew excited about the idea. It's weird!

Posted 7/28/05 1:04 PM

Love green icing!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: TTC lurkers - does this happen to you?

I am a lurker on here and learning alot.

We are not TTC yet.

I have to say I don't get that feeling, but maybe it's because we are not trying. I haven't really even thought about it because a baby is not in the picture yet.

We are getting closer, but there yet.

Posted 7/28/05 11:22 PM

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