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Happy Mommy
Member since 9/06 4074 total posts
Ugh! Puppy food frustration!!!
He's hungry. I know he's hungry. He's trying to compete for our food. He'll eat anything else I give him except his kibble. I have tried mixing it w/ wet food (Innova) and he does not touch it. I've tried mixing it w/ chicken and rice and also boiled egg...he picks out the kibble and throws it on the floor and eats the "good stuff". I have kept the food in his dish for as long as possible (which isn't too long if there is wet or fresh food in it) and let him eat when he's hungry. He'll eat a couple of bites and that's it. He will go so long he'll start to throw up bile. Would a dog hate his food that much? Again, he has no signs/symptoms of illness and was just examined by the vet yesterday. Physically he is healthy. Anyone else just have a picky puppy? If so, did you keep switching foods? I don't want to switch again if there is another suggestion someone can offer.
Posted 7/19/08 8:58 PM |
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Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Ugh! Puppy food frustration!!!
Well if he is getting other "good" stuff then who wants dog food
Rudy was like that. I went through so many expensive food that he wouldn't eat. The only thing he will eat is pedigree. Not the best food but hey he eats it and he's healthy!
Make sure if you are going to change the food you do it slowly mixing it with his old food. Also lay off the "good" human food.
Posted 7/19/08 9:04 PM |
Happy Mommy
Member since 9/06 4074 total posts
Re: Ugh! Puppy food frustration!!!
Well, let me ask you...
We don't give him table scraps, we just have mixed egg and the rice/chicken or wet food in w/ his regular kibble, because otherwise he won't eat at all. Also the rice and chicken was given to him more so when he was on wellness because he had loose stool. Egg we have given to all of our dogs for their coat.
I have only switched him once and did so slowly. He loved the food when we first introduced it.
Should I just do moistened kibble and that's all? He won't eat though.
I'm really trying to stay holistic, but if we have to abandon that just so he eats well so be it. I wish they could give samples before you buy a bag of something to see if they will even eat it. I guess they would lose $ if they did that.
I guess I'm just not used to this. All my other dogs ate like piggies
Message edited 7/19/2008 9:11:57 PM.
Posted 7/19/08 9:10 PM |
But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Ugh! Puppy food frustration!!!
Its definetly boy dogs
My friend has a girl dog you put her food down and its gone in 10 seconds flat. Rudy on the other hand will let his food sit there all day and the next day.
I was worried about it at first but really he get's treats and if he's hungry he eats.
If you are really worried id call the vet. I bet you he eats enough
Posted 7/19/08 9:27 PM |
All you need is love

Member since 8/07 2474 total posts
Name: T
Re: Ugh! Puppy food frustration!!!
how old is the pup?
for now i would just give him his plain dry dog food....he will eat it when he gets hungry and realizes there is nothing else.....i think the more different things you giv e him the pickier he will be.....
Posted 7/20/08 11:29 AM |
Happy Mommy
Member since 9/06 4074 total posts
Re: Ugh! Puppy food frustration!!!
He's 6 months old. We tried to give him plain kibble (un moistened) and when he did eat it, it actually would get stuck because he wasn't chewing it (he's still teething pretty badly). He would choke up globs of whole undigested kibble hours after he ate it. He was checked out by the vet and she recommended to moisten the food. Problem is, if he does not eat it after it's moistened, it's garbage after a while.
We went back to the innova kibble w/ pedigree wet food. He loves it and ate the whole thing. He just does not like the holistic wet foods at all. When he isn't teething so bad, which should be soon, we will give him more crunchy stuff. For now it will have to do.
Posted 7/20/08 2:40 PM |
But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Ugh! Puppy food frustration!!!
Rudy gets no wet food. I heard it's not so great for the teeth. Have you tried to water down the food a little bit (just regular water)
Like I said I spent so much money on expensive food. Rudy wouldn't have it. The only thing he will eat is pedigree. He does eat so thats what we stuck with.
Posted 7/20/08 4:25 PM |
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Member since 11/06 13241 total posts
Name: Betsy
Re: Ugh! Puppy food frustration!!!
Sounds like our little Daisy. She wouldn't eat her puppy food anymore, so we mixed it with adult food when this started to happen at 7-8 months old. Then she got picky and wouldn't eat the adult food and started to throw up when she wouldn't eat.
It was all too much, so we took her to the vet.
The vet mandated we put her on a chicken and rice diet with some meds he gave us to calm her stomach/metabolism down.
He then gave us some ID wet food that is sold by his office to see if that would calm her. She ate that for a few weeks and got sick, so we went back to the chicken and rice. Then, when she seemed okay again, he tried a dry ID dog food with no people food and now she eats fine without much issue.
It's hot, so she's a bit pickier, but she still eats. We give her a timetable to eat by. We give her breakfast when we eat, and she has to finish before we go to work, otherwise, we pick up her dog bowl. Same at dinner. We don't leave her food down, otherwise the dog learns they can eat whenever they want.
Posted 7/20/08 7:53 PM |