
Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Um, yeah, the tipping at our school is getting out of hand
So, I received a flyer from the class mom asking for a contribution for class gifts, with recommended amounts.
She asked for $20 for each teacher for each half session, which equates to $80 for two teachers for Alex because she's a full session everyday. Fine, ok, that's how much I was going to give ANYWAY.
Then, they asked for another $15 per person for early care and late care. Ok, add another $60 to the mix.
THEN, they asked for another $5 per person for the Yoga instructor, Music class teacher, Librarian and Sign language teacher! They aren't even teachers! The school pays them to come to the entire school once a week!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm going to give the money so I'm not perceived as the scrooge mommy of the school, but come on now!
Message edited 11/26/2007 12:25:41 PM.
My love.

Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Um, yeah, the tipping at our school is getting out of hand
I hear you - as the class parent I had to ask the parents for $75 for each student (there was a previous post about this). I have a few sets of twins in the class so that is $150 for those families.
Surprisingly I have only gotten one complaint so far.