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Universal basic income pilot program

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Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Universal basic income pilot program

Just read they are testing this out in upstate NY. I couldnt figure out how to link the article

Message edited 6/22/2021 11:20:56 AM.

Posted 6/22/21 11:19 AM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Universal basic income pilot program

There's a bunch of programs around the country, but here's one article about the one happening in NY.

The county is working with the Center for Guaranteed Income Research at the University of Pennsylvania on a pilot program funded by private donations. One hundred households making less than $46,900 a year in May began receiving a $500 payment each month for a year. Recipients of the money can spend it as they wish, but will be asked to participate in periodic surveys about their physical health, mental health and employment status.

Posted 6/22/21 11:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Universal basic income pilot program

Great idea. I think I posted about this before too.

Posted 6/22/21 11:41 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Private Donations?

Posted 6/22/21 12:18 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by windyweather21

Private Donations?

The article states the pilot program was funded by private donations. What is it that you are questioning about this?

Posted 6/22/21 1:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by windyweather21

Private Donations?

The article states the pilot program was funded by private donations. What is it that you are questioning about this?

Just find that interesting. That would never last to continue a program like that.

Posted 6/22/21 2:09 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by windyweather21

Private Donations?

The article states the pilot program was funded by private donations. What is it that you are questioning about this?

Just find that interesting. That would never last to continue a program like that.

I would think that if it were implemented on a large scale it would be government funded

Posted 6/22/21 3:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by windyweather21

Private Donations?

The article states the pilot program was funded by private donations. What is it that you are questioning about this?

Just find that interesting. That would never last to continue a program like that.

I would think that if it were implemented on a large scale it would be government funded

That’s the goal. They believe many Republican politicians will probably be signing on soon in the Mayor Pilot Program. They happen to represent areas (red ones) where the poverty is the highest.

Posted 6/22/21 3:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by windyweather21

Private Donations?

The article states the pilot program was funded by private donations. What is it that you are questioning about this?

Just find that interesting. That would never last to continue a program like that.

I would think that if it were implemented on a large scale it would be government funded

Probably. More money our kids and their kids and their kids will owe.

Posted 6/22/21 3:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by windyweather21

Private Donations?

The article states the pilot program was funded by private donations. What is it that you are questioning about this?

Just find that interesting. That would never last to continue a program like that.

I would think that if it were implemented on a large scale it would be government funded

Probably. More money our kids and their kids and their kids will owe.

Their goal is have the war budget and military spending decreased and proper taxing of the super wealthy as a pathway to UBI.

To be clear because everyone gets up in arms and thinks taxing the rich means them - Super wealthy meaning the 1%, NOT Karen McKaren who drives a Suburban and lives in Centerport and has a husband who is a lawyer and their income is 600k.

They mean the super wealthy, like Bezos.

Message edited 6/22/2021 3:44:58 PM.

Posted 6/22/21 3:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by BFNY516

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by windyweather21

Private Donations?

The article states the pilot program was funded by private donations. What is it that you are questioning about this?

Just find that interesting. That would never last to continue a program like that.

I would think that if it were implemented on a large scale it would be government funded

Probably. More money our kids and their kids and their kids will owe.

Their goal is have the war budget and military spending decreased and proper taxing of the super wealthy as a pathway to UBI.

To be clear because everyone gets up in arms and thinks taxing the rich means them - Super wealthy meaning the 1%, NOT Karen McKaren who drives a Suburban and lives in Centerport and has a husband who is a lawyer and their income is 600k.

They mean the super wealthy, like Bezos.

I agree with the taxing of the rich but for the military, it depends on what they would cut.

Posted 6/22/21 4:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Universal basic income pilot program

I’m not sure what qualifies, but at that income level do you receive other assistance? Like food stamps? WIC? Free education?

Only asking because I’m not sold on just handing over money with no ‘rules’. We’re skipping over the cause of poverty. Provide free education or job specific training, more help with lowering monthly rent, free childcare, free summer programs for low income children so they are not unsupervised and parents can work, free transportation, etc….things that will help a person get on their feet and give them a sense of pride.

Posted 6/22/21 5:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by LittleDiva

I’m not sure what qualifies, but at that income level do you receive other assistance? Like food stamps? WIC? Free education?

Only asking because I’m not sold on just handing over money with no ‘rules’. We’re skipping over the cause of poverty. Provide free education or job specific training, more help with lowering monthly rent, free childcare, free summer programs for low income children so they are not unsupervised and parents can work, free transportation, etc….things that will help a person get on their feet and give them a sense of pride.

Exactly. Handing out money doesn’t help in the long run. $46,000 is over $20/hour so for many they probably already have a college education. How about lowering taxes in NYS so people can survive. Give them resources that will help them maybe have both parents work so they can get on their feet better.

Posted 6/22/21 6:03 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

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Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by LittleDiva

I’m not sure what qualifies, but at that income level do you receive other assistance? Like food stamps? WIC? Free education?

Only asking because I’m not sold on just handing over money with no ‘rules’. We’re skipping over the cause of poverty. Provide free education or job specific training, more help with lowering monthly rent, free childcare, free summer programs for low income children so they are not unsupervised and parents can work, free transportation, etc….things that will help a person get on their feet and give them a sense of pride.

100% agree. I am totally against giving out money for free. Give people the tools and supports to make their lives better. Handing over money is just a bandaid.

Posted 6/22/21 7:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Universal basic income pilot program

One independent review of a pilot program in California found that at the start, 28 percent of people who got the money had full-time jobs. After one year, 40 percent did.

It’s also improved education, mental health, and decreased addiction and crime.

It think it’s too easy to call extra money a bad idea are not in poverty.

Message edited 6/22/2021 7:52:25 PM.

Posted 6/22/21 7:43 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by BFNY516

One independent review of a pilot program in California found that at the start, 28 percent of people who got the money had full-time jobs. After one year, 40 percent did.

It’s also improved education, mental health, and decreased addiction and crime.

It think it’s too easy to call extra money a bad idea are not in poverty.

It really bothers me when people are always saying well you are not in poverty so you don't understand.

$47,000 is not near the poverty level.

My parents, both worked two jobs growing up. I worked 2 jobs and put myself through college. My first husband worked two jobs. Did we have everything our neighbors did...absolutely not. Was getting pizza once a month a special family treat, yes because we couldn't afford it any more than that. Working hard is not a bad thing. It taught us not to be so materialistic and to strive to do better.

Give people the opportunity to increase their income by providing the supports and services they need. That is what helps in the future, not handouts.

Posted 6/22/21 8:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by KarenK122

Posted by BFNY516

One independent review of a pilot program in California found that at the start, 28 percent of people who got the money had full-time jobs. After one year, 40 percent did.

It’s also improved education, mental health, and decreased addiction and crime.

It think it’s too easy to call extra money a bad idea are not in poverty.

It really bothers me when people are always saying well you are not in poverty so you don't understand.

$47,000 is not near the poverty level.

My parents, both worked two jobs growing up. I worked 2 jobs and put myself through college. My first husband worked two jobs. Did we have everything our neighbors did...absolutely not. Was getting pizza once a month a special family treat, yes because we couldn't afford it any more than that. Working hard is not a bad thing. It taught us not to be so materialistic and to strive to do better.

Give people the opportunity to increase their income by providing the supports and services they need. That is what helps in the future, not handouts.

I don’t think 47k isn’t enough to live on with a family of 4 in most parts of the country, especially if medical/dental coverage isn’t provided... and especially if it’s gross income and not net... there’s also the cost of housing that’s increases greatly.

Food banks on LI are providing so much for people here, it’s something most people don’t even realize. It’s more than just not having pizza once a month.

I think the pilot program is great and I hope it continues and things change.

Message edited 6/22/2021 8:37:55 PM.

Posted 6/22/21 8:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by LittleDiva

We’re skipping over the cause of poverty. Provide free education or job specific training, more help with lowering monthly rent, free childcare, free summer programs for low income children so they are not unsupervised and parents can work, free transportation, etc….things that will help a person get on their feet and give them a sense of pride.

I don't disagree with any of this, but literally all of the things you mentioned are part of progressive platforms that - and I am saying this to not single you out - many frequent posters on this thread rail against. Biden and those to the left of him try to make these things happen all the time and get called the "radical left" - which is absurd, but that's besides the point.

Free education? We had a thread a few months ago that was probably 60/40 against free college. I have to assume that's what you mean because we already have free k-12. But now that's what you want?

Posted 6/23/21 10:23 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by JennP

Posted by LittleDiva

We’re skipping over the cause of poverty. Provide free education or job specific training, more help with lowering monthly rent, free childcare, free summer programs for low income children so they are not unsupervised and parents can work, free transportation, etc….things that will help a person get on their feet and give them a sense of pride.

I don't disagree with any of this, but literally all of the things you mentioned are part of progressive platforms that - and I am saying this to not single you out - many frequent posters on this thread rail against. Biden and those to the left of him try to make these things happen all the time and get called the "radical left" - which is absurd, but that's besides the point.

Free education? We had a thread a few months ago that was probably 60/40 against free college. I have to assume that's what you mean because we already have free k-12. But now that's what you want?

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Posted 6/23/21 11:40 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by JennP

Posted by LittleDiva

We’re skipping over the cause of poverty. Provide free education or job specific training, more help with lowering monthly rent, free childcare, free summer programs for low income children so they are not unsupervised and parents can work, free transportation, etc….things that will help a person get on their feet and give them a sense of pride.

I don't disagree with any of this, but literally all of the things you mentioned are part of progressive platforms that - and I am saying this to not single you out - many frequent posters on this thread rail against. Biden and those to the left of him try to make these things happen all the time and get called the "radical left" - which is absurd, but that's besides the point.

Free education? We had a thread a few months ago that was probably 60/40 against free college. I have to assume that's what you mean because we already have free k-12. But now that's what you want?

Free trade schools. Free community college (maybe with some scholarship to continue on if you maintain a certain gpa).

Posted 6/23/21 4:22 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/14

441 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by LittleDiva

We’re skipping over the cause of poverty. Provide free education or job specific training, more help with lowering monthly rent, free childcare, free summer programs for low income children so they are not unsupervised and parents can work, free transportation, etc….things that will help a person get on their feet and give them a sense of pride.

Free trade schools. Free community college (maybe with some scholarship to continue on if you maintain a certain gpa).

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Posted 6/23/21 7:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Universal basic income pilot program

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by JennP

Posted by LittleDiva

We’re skipping over the cause of poverty. Provide free education or job specific training, more help with lowering monthly rent, free childcare, free summer programs for low income children so they are not unsupervised and parents can work, free transportation, etc….things that will help a person get on their feet and give them a sense of pride.

I don't disagree with any of this, but literally all of the things you mentioned are part of progressive platforms that - and I am saying this to not single you out - many frequent posters on this thread rail against. Biden and those to the left of him try to make these things happen all the time and get called the "radical left" - which is absurd, but that's besides the point.

Free education? We had a thread a few months ago that was probably 60/40 against free college. I have to assume that's what you mean because we already have free k-12. But now that's what you want?

Free trade schools. Free community college (maybe with some scholarship to continue on if you maintain a certain gpa).

So only trade schools? And free community college is great, but an associate's degree is generally not enough on its own.

It's just so frustrating, the culture we have built among many of our citizens. There is SO much resistance to helping our own. All we have to do is implement the slightest tax increase on the megawealthy - as in, maybe they buy a slightly smaller yacht - and we could solve so many problems. Student loan debt, medical debt, children in poverty... it's downright immoral.

Posted 6/24/21 12:01 PM

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