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Unmask the children rally

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My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Pomegranate5

Why would young children need to wear masks outdoors at camp this year when they didn't last year and we had no spikes or outbreaks? Our numbers remained at an all time low throughout the entire summer camp season.

And daycares have NEVER had a problem.

Anyone who doesn't see this for the vaccine power play that it is, is either truly blind or just plain stupid.

Every time I start to entertain the idea of getting myself vaccinated Cuomo pulls a stunt like this that makes me take ten steps backwards.

He is dead set on being the first fully vaccinated state. That’s his end goal. And we have to rally together to protect our children.

Oh he has literally said that’s his goal.

Message edited 5/20/2021 2:57:24 PM.

Posted 5/20/21 2:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by ali120206

Posted by Sash

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by ali120206

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by Sash

Posted by Katareen

Posted by Sash

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by MyBabyG

Posted by Katareen

Where are they mandating masks in daycare? I pick up my niece 2x a week (she’s almost 3) and the kids are only masked at parent request.

Our district also hasn’t required masks for kids outdoors all year. I doubt they’d start now.

The day care thing- It is on the Nys website and also there are several news articles pertaining to it. I don’t know how to post links but if you google it , it comes up. He announced it on the 19th.

This guy is some piece of work ! There are states that the governors are looking to drop the masks for kids in schools and this one is making 3 year olds mask up for multiple hours a day, When they never had to before . These day care teachers have all to do to keeps socks and shoes on kids.... now they have to worry about mask placement also? GTFOH!

Wait, what????
Why all of a sudden now? When we are at an all time low with numbers? When this is almost all over? When the world is opening up at a rapid pace? Why is he masking babies now? Not a year ago?
Where is the common sense in that?
Oh wait, this is NY, there is no common sense, that's right.
I feel like it's time to start rising up. This will continue as long as we continue to comply. Who is fighting for our children?

The only logic behind this, is to force parents or rather bully them into vaccinating their kids. And I will throat punch anyone who says this is about science.

But the vaccine won’t even be available for kids over the summer. Most kids that go to camp are under 12.

I am sure the age requirement for the vaccine will be lowered before the summer is over or at best at the end of the summer, hence the timing of masking younger kids. It’s obvious there’s an agenda. If you have to have your kids masked for the summer then all of a sudden they can get vaccinated to not wear one, parents can be more persuaded to go vaccinate their kids to “move on or be normal” again.

U’re spot on Sash! This is exactly what they have been doing with adults, and this is exactly what they’ll be doing with children. All this is in preparation for vaccinating children. Persuasion and coercion are great tools for forcing people to do something they don’t want to do.

I agree. It's totally to convince people to vaccinate their kids. It's been the agenda all along.

The camp protocols that came out are stricter than they were last year! It's insane!!! So glad I didn't drop my son's camp forms off yet...

Why the push to vaccinate children when more children die of the flu than Covid???

I honestly I think it’s selfishness.. because it’s harder to mandate for adult faculty and staff. Feeding off the desperation of parents who want their kids to do normal activities or I don’t know maybe go back to school and have an education. It’s easier to push it this way. Nursing students are even fighting back, colleges can’t mandate their faculty but students have to get vaccinated, see the pattern.

I wonder if there is also a kickback from big pharma to push this?

I'm just not ready to give it to my kids, I don't judge those who are, but I'm not there yet. DH was really sick after he got it, I didn't feel that bad but not great.

Exactly. I have friends who are patiently waiting for the age to be lowered. I respect their opinion but I’m not ready for my kids yet for a bunch of reasons that I’ve mentioned on previous threads.

I want my daughter to make it through puberty first before even entertaining the thought of giving her a vaccine that has been messing with women's menstrual cycles....for a virus that has a miniscule chance of even affecting her at this age.
Disturbing and scary

Message edited 5/20/2021 2:57:30 PM.

Posted 5/20/21 2:55 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by

Why would young children need to wear masks outdoors at camp this year when they didn't last year and we had no spikes or outbreaks? Our numbers remained at an all time low throughout the entire summer camp season.

And daycares have NEVER had a problem.

Anyone who doesn't see this for the vaccine power play that it is, is either truly blind or just plain stupid.

Every time I start to entertain the idea of getting myself vaccinated Cuomo pulls a stunt like this that makes me take ten steps backwards.


Oh he has literally said that’s his goal.
He is dead set on being the first fully vaccinated state. That’s his end goal. And we have to rally together to protect our children.

* The quoting feature is messed up. No surprise.

That's his goal? Ha ha ha ha....that's even more incentive for me to NOT get this vaccine.
We need to vote this asshole out of office

Message edited 5/20/2021 2:58:47 PM.

Posted 5/20/21 2:57 PM

My two boys!

Member since 5/05

7279 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by ali120206

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by Sash

Posted by Katareen

Posted by Sash

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by MyBabyG

Posted by Katareen

Where are they mandating masks in daycare? I pick up my niece 2x a week (she’s almost 3) and the kids are only masked at parent request.

Our district also hasn’t required masks for kids outdoors all year. I doubt they’d start now.

The day care thing- It is on the Nys website and also there are several news articles pertaining to it. I don’t know how to post links but if you google it , it comes up. He announced it on the 19th.

This guy is some piece of work ! There are states that the governors are looking to drop the masks for kids in schools and this one is making 3 year olds mask up for multiple hours a day, When they never had to before . These day care teachers have all to do to keeps socks and shoes on kids.... now they have to worry about mask placement also? GTFOH!

Wait, what????
Why all of a sudden now? When we are at an all time low with numbers? When this is almost all over? When the world is opening up at a rapid pace? Why is he masking babies now? Not a year ago?
Where is the common sense in that?
Oh wait, this is NY, there is no common sense, that's right.
I feel like it's time to start rising up. This will continue as long as we continue to comply. Who is fighting for our children?

The only logic behind this, is to force parents or rather bully them into vaccinating their kids. And I will throat punch anyone who says this is about science.

But the vaccine won’t even be available for kids over the summer. Most kids that go to camp are under 12.

I am sure the age requirement for the vaccine will be lowered before the summer is over or at best at the end of the summer, hence the timing of masking younger kids. It’s obvious there’s an agenda. If you have to have your kids masked for the summer then all of a sudden they can get vaccinated to not wear one, parents can be more persuaded to go vaccinate their kids to “move on or be normal” again.

U’re spot on Sash! This is exactly what they have been doing with adults, and this is exactly what they’ll be doing with children. All this is in preparation for vaccinating children. Persuasion and coercion are great tools for forcing people to do something they don’t want to do.

I agree. It's totally to convince people to vaccinate their kids. It's been the agenda all along.

The camp protocols that came out are stricter than they were last year! It's insane!!! So glad I didn't drop my son's camp forms off yet...

I’m relieved I didn’t send payment yet for their camps!

I have emails in to see if this applies to their sports way are they playing a sport like soccer in July with a mask on!

Read the guidelines - they have permission to remove their masks during physical activity if they can't tolerate them.

Posted 5/20/21 3:08 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by charon54

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by ali120206

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by Sash

Posted by Katareen

Posted by Sash

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by MyBabyG

Posted by Katareen

Where are they mandating masks in daycare? I pick up my niece 2x a week (she’s almost 3) and the kids are only masked at parent request.

Our district also hasn’t required masks for kids outdoors all year. I doubt they’d start now.

The day care thing- It is on the Nys website and also there are several news articles pertaining to it. I don’t know how to post links but if you google it , it comes up. He announced it on the 19th.

This guy is some piece of work ! There are states that the governors are looking to drop the masks for kids in schools and this one is making 3 year olds mask up for multiple hours a day, When they never had to before . These day care teachers have all to do to keeps socks and shoes on kids.... now they have to worry about mask placement also? GTFOH!

Wait, what????
Why all of a sudden now? When we are at an all time low with numbers? When this is almost all over? When the world is opening up at a rapid pace? Why is he masking babies now? Not a year ago?
Where is the common sense in that?
Oh wait, this is NY, there is no common sense, that's right.
I feel like it's time to start rising up. This will continue as long as we continue to comply. Who is fighting for our children?

The only logic behind this, is to force parents or rather bully them into vaccinating their kids. And I will throat punch anyone who says this is about science.

But the vaccine won’t even be available for kids over the summer. Most kids that go to camp are under 12.

I am sure the age requirement for the vaccine will be lowered before the summer is over or at best at the end of the summer, hence the timing of masking younger kids. It’s obvious there’s an agenda. If you have to have your kids masked for the summer then all of a sudden they can get vaccinated to not wear one, parents can be more persuaded to go vaccinate their kids to “move on or be normal” again.

U’re spot on Sash! This is exactly what they have been doing with adults, and this is exactly what they’ll be doing with children. All this is in preparation for vaccinating children. Persuasion and coercion are great tools for forcing people to do something they don’t want to do.

I agree. It's totally to convince people to vaccinate their kids. It's been the agenda all along.

The camp protocols that came out are stricter than they were last year! It's insane!!! So glad I didn't drop my son's camp forms off yet...

I’m relieved I didn’t send payment yet for their camps!

I have emails in to see if this applies to their sports way are they playing a sport like soccer in July with a mask on!

Read the guidelines - they have permission to remove their masks during physical activity if they can't tolerate them.

Then there's the out...everyone tell their kids to say they can't tolerate the mask.
All camp owners should allow kids to be maskless and if questioned say they couldn't tolerate the mask.
The only way to fight nonsense is with lies and more nonsense it seems

Posted 5/20/21 3:11 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17795 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by charon54

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by ali120206

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by Sash

Posted by Katareen

Posted by Sash

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by MyBabyG

Posted by Katareen

Where are they mandating masks in daycare? I pick up my niece 2x a week (she’s almost 3) and the kids are only masked at parent request.

Our district also hasn’t required masks for kids outdoors all year. I doubt they’d start now.

The day care thing- It is on the Nys website and also there are several news articles pertaining to it. I don’t know how to post links but if you google it , it comes up. He announced it on the 19th.

This guy is some piece of work ! There are states that the governors are looking to drop the masks for kids in schools and this one is making 3 year olds mask up for multiple hours a day, When they never had to before . These day care teachers have all to do to keeps socks and shoes on kids.... now they have to worry about mask placement also? GTFOH!

Wait, what????
Why all of a sudden now? When we are at an all time low with numbers? When this is almost all over? When the world is opening up at a rapid pace? Why is he masking babies now? Not a year ago?
Where is the common sense in that?
Oh wait, this is NY, there is no common sense, that's right.
I feel like it's time to start rising up. This will continue as long as we continue to comply. Who is fighting for our children?

The only logic behind this, is to force parents or rather bully them into vaccinating their kids. And I will throat punch anyone who says this is about science.

But the vaccine won’t even be available for kids over the summer. Most kids that go to camp are under 12.

I am sure the age requirement for the vaccine will be lowered before the summer is over or at best at the end of the summer, hence the timing of masking younger kids. It’s obvious there’s an agenda. If you have to have your kids masked for the summer then all of a sudden they can get vaccinated to not wear one, parents can be more persuaded to go vaccinate their kids to “move on or be normal” again.

U’re spot on Sash! This is exactly what they have been doing with adults, and this is exactly what they’ll be doing with children. All this is in preparation for vaccinating children. Persuasion and coercion are great tools for forcing people to do something they don’t want to do.

I agree. It's totally to convince people to vaccinate their kids. It's been the agenda all along.

The camp protocols that came out are stricter than they were last year! It's insane!!! So glad I didn't drop my son's camp forms off yet...

I’m relieved I didn’t send payment yet for their camps!

I have emails in to see if this applies to their sports way are they playing a sport like soccer in July with a mask on!

Read the guidelines - they have permission to remove their masks during physical activity if they can't tolerate them.

Then there's the out...everyone tell their kids to say they can't tolerate the mask.
All camp owners should allow kids to be maskless and if questioned say they couldn't tolerate the mask.
The only way to fight nonsense is with lies and more nonsense it seems

I thought kids were allowed to take their masks off at school whenver they wanted for breaks too and they can't - so I think "tolerated" will go by the wayside.

My younger son is going to a daycare camp - I understand wearing masks on trips outside of camp but I'm not paying for him to sit and be masked while playing outside at the daycare.

Last summer wasn't this strict and nobody was vaccinated. WTF is he thinking now? Nobody has accused him of anything in awhile I guess...

Message edited 5/20/2021 3:31:40 PM.

Posted 5/20/21 3:30 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

7624 total posts

Momma <3

Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by ali120206

I thought kids were allowed to take their masks off at school whenever they wanted for breaks too and they can't - so I think "tolerated" will go by the wayside.

My younger son is going to a daycare camp - I understand wearing masks on trips outside of camp but I'm not paying for him to sit and be masked while playing outside at the daycare.

Last summer wasn't this strict and nobody was vaccinated. WTF is he thinking now? Nobody has accused him of anything in awhile I guess...

The new rules make no sense and I've been pretty nutty about Covid this entire time. Less so now that DH and I are vaccinated.

My DS' district does not require masks while socially distanced and/or playing outside. While a few classes have had to quarantine, no one has contracted Covid in school following these protocols.

Posted 5/20/21 3:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

3101 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by PitterPatter11

Posted by ali120206

I thought kids were allowed to take their masks off at school whenever they wanted for breaks too and they can't - so I think "tolerated" will go by the wayside.

My younger son is going to a daycare camp - I understand wearing masks on trips outside of camp but I'm not paying for him to sit and be masked while playing outside at the daycare.

Last summer wasn't this strict and nobody was vaccinated. WTF is he thinking now? Nobody has accused him of anything in awhile I guess...

The new rules make no sense and I've been pretty nutty about Covid this entire time. Less so now that DH and I are vaccinated.

My DS' district does not require masks while socially distanced and/or playing outside. While a few classes have had to quarantine, no one has contracted Covid in school following these protocols.

Agree with this. Except I don't think you've been "nutty." The long term effects of covid in kids is largely unknown. But you're right--this doesn't seem to make sense.

Posted 5/20/21 3:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by charon54

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by ali120206

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by Sash

Posted by Katareen

Posted by Sash

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by MyBabyG

Posted by Katareen

Where are they mandating masks in daycare? I pick up my niece 2x a week (she’s almost 3) and the kids are only masked at parent request.

Our district also hasn’t required masks for kids outdoors all year. I doubt they’d start now.

The day care thing- It is on the Nys website and also there are several news articles pertaining to it. I don’t know how to post links but if you google it , it comes up. He announced it on the 19th.

This guy is some piece of work ! There are states that the governors are looking to drop the masks for kids in schools and this one is making 3 year olds mask up for multiple hours a day, When they never had to before . These day care teachers have all to do to keeps socks and shoes on kids.... now they have to worry about mask placement also? GTFOH!

Wait, what????
Why all of a sudden now? When we are at an all time low with numbers? When this is almost all over? When the world is opening up at a rapid pace? Why is he masking babies now? Not a year ago?
Where is the common sense in that?
Oh wait, this is NY, there is no common sense, that's right.
I feel like it's time to start rising up. This will continue as long as we continue to comply. Who is fighting for our children?

The only logic behind this, is to force parents or rather bully them into vaccinating their kids. And I will throat punch anyone who says this is about science.

But the vaccine won’t even be available for kids over the summer. Most kids that go to camp are under 12.

I am sure the age requirement for the vaccine will be lowered before the summer is over or at best at the end of the summer, hence the timing of masking younger kids. It’s obvious there’s an agenda. If you have to have your kids masked for the summer then all of a sudden they can get vaccinated to not wear one, parents can be more persuaded to go vaccinate their kids to “move on or be normal” again.

U’re spot on Sash! This is exactly what they have been doing with adults, and this is exactly what they’ll be doing with children. All this is in preparation for vaccinating children. Persuasion and coercion are great tools for forcing people to do something they don’t want to do.

I agree. It's totally to convince people to vaccinate their kids. It's been the agenda all along.

The camp protocols that came out are stricter than they were last year! It's insane!!! So glad I didn't drop my son's camp forms off yet...

I’m relieved I didn’t send payment yet for their camps!

I have emails in to see if this applies to their sports way are they playing a sport like soccer in July with a mask on!

Read the guidelines - they have permission to remove their masks during physical activity if they can't tolerate them.

Yes, I’m just curious how closely they will follow this. I want to speak to the directors and make sure they aren’t going to be strict and have them in a mask while they are standing learning new techniques, etc...

Posted 5/20/21 3:58 PM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

i do have to say its dumb they are now changing the rules if it wasnt a rule already!!!

I will not attend any rally though cause i really dont have time. In the long run though what can they Steve Ballone do nothing its coming from the state. I hear its better for people to contact Cuomo's office with fax email and phone numbers the more that do it the better

i made a post in other chat not seeing this (my page was opened already on my phone so i guess it didnt refresh) about how i did join the unmask our children group because I am ready for my kids to not have to wear masks anymore but my god the majority of the post is just about them bitchinggg that stores are still making them wear masks. so I find it very unhelpful but I do hope by September they wont have to for school I'm not counting on it for this year.

my school is getting rid of barriers starting I think next week

Message edited 5/20/2021 4:08:29 PM.

Posted 5/20/21 4:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/12

1461 total posts


Unmask the children rally

The numbers yesterday was .85% and these poor kids have to wear masks...makes zero sense.

Posted 5/20/21 4:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

1497 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

I’m absolutely sick about this. My 2.5 year old has been in daycare for the past year without a mask. Now she has to start wearing one when covid cases are at an all time low???? The teachers are all vaccinated and furious about this as well. Why are we going backwards with regulations and not forward??

Posted 5/20/21 4:34 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Unmask the children rally

I must be in the minority. I’m all for kids wearing masks. Not 2-3 year olds but school age.

But then again, I’ve had entire groups of kids absent for a week because they all got strep. My perspective is different.

ETA: I don’t want my children vaccinated yet either.

Message edited 5/20/2021 4:53:22 PM.

Posted 5/20/21 4:52 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Unmask the children rally

Cuomo is using this as a scare tactic to get everyone vaccinated. It is shady and dirty. Last summer, special education schools (all ages), camps and daycares were mask optional. Now we are at an all time low and he is mandating them this year. It is has been proven multiple times over that children are not the ones who suffer from this virus. If they get sick the usually get mild symptoms.

Kids are hot, kids are fainting, kids are coming home off the bus sweating and red in the face because of the masks. I was all about mask compliance in the beginning but this is ridiculous. There is no reason why they are wearing masks outdoors. There is no reason to wear masks if they are sitting socially distanced. There is no reason to keep special needs kids in masks and cohorts which is denying them parts of their therapies and education. It is criminal.

So long answer short, I will be at the protest.

Posted 5/20/21 5:04 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by MissJones

I must be in the minority. I’m all for kids wearing masks. Not 2-3 year olds but school age.

But then again, I’ve had entire groups of kids absent for a week because they all got strep. My perspective is different.

ETA: I don’t want my children vaccinated yet either.

Your child is free to wear a mask for the rest of their life tp avoid strep throat or whatever....but it should not be mandatory for all children.
That's insanity.

This will only end when we stop complying

Posted 5/20/21 5:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by MissJones

I must be in the minority. I’m all for kids wearing masks. Not 2-3 year olds but school age.

But then again, I’ve had entire groups of kids absent for a week because they all got strep. My perspective is different.

ETA: I don’t want my children vaccinated yet either.

Your child is free to wear a mask for the rest of their life tp avoid strep throat or whatever....but it should not be mandatory for all children.
That's insanity.

This will only end when we stop complying

Exactly and kids are the last ones to get this virus and he is still making them be tortured.

Posted 5/20/21 5:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7274 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by PitterPatter11

Posted by ali120206

I thought kids were allowed to take their masks off at school whenever they wanted for breaks too and they can't - so I think "tolerated" will go by the wayside.

My younger son is going to a daycare camp - I understand wearing masks on trips outside of camp but I'm not paying for him to sit and be masked while playing outside at the daycare.

Last summer wasn't this strict and nobody was vaccinated. WTF is he thinking now? Nobody has accused him of anything in awhile I guess...

The new rules make no sense and I've been pretty nutty about Covid this entire time. Less so now that DH and I are vaccinated.

My DS' district does not require masks while socially distanced and/or playing outside. While a few classes have had to quarantine, no one has contracted Covid in school following these protocols.

I agree with this. My district requires masks at all times, including during lunch and on the playground. They pull down to take a bite/sip and pull back up. Her camp will be requiring the same.

She’s still been quarantined 4 times so I have no idea what the hell difference it makes.

I am completely in favor of masks indoors and will vaccinate DD when she is eligible and I’ve reviewed the data. But masks outside is nonsensical. I’m worried about camp because there is a push to both keep them outside as much as possible and have them masked 100% of the time. That’s not a good combo in 90 degree weather. All of the camps up here are the same so another camp isn’t an option.

Posted 5/20/21 6:50 PM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

7364 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

No. Kids should have been masked all along. They are unvaccinated. I see it as the state correcting a mistake.

Posted 5/20/21 7:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

929 total posts


Unmask the children rally

I didn't read through the whole thread but I find it crazy all of a sudden that the children in daycares are now required to wear masks. I have been to multiple facilities since September and there have been no incidents or school closing to quarantine through the whole peak of the Covid season now all of a sudden they are requiring these young kids to wear masks. Seems pretty suspicious to me.

Message edited 5/20/2021 7:33:08 PM.

Posted 5/20/21 7:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

929 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by MissJones

I must be in the minority. I’m all for kids wearing masks. Not 2-3 year olds but school age.

But then again, I’ve had entire groups of kids absent for a week because they all got strep. My perspective is different.

ETA: I don’t want my children vaccinated yet either.

Your child is free to wear a mask for the rest of their life tp avoid strep throat or whatever....but it should not be mandatory for all children.
That's insanity.

This will only end when we stop complying

Totally agree with you!!!
and whats wrong with kids getting sick. Strep, pink eye, stomach virus etc... Have been around forever. If you notice the older your kids get the less they get these things because they build up their own natural immunity. Let the kids get sick its actually good for them.

Just another question where has the Lice gone???
Chat Icon

Message edited 5/20/2021 7:38:38 PM.

Posted 5/20/21 7:37 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17795 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by 3girls1dog

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by MissJones

I must be in the minority. I’m all for kids wearing masks. Not 2-3 year olds but school age.

But then again, I’ve had entire groups of kids absent for a week because they all got strep. My perspective is different.

ETA: I don’t want my children vaccinated yet either.

Your child is free to wear a mask for the rest of their life tp avoid strep throat or whatever....but it should not be mandatory for all children.
That's insanity.

This will only end when we stop complying

Totally agree with you!!!
and whats wrong with kids getting sick. Strep, pink eye, stomach virus etc... Have been around forever. If you notice the older your kids get the less they get these things because they build up their own natural immunity. Let the kids get sick its actually good for them.

Just another question where has the Lice gone???
Chat Icon

I guess social distancing is good for lice lol.

I know - my son even had the chicken pox as an infant. I feel that gave his immune system a boost as he was seldomly ill after that (compared to his brother and friends).

Posted 5/20/21 7:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/13

1101 total posts


Unmask the children rally

My son is going to a big camp on the North Shore and they said that they reviewed the regulations and it should be similar to last summer. Masks only on the bus, inside, crowded situations. Kids won’t have to wear them outside. I’m all for masks in school and my son will get the vaccine but I was hoping for no masks outside at camp.

Posted 5/20/21 7:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by 3girls1dog

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by MissJones

I must be in the minority. I’m all for kids wearing masks. Not 2-3 year olds but school age.

But then again, I’ve had entire groups of kids absent for a week because they all got strep. My perspective is different.

ETA: I don’t want my children vaccinated yet either.

Your child is free to wear a mask for the rest of their life tp avoid strep throat or whatever....but it should not be mandatory for all children.
That's insanity.

This will only end when we stop complying

Totally agree with you!!!
and whats wrong with kids getting sick. Strep, pink eye, stomach virus etc... Have been around forever. If you notice the older your kids get the less they get these things because they build up their own natural immunity. Let the kids get sick its actually good for them.

Just another question where has the Lice gone???
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Exactly as kids either get sick the first year of daycare or kindergarten. We all need to be sick or we won’t have a immune system built up.

Posted 5/20/21 7:48 PM

Love my boys!!

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Re: Unmask the children rally

Posted by SLPRunner

My son is going to a big camp on the North Shore and they said that they reviewed the regulations and it should be similar to last summer. Masks only on the bus, inside, crowded situations. Kids won’t have to wear them outside. I’m all for masks in school and my son will get the vaccine but I was hoping for no masks outside at camp.

In Nassau? Sounds similar to where 2 of my kids are going. Wonder if it's the same camp!

Posted 5/20/21 8:00 PM


Member since 2/09

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Unmask the children rally

At what daycare are they mandating this? I have been taking kids to daycare during all school breaks and they did not have to wear them

Posted 5/20/21 9:13 PM
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