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UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

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Thankful for our miracles!

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UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

UPDATE: My dr just called to tell me my estrodial only went from 771 yesterday morning to 780 this morning. So he is letting me take meds for 1 more night at 1 dial up on the pen and seeing what's what tomorrow. If my estrodial doesn't skyrocket when they take it tomorrow then I'll be triggering tomorrow night I'd guess. He still sounds concerned about OHSS though... I hear from what he's saying and the tone in his voice that if my estrodial skyrockets that my IUI will be cancelled. This is so frustrating...

DH and I just got back. I went in and got bloodwork then off to the drs for my sono. Now I have 44 follicles in my RIGHT ovary and a bunch more in my left Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon And my lining is 10.
My dr said I'm almost positively going to hyperstimulate. Chat Icon He said I have too many 'mid-range' follicles that aren't maturing, they're just kind of hanging out.
He said IF i were doing IVF the # of follicles would be tremendous but it's not good for IUI. So now based off of my estrodial results which I should get this afternoon will determine if I trigger tonight or wait another day to let them grow more and trigger tomorrow.
He said they do 2 readings and average them out so right now I have 2 or 3 (I forget which # he said) that are 17mm.
I'm so emotionally drained right now.
I left his office and got teary eyed while talking to the receptionist about what time my appointment will be tomorrow.. she saw me and looked like she wanted to hug me Chat Icon
Then I got in the car and just lost it. DH didn't know what to do w/ me. He just hugged me and told me it would be ok and that we'd figure it out. I don't even know why I'm upset- it's not like he said we're canceling my cycle or anything... i'm blaming it on the hormones Chat Icon
DH took me out to breakfast and i barely ate. Then we went to the cemetary per my request b/c I wanted to visit my grandma's grave. She died when I was young and was my favorite person who ever lived. I've always been close w/ her and always found peace at her grave. I sat there and cried hysterically for about an hour. DH just sat next to me on the grass and held me, and in the end I feel a little better, but not too much. Chat Icon Please keep me in your thoughts- this is going to be a rough couple of days (if not weeks) if I suffer from OHSS like he's expecting that I will...

ETA: We went to barnes & noble after breakfast near the Smithaven Mall and I looked at books on IVF. I couldn't find where they were and a lady asked if she could help me and I told her I was looking for the infertility section. FIRST she took me to the pregnancy section, which isn't exactly what I needed this morning, and surprise surprise, they weren't there... THEN she took me to diet and fitness and they weren't there--- we turned the corner and she found them. They were under DISEASE- with prostate cancer and endometriosis! Chat Icon Infertility is a disease? Chat Icon Not to my knowledge... even the woman was mortified and apologized and told her manager immediately that they'd have to change that.

Message edited 4/23/2008 4:29:39 PM.

Posted 4/23/08 1:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

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Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

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Posted 4/23/08 1:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

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Posted 4/23/08 2:01 PM

Two under two!

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Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

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Posted 4/23/08 2:01 PM


Member since 5/07

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Twin mommy

Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

Oh Shannon I'm so sorry. I've been there and it s*cks. I feel like they should switch up your dosage next time (if there is a next time Chat Icon ) - start you out much lower.

ETA - the fact that your estradiol was jumping up that much should indicate to them that you are making too many follies. I know its trial and error so maybe next time (again, if there is one) they can play with it a little bit.

Message edited 4/23/2008 2:16:16 PM.

Posted 4/23/08 2:14 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

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Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

oh my goodness that's a lot to go through in one day. i hope everything works out Chat Icon

and i am so mad for you about the IVF books being in the "disease" section Chat Icon that is beyond ridiculous. way to make a woman feel even worse. i am glad the clerk said she would do something about that.

Posted 4/23/08 2:21 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

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Posted 4/23/08 2:25 PM

Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

Yes, IF is considered a disease....

They are going to go ahead with an IUI with that many follicles??

Posted 4/23/08 2:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/07

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Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

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Posted 4/23/08 2:33 PM


Member since 1/08

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Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

I'm so sorry you had a s*cky day.

I'm praying everything works out for youChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/08 2:39 PM

Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07

7254 total posts


Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

Posted by LisaW
They are going to go ahead with an IUI with that many follicles??

He said unless my estrodial is out of control that we'll plan to go thru w/ it. There arent' that many mature follicles- and they are the only ones that will actually release when I trigger....

Message edited 4/23/2008 2:42:26 PM.

Posted 4/23/08 2:41 PM

Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05

13199 total posts

Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

Posted by MrsMessina

Posted by LisaW
They are going to go ahead with an IUI with that many follicles??

He said unless my estrodial is out of control that we'll plan to go thru w/ it. There arent' that many mature follicles- and they are the only ones that will actually release when I trigger....

ah ok, I missed that part

start drinking that gatorade and good luck Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/08 2:43 PM

Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07

7254 total posts


Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

Posted by LisaW

Posted by MrsMessina

Posted by LisaW
They are going to go ahead with an IUI with that many follicles??

He said unless my estrodial is out of control that we'll plan to go thru w/ it. There arent' that many mature follicles- and they are the only ones that will actually release when I trigger....

ah ok, I missed that part

start drinking that gatorade and good luck Chat Icon

LOL- thanks. Chat Icon You just gave me a good laugh--- I'll end up w/ 25 babies!!! Chat Icon I needed that.... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/08 2:45 PM


Member since 2/08

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Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

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Posted 4/23/08 3:03 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

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I hope they can find the right dosage for you so you don't hyperstim again.
Well, hopefully you won't need a next time!

Posted 4/23/08 3:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/07

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Re: Today's Dr update (Wed)

Oh noChat Icon
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/08 3:23 PM

Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07

7254 total posts


Re: UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

bump w/ update

Posted 4/23/08 4:30 PM

Onward and Upward!

Member since 2/08

3210 total posts


Re: UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

I am so sorry you are going through this. I know this might be far fetched but could you convert this cycle to IVF? I have read that sometimes in cases like yours, that can be done. Hang in there!

Posted 4/23/08 4:33 PM

Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07

7254 total posts


Re: UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

Posted by babyfaith

I am so sorry you are going through this. I know this might be far fetched but could you convert this cycle to IVF? I have read that sometimes in cases like yours, that can be done. Hang in there!

It's funny you said this- b/c it's all that I've been thinking about all day. I don't have IVF benefits but I do have IUI coverage... and from the book I was reading when I was at B&N this morning- the basic IVF protocol that they showed was the SAME as my IUI protocol this round... I know IVF protocols are different for everyone but mine sounds a lot like what some of the girls are doing on here for their IVF protocols.
I don't think my dr would go for it--- because even when he mentioned that it would be perfect for IVF- he didn't ask me if I'd consider changing it to IVF.
I am planning on asking him about it tomorrow well as how much he thinks (approx) it would cost me out of pocket since my insurance coverage won't cover the IVF egg retrieval. I also don't know if they'll cover the anstesia (sp) even though they would for a medical procedure--- since it's attached w/ the IVF. I'm so lost.....
Anyone have any insight? TIA!

Posted 4/23/08 4:40 PM

My golden boys!

Member since 3/06

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Re: UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

I'll keep my fingers cross that your estradiol is not out of control! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/08 4:43 PM

Onward and Upward!

Member since 2/08

3210 total posts


Re: UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

Posted by MrsMessina

Posted by babyfaith

I am so sorry you are going through this. I know this might be far fetched but could you convert this cycle to IVF? I have read that sometimes in cases like yours, that can be done. Hang in there!

It's funny you said this- b/c it's all that I've been thinking about all day. I don't have IVF benefits but I do have IUI coverage... and from the book I was reading when I was at B&N this morning- the basic IVF protocol that they showed was the SAME as my IUI protocol this round... I know IVF protocols are different for everyone but mine sounds a lot like what some of the girls are doing on here for their IVF protocols.
I don't think my dr would go for it--- because even when he mentioned that it would be perfect for IVF- he didn't ask me if I'd consider changing it to IVF.
I am planning on asking him about it tomorrow well as how much he thinks (approx) it would cost me out of pocket since my insurance coverage won't cover the IVF egg retrieval. I also don't know if they'll cover the anstesia (sp) even though they would for a medical procedure--- since it's attached w/ the IVF. I'm so lost.....
Anyone have any insight? TIA!

I would def. talk to your RE tomorrow about this as an option and take it from there. I am sure this has been a tough day. Hang in there. Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/08 4:44 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

I think I know your Dr and before you do IVF and pay out of pocket I would definitely look at their stats. From what I know IVF is ALL about the embryologist and not sure who they use there

Posted 4/23/08 4:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/07

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Re: UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

Hoping it works out in one way o another and this will be your last!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/08 5:33 PM

My 3 wishes

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Re: UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ....I am so sorry and keeping my fingers crossed that this works out this cycle for you...

Posted 4/23/08 7:58 PM

His laugh, Her smile

Member since 12/06

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Re: UPDATE AT 4:30---Today's Dr update (Wed)

I'm sorry you had such a tough day.

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Posted 4/23/08 8:05 PM

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