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UPDATED in first the job situation

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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


UPDATED in first the job situation

Last week I posted about interviews I had for jobs on Long Island and I didn't know if I should call back the places or just wait...(I can't WAIT to get out of NYC)

Long story short I've now heard back from both of them and both have offered me the job.

I know what I want to do...I want to take the one that is literally 3 minutes from my house. The problem? It's a $19k pay cut.

The one that is about 20 mins from home is for a great company too but I got a better feeling from the first place. This job would be a pay cut of $15k.

What do you think I should do?
My gut says take the cut of $19k and work minutes from home. That is also the job I think I would like better.

Update - Friday Afternoon

ding ding ding! We have a deal!
I just got off the phone with one of the attorneys at the firm close to my house and we've reached a deal. I'm giving notice to my job on Monday - and only giving one week notice because I already lost my spot when I was out on maternity...I don't have much loyality to them anymore...and one week is enough.
YAHOOOO!!! 5 more days of NYC and I dont EVER have to go back to work there again!!!

Message edited 7/21/2006 4:03:16 PM.

Posted 7/21/06 7:36 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

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Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Go with your gut.

I know the pay cuts stinks, but it'll be so worth it. And before you know it - You won't miss the money anymore.


Posted 7/21/06 7:41 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Posted by JRG71

Go with your gut.

I know the pay cuts stinks, but it'll be so worth it. And before you know it - You won't miss the money anymore.


True, also keep in mind you won't have to pay for:
clothing (you probably will be in a more causal office on LI then in NYC)
food (can you go home for lunch?)

The point is the $19K might noe be as much of a pay cut as you think.

Posted 7/21/06 7:45 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Posted by dandr10199

Posted by JRG71

Go with your gut.

I know the pay cuts stinks, but it'll be so worth it. And before you know it - You won't miss the money anymore.


True, also keep in mind you won't have to pay for:
clothing (you probably will be in a more causal office on LI then in NYC)
food (can you go home for lunch?)

The point is the $19K might noe be as much of a pay cut as you think.

Yes I can go home for lunch and I will save $5,000 right off the bat by not commuting. I know it's the right take the one in my town. I'm just waiting to talk to them today and then I'll give notice to my current job on Monday.

Posted 7/21/06 7:55 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Posted by MrsJ

Posted by dandr10199

Posted by JRG71

Go with your gut.

I know the pay cuts stinks, but it'll be so worth it. And before you know it - You won't miss the money anymore.


True, also keep in mind you won't have to pay for:
clothing (you probably will be in a more causal office on LI then in NYC)
food (can you go home for lunch?)

The point is the $19K might noe be as much of a pay cut as you think.

Yes I can go home for lunch and I will save $5,000 right off the bat by not commuting. I know it's the right take the one in my town. I'm just waiting to talk to them today and then I'll give notice to my current job on Monday.

Keep us posted and congrats!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/06 7:57 AM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Posted by JRG71

Go with your gut.

I know the pay cuts stinks, but it'll be so worth it. And before you know it - You won't miss the money anymore.


I agree.

Posted 7/21/06 7:58 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Go with your gut. Quality of life at this point is more important that a few extra dollars in your pocket.

Posted 7/21/06 8:05 AM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Congrats!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon I would take the one closer to home.

I was just offered 2 jobs also and I took the one closer to home. Even though the pay is a ittle less, I can now come home for lunch and see AndrewChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/06 8:15 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

I agree...that you should take the one closest to your home. Being that close and going home for lunch plus the difference in gas costs should make up the $4k difference between the 2 different offers.

Posted 7/21/06 8:45 AM


Member since 9/05

8660 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

CONGRATS!!! Go with the shortest commute. If you have a good feeling about it, go for it and good luck!!!!

Posted 7/21/06 8:54 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

can you AFFORD to take a 19K paycut? If so and you think you'll be happier there...then DO IT.

If you're happy, going to work will be easier for you each day. Plus you're right there.

Posted 7/21/06 8:56 AM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Congrats! I say go with your gut and take the one close to home that you had the best feeling for. Im sure you will be so happy with your new quailty of life that the pay cut wont been much.

Posted 7/21/06 8:57 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Yeah to both job offers!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree to go with your gut. Do you have any thoughts on which one would give you more career advancements, bonuses, raises?

I'll have to call you and say "I'm on the train- stuck. Aren't you thrilled you aren't on it?" You can't imagine how much easier it will be once Katie is in pre-school, kindergarten, etc.

Posted 7/21/06 9:04 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Congrats!!! I say take the one closer to home. In the end you'll be taking pay cuts for both of them, so I say take the one closer to home.

Posted 7/21/06 9:06 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

$4K is not that big a difference. You'll make up alot of it in what you will save on commuting costs and being able to come home to eat lunch. And you'll have extra time with Katie - that's priceless. I say definitely take the closer one! Congrats on both offers!!

Posted 7/21/06 9:14 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Congrats! I would go with the one you had the best feeling with, regardless of hte commuting time, although 3 minutes is awesome! I left the city for a LI job back in 2002 and it was the best thing I ever did! Yes, the pay cut stinks, but working less than 10 minutes from home is awesome! Although I am only working a little bit for them PT now, its so easy to pop into the office to drop off and pick up work for me.

Posted 7/21/06 9:18 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Go with the one you want. There is so much more to a job then just the salary especially now that you have a baby.

If it helps, I have stayed on LI for about 1/3 of what I can make in NYC. I do this for the closeness of being home and the flexiblity of being able to get where I need to go. That, in itself, is priceless.

Posted 7/21/06 9:19 AM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

I agree, go with your gut. Although 19k is substantial,you'll have the peace of mind that you will be very close to your daughter. I'm so happy for you CONGRATSChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 7/21/2006 9:21:33 AM.

Posted 7/21/06 9:20 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Congrats! That's awesome news! The difference is $5k, which, at the end of the day, makes such a minimal impact on your paycheck, so I would go with the job you like more...

Posted 7/21/06 9:23 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

We will just readjust financially. If we need to, we can sell our boat - that alone will save us about $600/month ($7200/year). So this is doable. It also means I wont have as much disposable income as I'm used to, but I'm willing to do that because it means I will have 3 more hours a day to spend with my family.

Barb, yes...I'll think of you every time I get an email from the LIRR telling their newest tale of woe LOL I will not miss the LIRR...although I will miss the sleep I get on the train. Chat Icon

There are a couple of lose ends that I'd like to discuss with the job closer to me but I left them a message this morning and asked if we could talk today so that I can give notice on Monday at my job.

I really think that this is the right decision for me and for my family...we'll make it work. I feel that you live according to your means and we'll make it work. My DH doesnt want me in the city anymore either so I think this is the right move.

Thanks everyone, for your input!

Message edited 7/21/2006 9:28:58 AM.

Posted 7/21/06 9:28 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1162 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

As long as the benefits are the same (unless you are on DH's) I would go for the 1st!!

19K is really 13,500 after taxes and you will be saving 750 HOURS of commuting time a year...that's only $18/hour! Priceless to spend with your kids!

You won't have to agonize if they are sick and you can't get to them right away; for school events and recitals; etc

Good Luck!

Posted 7/21/06 10:22 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

congrats!! you are a hot commodity!

Posted 7/21/06 10:23 AM


Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

congratulations! I'd go with the job that you'll enjoy more. Both are pretty close (when compared to NYC) to home and the $$ difference isn't that significant.

Posted 7/21/06 10:23 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

Go with your gut. In the long run 4K over a year after taxes isn't much of a difference (IMO). Obviously you and DH have discussed the pay cut you'd take to work back on LI but I'll bet the money you'll save in gas, train, etc will all even out in the end and if the job you really want works out I am sure they will give you raises as well.

Posted 7/21/06 10:40 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: It my interviews...follow up to last weeks post

I would DO it Kathy. I think your gonna be so much more happier closer to home. Daycare costs should go down as you will be closer, so less time at Daycare for Katie right??

And 19K is a lot of money yes, but you can make money there Im sure if you stick it out a few years. I think the stress removed from you will help a LOT!

What does Mike say about it?

Posted 7/21/06 10:54 AM
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