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UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

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Member since 5/05

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UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

she has a cell phoneChat Icon
she has a hot pink Razr and 600 minutes a mth ,fave 5 and 400 text messages.
SHE IS 10YEARS OLD her stepmom and I have discussed this and I said on her 11th Bday they could get her an emergency ONLY phone for middle school ..........I really dont know how I feel about this at all
Her Dad took her to the store and let her pick it out (her stepmom didnt even know)

UPDATE........I just wanted to tell you guys that my DH is still not speaking to me

Message edited 5/1/2007 10:58:13 PM.

Posted 4/29/07 2:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

Did DD's father know you didn't wnat her to have a cell phone yet? Maybe you should have been discussing it with him, if not. Well, he bought it, so maybe a compromise is that she can have it if she's going out somewhere without you, like to a friend's house and when she's with her dad, to call YOU of courseChat Icon
Now, is he paying for it monthly? Or do you have to pay for the minutes every month?

Posted 4/29/07 2:20 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

Its all him.....he s paying for everything.
I am just surprised I guess my DH is gonna blow a gasket when he finds out. He doesnt think its right for a 10 or 11 yr old to have a cell phone.

Posted 4/29/07 2:23 PM

Life is good...

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

Chat Icon

I remember that I wasn't allowed to have a BEEPER until I was 18. Chat Icon My mom said "only hookers and drug dealers have beepers."Chat Icon Chat Icon

Look how far the world has come. I agree with Rachel. he already got it, so maybe you can come to a compromise with her. And, you BETTER be on her fave 5Chat Icon

Maybe it would make you feel better to ask her dad if you can see the monthly bill so that you know who she is calling and who is calling her.

Posted 4/29/07 2:34 PM

I luv My Daughter

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

my niece who is 7 has a fire fly which I agree with she can only dial pre programed numbers and 911 which is also programed, their are no numbers on the phone you can only scroll to see the people programed. I think 10 is way too young for a real cell phone, at that age they should only have it for an emergency there is no need for text messaging and all that stuff.

Posted 4/29/07 2:41 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

ok well we just got back from soccer game and I told DH and he is fuming!!!!!
he is yelling at me like I did it

Posted 4/29/07 5:13 PM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

It's great that he is paying for it but IMO I think she is too young, although it seems EVERYONE no matter what age has one these days. Maybe you can make a rule where she can't bring it to school. I guess it is good though to have in emergency situations.

Posted 4/29/07 5:57 PM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

I remember that I wasn't allowed to have a BEEPER until I was 18. My mom said "only hookers and drug dealers have beepers."

My mom too!!!! LOLOLOL....

Posted 4/29/07 5:58 PM

Just chillin'!!

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

10 years old - is that 4th/5th grade? Is she responsible enough for something so expensive?

I would definitely try to make a rule that she can't bring it to school. I can't tell you how many 6th graders we have every year crying because they lost theirs. And of course my standard response is - "they're not allowed in school anyway, so I really can't help".

Posted 4/29/07 6:01 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

I just want to add that I also think that texting is innappropriate at her age, and maybe you should speak to her dad about disconnecting that part of the phone. I do agree that you should have a copy of the monthly bill to see who she is in contact with.

Posted 4/29/07 7:11 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

I also think she is too young for a cell phone but not much you can do now.

What if you talk to your ex and tell him that she is only aloud to have the phone when she is with him.

Posted 4/29/07 8:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

ok so my DD is the most responsible smart geat kid.....I am not just saying that either She never misses school in fact she is upset when she isnt feeling well because she might miss it.she is on the honor roll and she even chose to sit up in the front of the class so she can pay attention to her teacher(Im not making this up)

the rules will be no phone in school and she has to ask permission to make a call.

I am getting used to the idea now and I actually think it may be a good thing as she doesnt get a bus next year in middle school so when I pick her up she will be able to call me and tell me what side of the building she is waiting for me at

now DH on the other hand isnt speaking to me Chat Icon

Posted 4/29/07 10:10 PM

My Everything

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

I would be fuming mad and make them take it back or you keep it or change the plan. Something. No way will my child be having a cell phone that young. Maybe in high school...MAYBE!

Posted 4/30/07 12:03 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 4/07

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

things are very different now.... I see the need for an 11 yo to have a cell.. I have an 11 yo too. He calls if he is ill or needs or wants something out of the ordinary.... Or if he is in the bathroom when I am out side of school waiting to pick him up. If I am running late and want him to take the bus.... I can call him. He also walks home from school on occasion and I am glad he has a way to contact us if he needs to.

Posted 4/30/07 4:27 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: DD just called me from her Dads house

My daughter who just turned 11 (5th gr) has a cell phone. I love it. I can contact her at any time. I do have a block because she was downloading some ringtones and they were running up the bill. Honestly the novelty gets old quick and they don't use it as often, but it is a nice when shes at friends or gymnastics.


Posted 4/30/07 4:40 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

update on top

Posted 5/1/07 10:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

I am confused as to why he would be not speaking to you over this?

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Posted 5/1/07 11:11 PM


Member since 12/06

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Re: UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

Posted by -DonnaMarie-

I am confused as to why he would be not speaking to you over this?

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Me too Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/07 9:49 AM

Bring on summer!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

But it is not your fault...why not speak to you??

Posted 5/2/07 10:03 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

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Re: UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

Posted by Summerrluvv

Posted by -DonnaMarie-

I am confused as to why he would be not speaking to you over this?

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Me too Chat Icon

Same here. That's just crazy! You didn't buy it for her. Does he want you to take it away from her? This is a decision that you & DD's father should be making. (in my opinion.)

Posted 5/2/07 10:06 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

I don't get why your DH is so upset over this. My parents didn't involve step parents in decisions regarding my brother and I. Those conversations were between my parents. Quite frankly he's being immature and not setting a very good example. JMO.

Posted 5/2/07 10:09 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

The same thing happened to DH's daughter - he didnt want her to get a cell phone (she was 9) and mom bought her an emergency only one... but we have caught her using it and had to remind her it goes in her bag unless there is an emergency - she can use our home phone if she needs to use the phone...

Posted 5/2/07 10:14 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I am sorry he is being unreasonable. It is a very tricky situation.

I'm sure things will work out Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/2/07 10:36 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: UPDATED*********DD just called me from her Dads house

he felt I should take it away.......but I am not gonna be the bad guy and whats done is done
so he is just being a baby so we really have not talked since sunday

At this point I want an apology so he can ignore me all he wants now I AM not talking to HIM

Posted 5/2/07 12:10 PM

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