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Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

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Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

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Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I know I have mentioned this before, however I can't find the post I was looking for.

If you had a choice between having a vaginal delivery or a c-section, which would you choose and WHY? If you have had one or the other, would you do the opposite?

Here are some pros and cons we discussed:

Pro C-Section
*Less Stress on you and baby
*Quick Delivery
*No risk of bladder or rectal problems down the line
*Baby's head/shoulders won't get squished

Cons C-Section
*It's surgery
*Longer recovery

Pro Vaginal
*"The Experience"
*Faster recovery

Con Vaginal
*Can be long and painful
*Having to get cut
*Can have problems down the road with bladder or rectum
*Suffering in labor for hours, then having to have a C-Section anyway
*Stress on baby
*Stress on you

Posted 8/18/06 12:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

While labor isn't easy and can be very long, hands down I would always chooose a v-delivery vs. c-section. Unfortunately there is no guarantee that you will have a v-delivery if you go into labor or get induced. The worst case scenario would be to labor for hours and still wind up needing a c-section but I would be willing to risk that for a chance at a v-delivery.

Posted 8/18/06 12:12 PM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

v-delivery and to be induced.

I was induced and had such a wonderful delivery. Recovery was quick.

Posted 8/18/06 12:14 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I had a c-section and was very upset at first that I had to be scheduled for one, but considerign I don't know any other way since Ava was my first, I would never try to have a v-birth. The c-section was actually fine and the recovery, while achey, was actually pretty good. I healed a lot quicker than I thought I would. That's not to say I didn't have any complications because I did. I lost a lot of blood during surgery and battled an infection from it the few days after my C, and my incision opened up twice, however, it was minor and healed pretty quickly, anyway.

Posted 8/18/06 12:19 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I agree with Rachel. I had a c-section and am anxiously awaiting to pick a date for another. I had no problems and the truth is I have no idea what a v-birth feels like.

Posted 8/18/06 12:21 PM

My guys

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

Posted by AnnBrunoXO

v-delivery and to be induced.

I was induced and had such a wonderful delivery. Recovery was quick.

Me too on the choice and experience.

Posted 8/18/06 12:21 PM


Member since 7/06

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

i'm 50/50 on what i would want to do. honestly both ways freak me out, so i am trying not to think about it until month 9!!! as long as they give me drugs right away and hopefully it is as painless as possible i will be happy

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Posted 8/18/06 12:32 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

Neither...I am scared of both!
If I had to pick I might say Vaginally bc its not surgery. I am getting more terrified each week.

Posted 8/18/06 12:32 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I would choose the vaginal, only because Im havinh twins and know I will be more sore with a c-section and will be difficult to handle both with a sore tummy.

Posted 8/18/06 12:42 PM


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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I had a C-section and if I could choose, I would choose vaginal birth. I was in a lot of pain after delivery and my recovery was hard. My incision became infected and then the doctor had to open it. Chat Icon Then I had to have it packed and re-bandaged everyday by a nurse. Luckily my mom is a nurse and could do it, otherwise I would have had a homecare nurse come to the house everyday.

Posted 8/18/06 12:43 PM

My Everything

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I personally would never, ever choose a c section. This was my biggest fear about labor and thank god I had the natural birth I wanted. To me a c section is major surgery and I have never had major surgery. Maybe it's fear of the unknown or maybe it was my strong desire for natural childbirth. Whatever it was next time around I hope things work out the same way and I can have a natural, vaginal birth.

Posted 8/18/06 12:55 PM


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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I am probably the rare one but I chose c-section any day over vag birth. I had a great experience with mine but even before Ryan was born I was hoping for one. I NEVER wanted to go through the pushing and labor with a vag birth. Not saying that the recovery is not intense and painful but for me I would rather that than going through a veg birth.

Posted 8/18/06 1:02 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I had a V-Birth but I had a great labor experience. I also did have to get cut and that didn't hurt I just felt pressure by my perinum for about 2 weeks so it wasnt bad at all. I am acutally looking forward to doing it again including the pushing. Now, this is from the same person that said I was never having kids again and if I do it will be a c-section durning labor.

Posted 8/18/06 1:28 PM


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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I had a vaginal birth with a 10lb baby... I would choose that again over a c-section hands down. The idea of having a c-section terrified me for some reason. I pray and hope that I have a vaginal birth this next time also.

I also was scared of being induced. I was supposed to be induced on a Wed, but on Monday I decided I was going to call the doctor in the morning to tell her I didn't want to be induced. Luckily when I woke on Tuesday I was already in labor.

Posted 8/18/06 1:34 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I am hoping for a vaginal birth and will do everything that I can for a natural childbirth. I don't even want an epidural. I think the more natural the better. People have been born for years without c-sections, if it is not life or death, I don't think I will go for it.

My mom gave birth to both my brother and I naturally. My brother is younger than me, so he was my mom's second but he was 10lbs 7oz and she still gave birth vaginally and only had a little demerol, no epidural and said it was fine! That is what I am hoping for (although a smaller baby would be betterChat Icon )

Posted 8/18/06 2:09 PM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I had a csection after being induced and 26 hrs of labor and I am having c-section again and I am happy with that. I dont think that the c-section was a bad experience at all.

Posted 8/18/06 3:29 PM

my little man

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I am going to try and have a vaginal birth. I really would not choose to have major surgery if I didn't have to.

Posted 8/18/06 3:32 PM


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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I would have DEFINETLY preferred a vaginaly delivery, and after being 9 days late (and not wanting to be induced) I finally went into labor on my own. After 41 hours of labor, I finally wound up w/ a C-section.
I was SO disappointed, but it really wasn't that bad. I had an awesome recovery.

Posted 8/18/06 4:21 PM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

Posted by AnnBrunoXO

v-delivery and to be induced.

I was induced and had such a wonderful delivery. Recovery was quick.

same here. DD flew out!! Myroomate had a C and was in alot of pain. Moaned all night long......

Posted 8/18/06 4:22 PM


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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

my first was a c/s (he was breech) and I had a great recovery. I liked the time I was able to recover in the hospital and get to know my baby while all the nurses are there.

However, when it came time for #2, I really wanted to VBAC. I did not want another c/s and 4-day hospital stay with a 2-year old at home.

I can say from experience, that having a vaginal brith was SO MUCH EASIER in terms of recovery and all things considered. I am so gald I was able to VBAC. If there is a third child for us (highly doubtful Chat Icon ) I will definitely hope for a vaginal birth.

Posted 8/18/06 4:34 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

C-section def. I had an awesome experience. I was back to normal as soon as I got home from the hospital more or less.

And I didn't have to go through a zillion hours of agony. I also loved that I could plan his b-dayChat Icon

Posted 8/18/06 5:56 PM

Happy Days!

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

v-birth...I can't fathom why anyone would go through major surgery voluntarily (unless it was a booby lift...that would be okay) to have a scheduled c-section...

I had a wonderful v-delivery after 3 days of mild labour and I loved the whole experience...for me, I would hate to feel out of control of the situation as you are in a C-section. Also, with a V-birth you can have immediate skin-to-skin contact with your baby and I don't believe you can have that with a c-section. Also, when my boy was born I watched the whole thing in a mirror and it was truly amazing, something I will never forget.

Posted 8/18/06 6:01 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I'm scheduled for a C-section this time around after an unplanned one with Christopher. I talked to my doctor about a VBAC, because I REALLY want to experience a natural birth, but the only way he'll allow me is if I go into labor on my own before the scheduled C-section. I'm really disappointed that I most likely won't get the opportunity.

Posted 8/18/06 7:53 PM

Sister love

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

Go for the vaginal. The recovery is so much easier, and I think the benfits outweigh the risks much more so than with a c-section birth. I personally wouldn't want any major surgery unless it was absolutely necessary.

Posted 8/18/06 9:15 PM

My Ray of sunshine

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Re: Vaginal vs C-Section Birth

I guess i am one of those rare ladies that had a c-section and loved it. It was planned ( i am not allowed to have a baby vaginal because of fear of breaking or damaging my spine). I was up and feeling great the next day. It all depends on the person and how they recover. Best of luck. Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/06 10:36 PM
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