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LIF Toddler

Member since 7/11

408 total posts



Having my second in June and considering going for a VBAC. My doctor says its possible and its my choice but is encouraging a cs.

Has anyone had a successful VBAC? Any recs on doctors/midwives who support them?


Posted 12/28/17 7:07 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts



I did a VBAC, but kind of accidentally. Chat Icon I'm a big planner and I had a scheduled repeat c-section with my second, figuring it would just be easier to know when I was going in. DC2 had other plans. I went into labor around 8pm at night. I called my OB and she said to labor at home and call back when my contractions were longer, stronger, and more frequent. Around 4am, it was time. I went into the hospital and they said they'd prep me for the c-section. I asked then if I was a candidate for a VBAC. I had not really considered it until then, but DD was head down so I did it. Labor itself wasn't fun, but the recovery was MUCH easier and faster than my c-section.

If you're a candidate for a VBAC, I'd try for it!

Posted 12/28/17 10:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

997 total posts



I have 3 boys. My 1st I was induced and ended in a c-section. I automatically knew I wanted to try for a VBAC with my 2nd. I talked to my doctors (Women for Women in New Hyde Park) and they said I could try.

My 2nd my water broke around 9pm and he was born at 3:41am with like 6 pushes and only getting the epidural 10 mins before he was born.

My 3rd my water broke at 6:30am and he was born at 12:37. Very fast and only a couple pushes but this time no epidural.

I definitely recommend trying for a VBAC. Recovering is so much better especially since having a child home already that needs you. After my 3rd - I legit walked myself out of the hospital and to the parking garage where my husband was parked lol I would have DIED if I would have tried that after my csection.

Posted 12/28/17 4:56 PM


Member since 10/13

1397 total posts



If you search my old username (headoverheels) I posted my VBAC birth story on there. I am really glad I did it but the circumstances were perfect and I had a really supportive doctor which I felt was 100% necessary (I was 9-10 days late). Best of luck whatever you decide!

Posted 12/28/17 9:34 PM

I'll love you for always

Member since 2/08

4624 total posts



I have had two VBa2C's. The last one was 10 weeks ago. Both vaginal births were amazing experiences. The recovery is SO much easier than c-sections. I was even induced with Pitocin both times.

Posted 12/29/17 2:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts



I had a csection with my twins, if I ever have a 3rd, I will definitely be asking my doctor if I am a candidate for a VBAC. The pain I had after the c section was like nothing I have ever felt before or want to experience ever again

Posted 12/29/17 7:57 AM

One more?

Member since 2/12

2410 total posts



A friend of mine had 2 vbacs after her first dc. She swears by the midwives at stony brook.

Posted 12/29/17 10:16 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/11

408 total posts



Thanks, everyone. What doctors did you use? I am in Long Beach and hoping for delivery at South Nassau.

Posted 12/29/17 1:44 PM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts



I delivered with Women for Women at LIJ Katz.

Posted 1/2/18 10:33 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/15

89 total posts



I had an ER section with my first so I never even experienced labor.

My OB is very confident in my ability to have a successful vbac. he said since i've never had a failed labor, i have an 80% chance of having a vbac!

I also hired a doula this time around.

you have time so I would definitely weigh your options and maybe ask why your OB is encouraging a csection.

Posted 1/2/18 5:07 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

784 total posts



My regular OB at Women for Women (Bell) was fully on board for my VBAC. I had an emergency c at 34 wks with my 1st so like mentioned by pp I too was a good candidate for a vbac. For my 2nd my water broke at exactly 38 wks. Went to the hospital to confirm (it had) and Sanders who was on call straight off the bat wanted to do a repeat C. She said I was only a cm dilated - not in active labor and there was no way I was going to have the baby naturally. I pushed back and 4 hours later I had progressed to 7 and 2 hours after that I had DD. If you want a vbac I would make sure to educate yourself on it. I started following the podcast "The Birth Hour" and listened to every vbac success story. Discuss it with your dr at every appt. If there's multiple dr's at the practice then discuss it with them as well. Lastly, prepare yourself for the possibility of another C. Anything can happen and ultimate goal is for a healthy mom and baby. Good luck!

Posted 1/3/18 10:20 AM


Member since 5/09

5751 total posts



I had a successful vbac. If you search for my name some posts should come up. It was a great experience. I knew immediately after having my DS1 that I wanted to try for a VBAC if I ever had another child. My doctors were very supportive and I was determined to have one. You have to be confident in your decision bc doctors and people close to you will all question your decision and it's easy for doubt to creep in. GL!

Posted 1/9/18 6:29 PM

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