I just have to say it or write it. I will be 30 weeks tomorrow and this is my 3rd pregnancy. I feel like an old dog, I hut everywhere. I NEVER felt this bad the other two times. I could be because I have two small kids to take care of all day (3 and 1). Yesterday I was in tears coming down my stairs. I have a Hernia that is starting to really hurt me on my right side, my back is horrible to the point I can't walk but I have to, my groin hurts and I'm cramping already. I can't "take it easy" because my little one's need me. My 14 month old doesn't walk and is 27 pounds, it's so hard. I am just so uncomfortable. And, to boot I feel like I'm getting a cold which always turns into a sinus infection when I'm pregnant.
Thanks to anyone that has read my pitty party. I'm just tired and I hurt
hey - ya know what? you got this far before complaining about it (at least here)....that's something to be proud of! it may seem lame and silly - but that pretty much defines me!
i know it's VERY hard to keep your eye on the prize...but that is the best advice i can give you.... You KNOW how strong you are - as you have done this before and you CAN get past this....