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Video vs. audio only baby monitors

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Love my girls!

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Video vs. audio only baby monitors

My BFF recommended my registering for a video monitor. It's like $200! I can think of better things for the money and my house isn't as large as her's. Plus, she told me that her video monitor stopped functioning after a while anyway so they just used it as an audio monitor.

Which did you register and why? What is the real benefit if any?

Posted 1/11/08 9:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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love my boys!

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

I know a couple of people who swear by the video monitor, but I decided to go with an audio only house isn't huge and the babys room is right next to ours.

Posted 1/11/08 9:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

We registered and received the video monitor when we had DD. Unfortunately we ended up getting a lot of interference with it (we returned it and tried a different one and the same thing happened), so we ultimately went with an audio only monitor.

I so wish we had the video monitor because my DD was and still is a very light sleeper, so if I open the door to check on her, she wakes up. (But she'll sleep through demolition and construction...go figure. Chat Icon )

I'm probably going to buy the video monitor again and give it another shot to use with DS.

Posted 1/11/08 10:04 PM

Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

We have the video monitor & I love it. The baby's room is right by ours, we have a small ranch but it's great to check in on her without tip toeing into her room all night.

It's one of the best & most used things we got.

Posted 1/11/08 10:07 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

I LIVE BY my video monitor and I tell people it was hands down the best gift we received at my shower.

I can see my son whenever I want. I don't need to walk upstairs - open the door - and risk waking him.

I could see when his little face was smushed against the bumpers.

I can see when he is really crying - or just having a screaming fit.

I can see when he is grabbing the mobile so hard it looks like he will rip it down (and run in to stop him obviously)

I can see my little angel fast asleep - and it's the best thing in the world to look at before I fall asleep.

Without a doubt - GET IT!

I have never had any problems with it - my DS is 6 months.

Posted 1/11/08 10:34 PM

summer fun!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

Posted by Ladybug63

We have the video monitor & I love it. The baby's room is right by ours, we have a small ranch but it's great to check in on her without tip toeing into her room all night.

It's one of the best & most used things we got.


Posted 1/11/08 10:40 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

GET IT!! Totally worth it!! The Summer one I feel is best (we tried another one where we could make the monitor move to scan the room but there was LOTS of interference). I take my monitor outside when he is sleeping and it is great! I honestly couldn't live without mineChat Icon

Posted 1/11/08 11:37 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

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Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

We live in a condo - the baby's room is right next to ours, and I simply registered for the audio only....

I don't think it will be a problem at all.

Posted 1/12/08 1:12 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

I love the video monitor!!!!!! Sometimes we do only need the sound feature but it is worth having the video feature. We have the Summer one and I would recommend it.

Posted 1/12/08 1:19 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

The best gift I ever got was my video monitor. It was the only thing that gave me piece of mind. I highly rec the summer handheld. I know personally I was neurotic about SIDS and watching my child breathe after I brought her home. Even now 22 months later I still use it everyday. The best thing ever!!

Posted 1/12/08 6:37 AM

Little Brother

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

For the girls who like it, which model/brand do you recommend???

Posted 1/12/08 7:42 AM

I love this boy!

Member since 4/07

3372 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

i have the summer one as well - love it. he's still sleeping in our room b/c its easier on me when i have to nurse in the night, but when company's over and he's sleeping, we put him in his crib and can tell if he's grunting in his sleep or if he's awake - great to look at & its color w/the lights on b&w at night with lights off.

Posted 1/12/08 8:50 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/07

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

I feel like this is the old "cell phone" story. We all lived just fine before we had cell phones, and now we can never do without them.

I didn't register for it, thinking I would not need it. My brother got us one, and I LOVED it. Now, I feel like I can't do without it Chat Icon

It is so helpful to see "did they fall asleep?" "are they just quietly playing?" "is their head stuffed in the bumper" "is there a reason they are crying?" etc...

So, if you have it, I am sure you will live by it. If you don't have one, you will do just fine too Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/08 9:17 AM

My Loves

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Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

We registered for it, even though we're in an apartment and the baby's room is right next to ours. DH insisted on it because he doesn't hear very well so for him it's another level of security.

We have the Summer monitor. It was highly recommended to me by a few people who've tried this on and others.

Posted 1/12/08 9:28 AM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

Posted by Ladybug63

We have the video monitor & I love it. The baby's room is right by ours, we have a small ranch but it's great to check in on her without tip toeing into her room all night.

It's one of the best & most used things we got.

ITA! We had a small apt so by the same logic as the OP, we got an audio only. My cousin then convinced me that it's really the opening the door thing that it helps with (or even if you're in the shower). I returned it and am SO happy I did. It is by far the best, most useful thing we got for the baby. We used a 20% off at BBB to get it Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/08 9:31 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

Posted by cjb88

For the girls who like it, which model/brand do you recommend???

The Summer.

Posted 1/12/08 9:41 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

Posted by Diana1215

Posted by cjb88

For the girls who like it, which model/brand do you recommend???

The Summer.

Yep Summer Handheld

Posted 1/12/08 9:46 AM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

Posted by BlessedMommy

Posted by Diana1215

Posted by cjb88

For the girls who like it, which model/brand do you recommend???

The Summer.

Yep Summer Handheld

ditto the summer handheld

Posted 1/12/08 10:03 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

I am going to register for an audio one. The babies room is right next to ours that I can practically see in his room from our doorway. I can see how it would be convienant, but I don't think it is necessary for us at least.

Posted 1/12/08 10:25 AM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

When DD #1 was born (8 years ago) there was no such thing as a video monitor. So I made out fine with the $40 audio one.

When baby #2 was in the oven I registered for a SUMMER HANDHELD video monitor. It was $169.99 and I think my mom bought it for us when she was able to get %15 off.

The bedrooms are on the main floor with the LR, and Kithen. So the house isn't huge. The main reason why I wanted it was b/c of my older DD. i wanted to make sure what was going on in the room if I was not there. However, older DD never goes in the room so that reason in getting it was irrelevant.
But I have to say that i love it and it is definitely one of my must have's. All I have to do is look at the monitor and see her face. At times when she is crying I can see what's going on. Did she lose her pacifier? Is she stuck in the corner? Did she come out of her swaddle me? this was a great purchase for me. It comes in handy when we have compnay over too. I cna just look at her and see what's going on in the room.
I totally recommend it, but everyone is different. Is audio just as good? yeah! But it just doesn't serve the exact purpose as a video.

If you do get it, keep the box. if you don't like it you can return it.

Mine is 8 months old and works just fine. knock on wood. LOL

Oh p.s. DD # 2 sleeps in her crib but in OUR room. We are renovationg the house so she doesn't have a room right now. She goes to bed at 7:00. We don't go to bed until 11:00.
I am just someone who is all for a video monitor but I would never tell you that you made a silly choice if you got a audio. Audio do the job too!!!


Message edited 1/12/2008 8:07:40 PM.

Posted 1/12/08 10:28 AM


Member since 4/07

2080 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

ill be the first to say we live in an apt, her room is next to ours, so we had audio only, and the last 6 months ive been wanting video- and she is almost 19 months old...and she just hangs and plays and stuff, and i just want to SEE her, u know? she is a great sleeper, never wakes, and the audio was fine, but knowing that there is video out there (which you CAN shut off to have just audio)....maybe youll just want more, like me...

so with #2 coming in may, we are getting a video one...yeah!!

Posted 1/12/08 10:41 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

I just got the audio. His room is right next to ours and he is a pretty good sleeper so I can duck in and out of there and he doesn't even notice.

Posted 1/12/08 10:45 AM

Couple more days.

Member since 7/07

1319 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

I am getting a video monitor. I love that you can see what the baby is doing.

Posted 1/12/08 4:14 PM

My Girls

Member since 11/06

9543 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

I hated my video monitor with DD#1 lots of interference and in my house totally unnecessary. I have a 3 bedroom raised ranch and only used my monitor during naptime. Believe me when I tell you, you aquire superhuman hearing after giving birth. I heard every little wimper from the room next door to mine.

Posted 1/12/08 4:48 PM

Love my girls!

Member since 10/06

2114 total posts


Re: Video vs. audio only baby monitors

I am registered for the Graco (digital deluxe video monitor), think it's the imonitor.

My BFF I mentioned in the OP had the Summer and she said as much as she loved it and recommended the video one, she said her video part stopped working after a while, and they continued to use it as an audio only.

I may leave it on the registry and see if anyone will actually buy it. If not, I will buy myself the audio only. I'm not spending the money, but if someone else wants to get it for me... by all means! I appreciate all the info though. Sounds like you love it or hate it.

Posted 1/12/08 11:21 PM
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