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Washing baby clothes...

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LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

234 total posts


Washing baby clothes...

I am keeping all of the tags and receipts for all of the baby clothes that I've purchased in case I don't get to use them b/c the baby outgrows them too fast. I know that you're supposed to wash the clothes right before the baby will wear them and I'd rather do this while I'm pregnant instead of after the baby comes. What do people do about this? Do they wash the clothes with the tags still on? Do they only wash the clothes they know they'll use and not return?

Posted 3/26/07 3:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Washing baby clothes...

I am like you, I've kept the tags on everything I have bought or people have bought us so far. I have clothes up to like 12 months, from the sale racks! I plan on washing the newborn- about 3 months clothes now, removing the tags. I guess I should just remove the tags on all the clothes (although I'll wait to wash the larger sizes until she grows into them) since most of the returns would have to be done before she fits into them. KWIM? Chat Icon

Message edited 3/26/2007 3:59:38 PM.

Posted 3/26/07 3:59 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Washing baby clothes...

Washing the clothes before the baby wears them isn't really necessary. I didn't wash my son's clothes and he had no problems and a lot of people I know don't wash the baby clothes prior to use.

Posted 3/26/07 4:56 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/07

311 total posts


Re: Washing baby clothes...

Posted by Summerrluvv

Washing the clothes before the baby wears them isn't really necessary. I didn't wash my son's clothes and he had no problems and a lot of people I know don't wash the baby clothes prior to use.


I only washed the clothes that I had put away after DS#1 that I then used again for DS#2 because it smelled musty from being in Rubbermaid containers Chat Icon

Posted 3/26/07 5:05 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Washing baby clothes...

After Ang's story this morning, I think I will wait to wash anything until after the baby is born even if he/she wears a few things that are unwashed.

Posted 3/26/07 5:25 PM

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