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WDYT? (Long)

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Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


WDYT? (Long)

I'm not sure what to think. DH and I just started TTC again. My LMP was 11/20. I wasn't charting, but I was paying attention to CM. Based on that, I'm pretty sure I either O'd on 12/6 or 12/7. When I charted in the past, my LP was 12 or 13 days. I have had sore boobs since Monday night, some cramping in the evening and/or middle of the night since Tuesday or Wednesday and some indigestion. I tested this morning although it had only been about 2.5 or maybe 3 hours since I last went to the bathroom. I used FRER and IMO the line is on the lighter side.

I know a line is a line, but a lighter line makes me nervous. Last year, at this exact time, I was having symptoms and knew that I was pregnant. I tested at what I was pretty sure was 18 DPO and it was extremely faint. I held out to test again for 5 days and the line was much darker by that time. I started spotting on Christmas Eve and continued spotting on and off through the beginning of January. Then, I eventually started bleeding heavier, had a confirmed miscarriage by sono later that week and scheduled a D&C 4 days later. I woke up from surgery and was told that there needed to be further testing because even though there were no signs of it on the sono the week before, it was likely ectopic. I had further surgery that night and lost my tube, which was very close to bursting. I went through hell and a crazy emotional roller coaster for those several weeks and beyond. I'm terrified of going through that again.

The first picture contains the FRER from last year. The second picture is the FRER from this morning. The line seems darker from this year and I definitely tested earlier, but it still seems very light to me. WDYT? I plan to call the doctor's office tomorrow and I'm sure with my history I'll be going for blood work, but in the meantime, I'd like to hear opinions. Thanks.

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Message edited 12/18/2016 7:15:10 AM.

Posted 12/18/16 6:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 10/13

2295 total posts


Re: WDYT? (Long)

Hi! I think your pregnant! It's darker this morning and yes a line is a line. I would get a digital as well to confirm it. Take it easy for the meantime, you know what they say, no heavy lifting and all. But yes get a digital to confirm. But I think congrats are in order!!Chat Icon

Posted 12/18/16 7:22 AM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

7364 total posts


Re: WDYT? (Long)

I'm sorry for what you went through last year.

You must be nervous about another ectopic, are you trying to compare lines from the two pregnancies? I don't think this will tell you anything though and it's impossible to compare. You don't know how many dpo you are and the tests are I assume different lots so can have different amounts of dye.

In any case, I would step away from the at home tests if I were you, and call the doctor on Monday morning. I bet they'll monitor you closely with blood tests and early sonograms. And tell you what to look out for in case of another ectopic so you can get checked immediately if you show any signs. In the meantime, try to relax and remember chances are good that everything is fine.Chat Icon

Posted 12/18/16 8:14 AM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: WDYT? (Long)

Posted by Chai77

I'm sorry for what you went through last year.

You must be nervous about another ectopic, are you trying to compare lines from the two pregnancies? I don't think this will tell you anything though and it's impossible to compare. You don't know how many dpo you are and the tests are I assume different lots so can have different amounts of dye.

In any case, I would step away from the at home tests if I were you, and call the doctor on Monday morning. I bet they'll monitor you closely with blood tests and early sonograms. And tell you what to look out for in case of another ectopic so you can get checked immediately if you show any signs. In the meantime, try to relax and remember chances are good that everything is fine.Chat Icon

Yes, I was trying to compare the lines. I don't think the test I took today was in the same box as last year, but I think it was in the second box of tests that I bought within a few days of taking the first test last year. It doesn't expire until April, which is why I still had it lying around.

Last time, I really had no obvious signs of an ectopic. I'm definitely scared of either another ectopic or a miscarriage. I'm 37 and have been more nervous with each pregnancy.

Thanks. Chat Icon

Posted 12/18/16 8:43 AM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: WDYT? (Long)

It looks like a good line to me!!
I'm very sorry for what you went through last year.
Try not to worry or make yourself crazy with it. If everything seem ok so far, try to enjoy it... you are pregnant!!!
Good luck!

Posted 12/18/16 12:49 PM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: WDYT? (Long)

You can't look at the darkness as that's not indicative of much. Your line actually looks pretty dark.

Congrats! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/19/16 12:32 PM

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