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We need hugs
Bxgell2 Perfection
Member since 5/05
16438 total posts
It's a bad week. Too much to get into, but let's just say mommy almost had a nervous breakdown at work yesterday. And, today, we all woke up SICK. Mommy, daddy and Alex are staying home today <cough> <cough>
justthe4ofus I hate hypocrites!!!!!
6905 total posts
Re: We need hugs
BabyAvocado Happy New Year
17334 total posts
Aww...feel better and I hope the week gets better for you all. Hang in there!
AndreaLMT :)
6856 total posts
IrishTracy Believe!!
15167 total posts
Marcie Complete Happiness :)
27789 total posts
Name:LOVE being a Mommy!
Feel Better
paulandles912 My children are a blessing!
2598 total posts
monkeybride My Everything
20541 total posts
I hope things get better and less stressful really soon!!!
aja my princess
Member since 10/05
2936 total posts
Feel better!
Scotty-CassidysMom and Dylan too!
4331 total posts
nrthshgrl It goes fast. Pay attention.
Member since 7/05
57538 total posts
Feel better soon!
sunny Life is good!
8369 total posts
MelToddJulia Love my Family!
29064 total posts
dee7772 My Loves
4852 total posts
I hope you all feel better soon.
Giannas-mama Happy Birthday baby girl!!
1663 total posts
steph4777 **************
11726 total posts
Adri Joy!
3116 total posts
Sanna LIF Infant
268 total posts
mommy2bella Where does time go?
Member since 12/05
9747 total posts
Message edited 12/16/2011 6:00:07 PM.
Bran-loves-Tom Dad you finally did it!!!
1714 total posts
Feel better soon!!!!
twobabies Praying
9662 total posts
Name:Mrs. Honeybee
MrsProfessor hi
14279 total posts
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