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Wedding album ques -- flipped images?

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Feeling Blessed

Member since 6/07

2963 total posts


Wedding album ques -- flipped images?

Ok, so I'm married 5 years, but this is certainly a Newlywed question -- we just finally got our wedding album for our anniversary.

We looked at it last night and I am very disappointed with it. Chat Icon He or the lab flipped some of the images so they're reversed.

Not really a big deal to DH, but we spent SEVEN hours with the photographer trying to go through the 1500 proofs to be sure we told the "story" of the day accurately. The pics of me getting ready that were flipped don't bother me but the ones at the church show me on DH's left side while the ones that weren't flipped have me on the right. Chat Icon DH thinks I should be happy that we finally got it and just enjoy the photos for what they represent -- I'm annoyed because we spent $1400 on a family heirloom that isn't accurate. I'm even planning on calling the photog today to ask him what happened/why some of them were flipped.

Should I just get over it?

Posted 9/30/11 8:06 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

9976 total posts


Re: Wedding album ques -- flipped images?

No, I don't think you should get over it. If this was previously discussed with them and having flipped images was not part of that discussion or mentioned than I would complain.

Posted 9/30/11 8:09 AM

Feeling Blessed

Member since 6/07

2963 total posts


Re: Wedding album ques -- flipped images?


We agreed to flipping SOME of them (ie portraits of us at a park, individual pics at the reception) but I remembered this morning we specifically said we wouldn't flip ANY at the church because the rings would be on the wrong hands. Chat Icon

I really liked my photog and his company but I feel like I could have spent 7 hours and $50 using Shutterfly or Costco to create this thing and it would be more accurate and pleasing.

Could be using that $1350 for SO many other things!

Posted 9/30/11 8:16 AM

Love my babies!

Member since 8/11

4096 total posts


Re: Wedding album ques -- flipped images?

If I were you I would call and complain, or at least ask what happened, especially if you told the photographer that you didn't want the photos to be flipped. Maybe he could fix it, and if not, maybe he could at least offer you some money back. Could it be, though, since your wedding day was so long ago, that the photographer forgot that you requested not to have the photos flipped?

Posted 10/6/11 11:16 AM


Member since 10/06

15979 total posts


Re: Wedding album ques -- flipped images?

If you're really that bothered you could bring it up with the photog but in light of the fact that it's been so long (not that that justifies them screwing up, because it doesn't) I'd probably just let it slide unless it really messes up the picture.

Posted 10/7/11 2:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/11

1714 total posts


Re: Wedding album ques -- flipped images?

I would talk to your photographer about it. Albums are a lot of money, and you're going to keep them forever, so why be disappointed!?

Posted 10/14/11 10:35 AM

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