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WEIRD family holiday traditions??

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My Love

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WEIRD family holiday traditions??

anyone have any?

um on thanksgiving we ALWAYS name the turkey...and of course say what we r thankful for Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 3:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

I don't know if it's weird or not, but we always have ravioli as a first course for Thanksgiving on my side of the family.

DH thinks it's weird!! Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 3:58 PM

22 Months?!!!!

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And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??


we have pasta as the first course

i guess for the italians, it's not so weird

Posted 11/21/05 4:01 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

For birthdays, the birthday person gets ice cream smeared on their nose.

It doesn't count as a holiday, but since its so rare, whenever i see my cousin, we eat pickles and french fries from a particular deli.

Posted 11/21/05 4:04 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

so Lauren and Don, you are trying to say that pasta on Thanksgiving is weirdChat Icon

WELL count me amongst ya weirdos Chat Icon Chat Icon

Actually we usually have SOUP and THEN PASTA on Thanksgiving Chat Icon and THEN our main couruse.. Its enough to bust a gut just thinking about it Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 4:13 PM

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Well, we start with the airing of grievances.......

Just kidding. We dry out the wishbone from the turkey and then two people break it and whoever gets the larger piece - their wish comes true.

On Christmas Eve, we always read Twas the Night Before Christmas before going to bed, which isn't too weird, but my mom had us do it even into our 20s, but then we did it before we went out to the bar and the parents went to bed Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 4:13 PM

Twin mommy

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

We are having a pasta course too - its an Italian tradition.

Posted 11/21/05 4:23 PM

just the girls

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Posted by FeliciaDP

so Lauren and Don, you are trying to say that pasta on Thanksgiving is weirdChat Icon

WELL count me amongst ya weirdos Chat Icon Chat Icon

Actually we usually have SOUP and THEN PASTA on Thanksgiving Chat Icon and THEN our main couruse.. Its enough to bust a gut just thinking about it Chat Icon

same here, either the tortellini or chicken soup with tiny meatballs, then pasta then the main course!!!

for christmas not weird or maybe it is , but at my grandmas after we are all done opening the gifts we gather as much wrapping paper and make them into snowballs and hit eachother with them.

Posted 11/21/05 4:24 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

DH and his parents wait til after dinner to open Christmas gifts. I was so disappointed when I spent my first Christmas in Chicago.... I woke up made breakfast thinking DH and I were going to open our presesnts. Instead we took them to open at his parents house later that evening.

I already know that we are not keeping that tradition with our son.

Posted 11/21/05 4:24 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Posted by girlygrl33
either the tortellini or chicken soup with tiny meatballs, then pasta then the main course!!!

YUP that is the same soup we have!! its fabulous, I loovvvvvvve it Chat Icon but that alone could be a meal, the pasta and then turkey with the trimmings afterwards its just insanity Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 4:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Posted by steph4777

DH and his parents wait til after dinner to open Christmas gifts. I was so disappointed when I spent my first Christmas in Chicago.... I woke up made breakfast thinking DH and I were going to open our presesnts. Instead we took them to open at his parents house later that evening.

I already know that we are not keeping that tradition with our son.

No way--he shouldn't have to wait that long! Chat Icon

Mich, my friend's family always names the turkey after someone's ex ( there are 4 girls)

DH's family ( untill this year) decorates Grandma's tree on Christmas eve. I find this weird. His mother claims it is a German thing, but no other German people have been able to confirm this for me.

Posted 11/21/05 4:32 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Mich, my friend's family always names the turkey after someone's ex ( there are 4 girls)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 4:46 PM

22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05

13659 total posts

And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Posted by girlygrl33

Posted by FeliciaDP

so Lauren and Don, you are trying to say that pasta on Thanksgiving is weirdChat Icon

WELL count me amongst ya weirdos Chat Icon Chat Icon

Actually we usually have SOUP and THEN PASTA on Thanksgiving Chat Icon and THEN our main couruse.. Its enough to bust a gut just thinking about it Chat Icon

same here, either the tortellini or chicken soup with tiny meatballs, then pasta then the main course!!!

for christmas not weird or maybe it is , but at my grandmas after we are all done opening the gifts we gather as much wrapping paper and make them into snowballs and hit eachother with them.

i'd rather have the soup

but we have like baked ziti and i'm full by the time the turkey comes out

this year, i aint touching the pasta Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 4:52 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Posted by CaptainCharisma424


we have pasta as the first course

i guess for the italians, it's not so weird

we do this also

Posted 11/21/05 4:54 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Add me to the soup, then pasta, then turkey list.

Well, all the women in my family always give thanks to Martha Stewart for providing us with the only recipe that never dries out a turkeyChat Icon Yes, we REALLY do this. Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 4:55 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Posted by prncssrachel

Add me to the soup, then pasta, then turkey list.

Well, all the women in my family always give thanks to Martha Stewart for providing us with the only recipe that never dries out a turkeyChat Icon Yes, we REALLY do this. Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 4:58 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Posted by prncssrachel

Add me to the soup, then pasta, then turkey list.

Well, all the women in my family always give thanks to Martha Stewart for providing us with the only recipe that never dries out a turkeyChat Icon Yes, we REALLY do this. Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

The funny thing is - Now I want that recipe!

Posted 11/21/05 6:07 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

we do the pasta course, too - but it's lasagna in our house.

Salad, then lasagna, then the [un-named] turkey.

I guess our weird tradition is that grandma fries assorted vegetables, because "that's how they always did it." It doesn't matter that no one eats them....she MUST fry them. C'mon...fried broccoli, cauliflower...brussel sprouts?!? ew!

Posted 11/21/05 6:14 PM

Making big changes

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

For Thankgiving, my family eats at my parents' beach house, which doesn't have electricity; gas oven, gas refrigerator, gas lights, etc. We're not going this year though, because it will be too cold for Christopher.

For Christmas, DH's family stays up late on Christmas Eve and they open their presents at 12 AM on Christmas day.

Message edited 11/21/2005 6:23:22 PM.

Posted 11/21/05 6:23 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Posted by FeliciaDP

so Lauren and Don, you are trying to say that pasta on Thanksgiving is weirdChat Icon

WELL count me amongst ya weirdos Chat Icon Chat Icon

Actually we usually have SOUP and THEN PASTA on Thanksgiving Chat Icon and THEN our main couruse.. Its enough to bust a gut just thinking about it Chat Icon

I'm currently int he rpocess of trying to talk my mom out of making lasagna for thanksgiving! That would be after the potato soup and before, turkey, tofurkey and ham

Posted 11/21/05 6:53 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

But Jenn - what about the chicken parts?!?!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 8:21 PM

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Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

You guys have no idea how happy I am that I've found others who have pasta for Thanksgiving!!

For years all my friends have made fun of me!!

Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 8:25 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Posted by giggles

Posted by prncssrachel

Add me to the soup, then pasta, then turkey list.

Well, all the women in my family always give thanks to Martha Stewart for providing us with the only recipe that never dries out a turkeyChat Icon Yes, we REALLY do this. Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

The funny thing is - Now I want that recipe! say a prayer to Martha and maybe I'll talkChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 9:32 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Oh, we also have that weird tradition of staying up late on Christmas Eve and opening the presents at midnight. Also, we have Santa come EVERY YEAR. And yes, all the grandchildren, even the ones approaching 30, MUST sit on Santa's lap for a present and a pictureChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Luckily it's just my dad who plays Santa and not some old, dirty pervert we hireChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 9:34 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: WEIRD family holiday traditions??

Posted by Shorty

I guess our weird tradition is that grandma fries assorted vegetables, because "that's how they always did it." It doesn't matter that no one eats them....she MUST fry them. C'mon...fried broccoli, cauliflower...brussel sprouts?!? ew!

ew, really? I absolutely LOVE fried broccoli and cauliflower.. my grandma used to do that too, egg, bread and they fry up the veggies.. muy delicioso!

.. since granny passed, my mom tries now, but it does not come close to how yummy grannies were Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 9:35 PM
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