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Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
We're home! (Ella's birth story -June 25, 2006)
Ella Angelina is here! After a whopping 45 hours of labor! (and worth every minute!!)
I woke up Thursday night/Friday morning feeling some contractions. I started timing them around 4:30am and found them to be coming regularly every 10 minutes.
I had an appointment scheduled with my midwife, Melanie, for that morning already. So at 9am, I called her to see if I should come to the appt or plan to meet her at the hospital later that day. She said to come in, so off we went.
At the office, they did a NST, and the contractions stopped the whole time I was hooked up. They resumed just in time for the internal. I was 3-4 cm, but my cervix position was still a little high. She said go home, get plenty of rest, eat light, and we'll see you at the hospital later today. "You're having this baby today" (or not...).
So Friday comes at goes with me laboring at home. Contractions progress to 6-7 minutes apart with increasing intensity, but never really get to the 3-4 minutes we're waiting for. Another sleepless night on Friday, since I could only sleep in between the contractions, for 5 minutes at a time.
Saturday morning, same thing. Constant contractions at regular intervals but not getting close enough. At 4pm, we chat again with Melanie (she's been checking in every few hours) and we make the call to head to the hospital to be evaluated. She's concerned that I'm getting too exhausted and doesn't want this to go on for another night.
We meet her there at 5pm, and she checks me. I'm 5cm and 100% effaced - yay! She admits me, and suggests breaking my water to get things moving along a bit faster. Sounds good to me! Again, she says, "you're having this baby today", and I laugh saying "you said that yesterday"!
Breaking my water intensified the contractions, but didn't bring them any closer. She suggests stadol to let me sleep for an hour, thinking the relaxation will help me progress. At this point, its been over 36 hours and I'm wiped, so a nap sounds great. Hynobirthing had gotten me this far, but between the exhaustion, the length of time and the stress of not progressing, I just couldn't relax any more. Loved the stadol at first, but when the contractions started getting really bad, I didn't like the foggy feeling. Luckily, she only gave me enough to last an hour.
But little miss Ella STILL didn't want to come out. Next step, Pitocin...I feared the pitocin. I knew it would increase the pain level considerably, and I knew I couldn't tolerate any more, so I opted for an epi and it was fabulous. Ella was no match for the pitocin!
She was FINALLY born at 12:59am on Sunday (proving Melanie wrong once again). Pushing wasn't so bad - it was less than an hour. I couldn't feel the pain of the contractions but I could feel my legs, and the pressure and everything else.
What a miraculous moment when she was acutally here. Big surprise that she was a girl! And so tiny (6lbs7oz) for being 10 days LATE! My parents, 2 sisters and Al's parents were in the waiting room. They got to see her just minutes after she was born.
We came home yesterday afternoon, and she's been a total doll. Al's in love, and we can't stop staring at her. She's been so good! BFing like a champ, and she actually let me get some sleep last night for the first time in 4 days!
Ella Angelina! - our princess:
her fancy going home outfit:

minutes old:

our family:

adoring grandparents:

Message edited 2/21/2008 9:57:44 PM.
Posted 6/27/06 5:51 PM |
Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05 24460 total posts
Name: Tania
Re: We're home!
congrats on your baby girl, she is beautiful.
Posted 6/27/06 5:57 PM |

Member since 7/05 9662 total posts
Name: Mrs. Honeybee
Re: We're home!
OMG she is sooooo beautiful. really beautiful. congrats.
oh i forget to say, i LOVE her name.
Message edited 6/27/2006 6:02:12 PM.
Posted 6/27/06 6:01 PM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: We're home!
Congrats Lisa She is so beautiful
Posted 6/27/06 6:04 PM |
Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05 4114 total posts
Re: We're home!
what a beautiful baby!!! congrats!
Posted 6/27/06 6:09 PM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: We're home!
Congrats she is adorable!
Posted 6/27/06 6:10 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: We're home!
congrats!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL
Posted 6/27/06 6:17 PM |
Member since 6/06 2988 total posts
Re: We're home!
She is Beautiful!!!
Posted 6/27/06 6:21 PM |
Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05 15567 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: We're home!
congrats she is so cute
Posted 6/27/06 6:30 PM |
Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05 9612 total posts
Re: We're home!
Posted 6/27/06 6:43 PM |
Re: We're home!
Congratulations she is beautiful!!! Ella is such a pretty name!!!!!
Posted 6/27/06 6:53 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: We're home!
congrats!! love her and her name!! she is beautiful
Posted 6/27/06 7:11 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: We're home!
OMG, she's gorgeous! Congrats again and welcome to the parenting side! Your amazing birth story is a great read, I am so happy for you!
Posted 6/27/06 7:36 PM |
My boys!

Member since 1/06 5292 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: We're home!
Wow she is really beautiful. Congratulations!
Posted 6/27/06 7:37 PM |
Complete Happiness :)
Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Re: We're home!
She is beautiful!!!
You look great!!!
Posted 6/27/06 7:41 PM |
Feel better my little guy!

Member since 5/05 4476 total posts
Name: Kate
Re: We're home!
She's precious !!!!!
Posted 6/27/06 7:46 PM |
We like hanging together!

Member since 5/05 5475 total posts
Name: Mommy to twins
Re: We're home!
Congratulations, she is beautiful!!!
Posted 6/27/06 7:54 PM |
Love my little girl!

Member since 2/06 3621 total posts
Name: Jodi
Re: We're home!
She is GORGEOUS! congrats to you and DH!
Posted 6/27/06 7:55 PM |
Come on in

Member since 5/05 9674 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: We're home!
She is so pretty. She looks like a little princess
Posted 6/27/06 8:03 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: We're home!
Lisa I am so happy for you!! 
Congratulations on the birth of Ella Angelina- just a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl Based on your pics I truly thought you were having a boy! (wrong again!! )
Best wishes to you all -she is so lovely! thank you for sharing your story and kudos to you for going thru all those hours of labor!!
Posted 6/27/06 8:08 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05 754 total posts
Name: Kathleen
Re: We're home!
Congrats...what a beautiful baby girl
Posted 6/27/06 8:08 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: We're home!
She is adorable! Congratulations
Posted 6/27/06 8:15 PM |
April already?

Member since 3/06 5297 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: We're home!
Posted 6/27/06 9:03 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: We're home!
Congratulations--she's gorgeous!!
Posted 6/27/06 9:10 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: We're home!
Congratulations...I was in labor for 27 hours with my 6lb 7ozer....must be something about that weight
Posted 6/27/06 9:19 PM |
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