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What age is too young for TV?

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1 year already!!

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What age is too young for TV?

Hi -

Just wondering what age do you think is too young for TV? My SIL will put my 3 month old nephew in front of the TV and put in a Sesame St. tape or something. He's not directly in front of the TV but I don't agree and was so "kindly" reminded that I'm not a mom so what do I know?

I would love to hear your thoughts & opinions

Posted 11/3/05 1:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: What age is too young for TV?

I always had the tv on...mostly dora or blues clues....he seemed to respond the music at 1st...then later on he started to do the dora dance. I dont leave him in front of the tv alone...but he has been watching tv since he was about 4 months old....but it probably would have been sooner if he wasn't a preemie

Posted 11/3/05 2:05 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

We never put Alex in front of the TV and don't really plan on doing so. I purposely moved the TV to the basement so we aren't as inclined to watch it. I know some people use the Einstein videos but I'm just uncomfortable with my child becoming so accustomed to the TV. Maybe that's just because I had TV restrictions growing up. But, honestly, even though people used to make fun of me because I NEVER knew the latest TV shows, the fact is, because I never really watched TV as a child, I rarely watch it now.

Posted 11/3/05 2:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

I started letting my son watch Baby Einstein DVDs at 2.5 months. I always watched it with him and pointed out colors and animals to him. Now since he sleep less, sometimes I will put a DVD in so I can take a shower or a phone call.

Posted 11/3/05 2:10 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

My opinion - I don't think it is too young. Even babies can enjoy the movement and colors and stuff and be stimulated by it. Kevin watched Baby Einstein videos at about 2-3 months and he was fascinated with them and they are suppose to be educational. I just keep it limited to about 30-40 minutes or so a day. (great way to get something in the house done when they are that little - I use to use them to cook dinner.) I even put him in front of the Mets game for opening day so he was about 2 months then (try to start him young - hehe - DH is a Yankee fan so I have to start my baby early to get my way). But now at 9 months, he barely shows interest in tv.

I don't think tv is too bad in moderation. But think too much tv isn't good for a baby or anyone for that matter.

Message edited 11/3/2005 2:11:38 PM.

Posted 11/3/05 2:10 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

I think that at three months they are interested in the colors, movement and sounds. That's pretty much when Jake first started to take a tiny bit of interest in it.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it at his age as long as the programming is deliberate and the duration short. Babies don't have long attention spans anyway.

I worry now that Jake is watching waaaaay too much TV at the sitter so I hardly ever put him to watch TV at home anymore.

But different parents have different philosophies when it comes to TV watching. Some don't want their kids to watch ANY TV and of course, some allow alot of TV. It really is up to the parent what they feel is right for their child and at what age.

Posted 11/3/05 2:15 PM

1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

Thanks for sharing your opinions.

My SIL works from home so my nephew is in front of the TV for about 2 hours in the am and then the afternoon.

Posted 11/3/05 2:37 PM

Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

I felt very strongly before I had Cole that I would not let him watch TV at all. Around 2-3 months though, I changed my mind! I found it hard to stimulate him all day. We played and read books, but I was losing my sanity and running out of things to say. So we started Baby Einstein and Sesame Street. I mostly watched with him and explained what was going on (which is really similar to reading a picture book). By the time he was about 6 months old though, he really lost interest. Now we watch very little TV (except for baseball football and Nascar with Daddy.)
So I think it goes in phases and at the 2-6 month age, an hour a day to "change things up" isnt bad at all.

Posted 11/3/05 2:40 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

I would put marissa in front of the Tv around 2 months months and I would put on Barney or baby einstein or blues clues and she would love the music and the bright colors. It was great when I had to get things done or t ake a shower without a worry. I wouldn't keep her there all day though. Even now with her being a year old she watches a few shows on noggin and nickelodeon but most of the time is playing. SHe has learned alot from watching these shows also I don't just leave her watching it alone I sit there with her and sing the songs and [piont out things to her

Posted 11/3/05 2:42 PM

LIF Toddler

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

Nick started watching Baby Einstein at about 2-3 months. He is now 13 months and still LOVES it - he watches it sporatically thoughout the day. When we have the TV on (which is a lot) showing anything other than Baby Einstein, he could care less about it and does not even look at it. So I do not think it is problem at all - as long as they are watching age-appropriate things and it is somewhat limited. In this day and age it is hard to not let your kid watch TV!

Posted 11/3/05 2:47 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

my kids loved all the colors and movement on tv, mt oldest daughter was in front of the tv alot, and her teacher has told me that she is brilliant! I think the shows now are so educational that the tv limiting issue could be debated, they are ery stimulating and teach great lessons, but they should NEVER replace the parental role of teaching, it should just be "in addition to".

Posted 11/3/05 2:56 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

Logan has been watching TV since about 2 months. Before that I dont think he could really focus. We have Noggins on all day long when we are home. He doesnt just sit in front of it all day, but he likes the music in the background and when his favorite characters come on the TV, he gets very excited.

Posted 11/3/05 3:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

Jack absolutely loves Baby Einstein. He's got a ton of the videos and has been watching them since about 3 months old. Now all he needs to see is that little worm come crawling across the screen and hear the song and he is screaming with excitment and jumping up and down. He will actually sit in his little chair now without getting up and watch the whole thing (40 minutes or so).

So, I am not against TV for babies. Especially for me as a working from home stay at home mom, it helps me get through the day!

Also when we were growing up the cartoons were Tom and Jerry beating each other over the head with hammers and getting squished by cement rollers. Now everything is so educational. Thanks to Dora my Spanish is improving! Chat Icon

Message edited 11/3/2005 4:04:30 PM.

Posted 11/3/05 4:02 PM

Straight up nasty

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

We watch stuff like the Wiggles and even though I can't stand them, they do keep her interested and she tries to do the dances (which is good for physical exercise for both her and I). She also LOVES Maisy which is cute and educational. She watches about 30 minutes of that during the morning (while she's playing and we're taking our showers) and about a half an hour at night (while we're paying bills, etc.).

She was watching Baby Einstein since about 2 months.

Posted 11/3/05 4:11 PM

We made it to 8 years

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

Jillian loves music becasue of TV.. i keep on Noggin all day.. she is really only into the opening credits when they sing and then she just goes about playing when it is over. The only show that she watches with intensity is Teletubbies.. and they make me crazy....she starting watching TV at about 2.5 months baby einstein was such a life saver

Posted 11/3/05 5:17 PM

life moves fast

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

Jordan didn't watch TV until he was over a year and Mallory hasn't watched it yet, she has no interest in what her brother is watching.... he is only allowed to watch 1/2 to 1 hour per day.... I'm not big on the kids watching TV, it's just not needed IMO.

Posted 11/3/05 5:26 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

Posted by Boobobunny

I always had the tv on...mostly dora or blues clues....he seemed to respond the music at 1st...then later on he started to do the dora dance. I dont leave him in front of the tv alone...but he has been watching tv since he was about 4 months old....but it probably would have been sooner if he wasn't a preemie

Same here, I don't put my daughter down in front of the TV and walk away, but the TV is always on...she loves Noggin, and it is a learning channel.

Posted 11/3/05 5:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

Kevin and I spend most of our indoor time in the living room and the TV is always on (for both of us)...I think I'd go stir crazy if it wasn't on.

I don't think there is anything wrong with TV for little ones as long as its not there only activity. It would be great if you could play with your baby all day long but who can really do that. You need some time to yourself and to get things done around the house. I think when kids get older they will learn more in active play rather than from TV but in moderation, i don't think it will do real harm.

I keep either Noggin or PBS Kids on during the day but we also play with his activity gym and other toys while the TV is on (I'll mute the sound so he can here the toy's music).

Sometimes I'll have him do Tummy Time while he is watching TV so at least he is doing something constructive while he's "watching" his shows.

Kevin doing Tummy Time while watching Blue's Clues
External Image

Kevin realizing that this Blue's Clues is with Joe not Steve - He likes Steve better!
External Image

Posted 11/3/05 7:25 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: What age is too young for TV?

Cassidy has "watched" TV since she was a couple of months old. She was fascinated by the movement and the colors.
Now that she's 10 months, she definately has her favorites (Barney, Blues Clues) and sometimes she'll watch Baby Einstein, but she watches TV here and there.
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with a baby watching som TV.

Posted 11/3/05 8:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

Claire has been watching Baby Einstein videos since about 4 months, and now at 10 months she LOVES them and get so excited when she sees the FBI warning on the screen. I really beleive that they are very educational and good for babies/children when watched correctly with adult interaction explaining things along the way.

My mom watches Claire and my 2 year old niece during the day and my niece likes to watch Seseme Street, Blue, Big Comfy Couch and teletubbies and at first I was really against it being on all the time, but after watching her watching it, they really learn alot and it gives parents another tool to help teach new things (shapes, colors, abcs, 123s, words, ect)

Cartoons today are 100% different from the cartoons we had growning up where not much was educational. IMO

Posted 11/3/05 10:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

Posted by curley999

Claire has been watching Baby Einstein videos since about 4 months, and now at 10 months she LOVES them and get so excited when she sees the FBI warning on the screen.

That is so funny! Jack does the same thing!

Posted 11/4/05 9:15 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

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Re: What age is too young for TV?

how funny I never thought my two month old would notice the tv, he was fussing right now and in stead of putting himon the swing i put his chair in front of the tv (after reading this post)and he is watching Franklin and cooing!

Posted 11/4/05 1:22 PM

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