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What are you doing on the first day? And during the first week?

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New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


What are you doing on the first day? And during the first week?

First day...(in no order)

One of my first day read alouds
Tour of the room
Class constitution
Rules/Rewards and Consequences
Give out books
Do some form of writing activity

Posted 8/29/08 9:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1011 total posts


Re: What are you doing on the first day? And during the first week?

Collect classroom supplies (paper towels, copy paper etc.)
Collect summer book reports
Introduce myself and they will do the same
give them and all about me writing activity

I have to think of other things but we have half days the first 3 days.

Posted 8/29/08 10:03 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: What are you doing on the first day? And during the first week?

AS I teach high school it's...

"Hi, I'm Mrs. K.... yes, the rumors are true, I will work your tushy off. We have a Regents/college Final to pass with flying colors!!"

Classroom contract


Then that week it's right into hardcore coursework...

Both of my courses have a quiz for that Friday.

College Eco, I go right into the concept of scarcity after I spend 10 minutes on the above.

Message edited 8/29/2008 10:47:36 PM.

Posted 8/29/08 10:46 PM

Be happy

Member since 5/06

1359 total posts


Re: What are you doing on the first day? And during the first week?

*Organizing supplies
*Class rules
*Read alouds
*Day 1 of Reader's Workshop
*Math assessment
*Quick writing assessment (not our benchmark)
*Intro S.S. vocab
*First week intro activities

This is for Wed.-Fri...our first "week".

Posted 8/30/08 10:16 AM

Little drummer boy

Member since 5/05

2377 total posts


Re: What are you doing on the first day? And during the first week?

* Setting routines (especially morning routine)
* Read Aloud (leads to discussion about rules, consequences and rewards)
* setting class goal
* Getting to know you icebreakers
* An all about you poster from Scholastic (usually takes a few days to complete)
* Cooperative math project
* Guess who poems
* Math Inventory Test
* Running Records
I'll jump into ss test prep right away since I teach 5th grade.

Posted 8/30/08 10:41 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

1173 total posts


Re: What are you doing on the first day? And during the first week?

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

AS I teach high school it's...

"Hi, I'm Mrs. K.... yes, the rumors are true, I will work your tushy off. We have a Regents/college Final to pass with flying colors!!"

Classroom contract


Then that week it's right into hardcore coursework...

Both of my courses have a quiz for that Friday.

College Eco, I go right into the concept of scarcity after I spend 10 minutes on the above.

That's funny -- your first day sounds an awful lot like mine (except in my case, it's English). And in my AP class, one of my goals is to inundate them with so much paperwork that the kids who figured they'd just "give it a try" realize that might not be the best idea.

Posted 8/30/08 11:41 AM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: What are you doing on the first day? And during the first week?

High school science:
Intro w/ course guidelines, grading policy, rules, etc.
Delaney cards/ info sheets
prepare their portfolios
lab report format
The following week I'll do textbooks and start regular lessons.

Posted 8/30/08 1:01 PM

Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07

8494 total posts


Re: What are you doing on the first day? And during the first week?

Day One: My really strict rules, supplies needed etc. Fill out index cards, some sort of introduction activity.

Day Two: Distibute texts and scavenger hunt to find info in texts

Day three: Really start curriculum with a powerpoint on social sciences/ why study social studies.

The second week is all geography with a test at the end.

Posted 8/30/08 1:44 PM

Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07

6349 total posts


Re: What are you doing on the first day? And during the first week?

I also teach HS English. I will do a brief overview of the course and then go right into a Regents Task I. Their essay will be due the next day!Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/08 11:00 AM

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