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My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
I feel like the baby food is not filling DS anymore and he is getting bored of it. But he doesnt have any teeth yet My mom said to make a little pastina with some chicken broth and start giving him some really soft carrots and even spaghetti to eat. But I think he is too young for that stuff. I already give him the Zwieback's cookies and he eats them like a champ so maybe he is ready.
Posted 12/6/07 12:24 PM |
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Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
My dd is 7 months and she eats pastina,spaghetti..Loves it actually.
I do cooked carrots, peas..I smoosh them before they get in her mouth.
She gums everything.
Posted 12/6/07 12:25 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
pasta cheerios apples Bananas puffs zwieback cookies yogurt chicken and beef (small pieces)
She loves food
eta: my baby has 8 teeth already as well she looks like this guy
Message edited 12/6/2007 2:58:20 PM.
Posted 12/6/07 12:26 PM |
My girls!!

Member since 8/06 5843 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
hmmmmmmmmmm see i am in the same boat i am so scared of giving her food that she is going to choke, do you mush it with the pasta, how do they know how to chew it?
Posted 12/6/07 12:32 PM |
Fun in the Snow!
Member since 11/06 4512 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
Taylor has 2 bottom teeth and is cutting one of the top ones.
I try to give her lots of different things to try. Mind you, I don't give her lots of some of the stuff, but I let her try a lot of different things now.
Puffs (sweet potato are her fave) cheerios zwieback I grill chicken and cut it up really small I cook sweet potatoes and cut them up small as well pastina (didn't go over well, she looked scared) chicken soup lots of other stuff but I can't think
Posted 12/6/07 12:58 PM |
The Prince & Princess
Member since 7/05 4939 total posts
Name: J
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
I am feeling the same thing with Troy.
He'll be 7 mos on Saturday, but has two bottom teeth and one just cutting thru on top.
I made some carrots and mashes potatoes the other night. I mashed up the carrots and tried to give him some, he sorta choked/gaggged on it.
I want to try other things (pastina, etc) but afraid. How do we get past the gagging/choking????
At his 6 mo well visit the Dr said we'd talk about table foods at his 9 mo well visit.
Can I give him Cherrios?? Puffs???
Message edited 12/6/2007 2:50:06 PM.
Posted 12/6/07 2:49 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
Posted by MsKitty1274
I am feeling the same thing with Troy.
He'll be 7 mos on Saturday, but has two bottom teeth and one just cutting thru on top.
I made some carrots and mashes potatoes the other night. I mashed up the carrots and tried to give him some, he sorta choked/gaggged on it.
I want to try other things (pastina, etc) but afraid. How do we get past the gagging/choking????
At his 6 mo well visit the Dr said we'd talk about table foods at his 9 mo well visit.
Can I give him Cherrios?? Puffs???
I would start with puffs before cheerios as they disolve in the mouth
Posted 12/6/07 2:57 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
DS has already mastered the puffs and Zwieback cookies. And I feel if he can eat the Zwieback's without choking, he is doing pretty well for not having any teeth.
The dr. told me even when they get their first 2 teeth, they still use their gums to "chew" and mush whatever is in their mouth. I think i will try some pastina. That is probably very easy for them to mush up.
Posted 12/6/07 3:07 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3380 total posts
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
At that age, I gave DD pastina which she loved. Also, yogart and little pieces of banana. You can also try mashed up potatos.
Posted 12/6/07 3:34 PM |
Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05 8135 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
At 9 months...DD still had no teeth. DH had made a steak on the BBQ one night, so I cut it in really small pieces and gave them to DD...she gummed them
They don't need teeth to chew...they use their gums. At 8 months, DD was eating a little table food, cheese, yogurt, chicken, veggies.
Posted 12/6/07 3:35 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
Posted by luvsun27
At 9 months...DD still had no teeth. DH had made a steak on the BBQ one night, so I cut it in really small pieces and gave them to DD...she gummed them
They don't need teeth to chew...they use their gums. At 8 months, DD was eating a little table food, cheese, yogurt, chicken, veggies.
what kind of cheese? and do you get shredded cheese?
Posted 12/6/07 3:53 PM |
Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05 8135 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?
Posted by stephanief
what kind of cheese? and do you get shredded cheese?
American cheese, I used to break up into small pieces she could put in her mouth. Now that she is older, I give her the whole slice and she likes to bite it. At around 10-11 months I also started giving polly-o string cheese..I would just rip it into small pieces for her to chew. that she is older, I give her bigger piece because she like to break it down by biting it.
Posted 12/6/07 3:58 PM |