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What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

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My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

I feel like the baby food is not filling DS anymore and he is getting bored of it. But he doesnt have any teeth yet Chat Icon My mom said to make a little pastina with some chicken broth and start giving him some really soft carrots and even spaghetti to eat. But I think he is too young for that stuff. I already give him the Zwieback's cookies and he eats them like a champ so maybe he is ready.

Posted 12/6/07 12:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

My dd is 7 months and she eats pastina,spaghetti..Loves it actually.

I do cooked carrots, peas..I smoosh them before they get in her mouth.

She gums everything.

Posted 12/6/07 12:25 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

zwieback cookies
chicken and beef (small pieces)

She loves food Chat Icon

eta: my baby has 8 teeth already as well Chat Icon she looks like this guy Chat Icon

Message edited 12/6/2007 2:58:20 PM.

Posted 12/6/07 12:26 PM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

5843 total posts


Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

hmmmmmmmmmm see i am in the same boat i am so scared of giving her food that she is going to choke, do you mush it with the pasta, how do they know how to chew it?

Posted 12/6/07 12:32 PM

Fun in the Snow!

Member since 11/06

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Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

Taylor has 2 bottom teeth and is cutting one of the top ones.

I try to give her lots of different things to try. Mind you, I don't give her lots of some of the stuff, but I let her try a lot of different things now.

Puffs (sweet potato are her fave)
I grill chicken and cut it up really small
I cook sweet potatoes and cut them up small as well
pastina (didn't go over well, she looked scared)
chicken soup
lots of other stuff but I can't think

Posted 12/6/07 12:58 PM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

4939 total posts


Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

I am feeling the same thing with Troy.

He'll be 7 mos on Saturday, but has two bottom teeth and one just cutting thru on top.

I made some carrots and mashes potatoes the other night. I mashed up the carrots and tried to give him some, he sorta choked/gaggged on it.

I want to try other things (pastina, etc) but afraid. How do we get past the gagging/choking????

At his 6 mo well visit the Dr said we'd talk about table foods at his 9 mo well visit.

Can I give him Cherrios?? Puffs???

Message edited 12/6/2007 2:50:06 PM.

Posted 12/6/07 2:49 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

Posted by MsKitty1274

I am feeling the same thing with Troy.

He'll be 7 mos on Saturday, but has two bottom teeth and one just cutting thru on top.

I made some carrots and mashes potatoes the other night. I mashed up the carrots and tried to give him some, he sorta choked/gaggged on it.

I want to try other things (pastina, etc) but afraid. How do we get past the gagging/choking????

At his 6 mo well visit the Dr said we'd talk about table foods at his 9 mo well visit.

Can I give him Cherrios?? Puffs???

I would start with puffs before cheerios as they disolve in the mouth Chat Icon

Posted 12/6/07 2:57 PM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

DS has already mastered the puffs and Zwieback cookies. And I feel if he can eat the Zwieback's without choking, he is doing pretty well for not having any teeth.

The dr. told me even when they get their first 2 teeth, they still use their gums to "chew" and mush whatever is in their mouth. I think i will try some pastina. That is probably very easy for them to mush up.

Posted 12/6/07 3:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3380 total posts


Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

At that age, I gave DD pastina which she loved. Also, yogart and little pieces of banana. You can also try mashed up potatos.

Posted 12/6/07 3:34 PM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

At 9 months...DD still had no teeth. DH had made a steak on the BBQ one night, so I cut it in really small pieces and gave them to DD...she gummed them Chat Icon

They don't need teeth to chew...they use their gums. At 8 months, DD was eating a little table food, cheese, yogurt, chicken, veggies.

Posted 12/6/07 3:35 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

Posted by luvsun27

At 9 months...DD still had no teeth. DH had made a steak on the BBQ one night, so I cut it in really small pieces and gave them to DD...she gummed them Chat Icon

They don't need teeth to chew...they use their gums. At 8 months, DD was eating a little table food, cheese, yogurt, chicken, veggies.

what kind of cheese? and do you get shredded cheese?

Posted 12/6/07 3:53 PM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: What are you feeding your 8 month old (besides baby food)?

Posted by stephanief

what kind of cheese? and do you get shredded cheese?

American cheese, I used to break up into small pieces she could put in her mouth. Now that she is older, I give her the whole slice and she likes to bite it. At around 10-11 months I also started giving polly-o string cheese..I would just rip it into small pieces for her to chew. that she is older, I give her bigger piece because she like to break it down by biting it.

Posted 12/6/07 3:58 PM

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