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What are your diet tricks?

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fight the future
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What are your diet tricks?

Not looking for quick fixes... I've dieted hardcore before. Almost two years ago I started counting calories and between February-October I went from 200lbs to 143.

It came off pretty consistently little by little.

But I still like to hear what other people's 'magic weapons' are for getting the most out of the amount of food you're eating, interesting swaps, water-intake, etc.

Like for example -- I ate a LOT of Oatmeal and Weight Watchers Progresso soups because they were low-calorie and kept me full.

Sugar-free hot chocolate was another one.

And my favorite swap, because peanut butter was something I kept on craving during the whole process (and obviously still now) was a low-calorie peanut butter available at Trader Joe's called 'Better 'n' Peanut Butter'.

Share yours, please Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/11 11:36 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Thru the rabbit hole!

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Re: What are your diet tricks?

My diet secret: I do not eat processed foods.

Message edited 1/6/2011 11:50:21 AM.

Posted 1/6/11 11:44 AM


Member since 9/06

4161 total posts


Re: What are your diet tricks?

My trick is eat sensible not too much of anything and NO FRIED FOOD!

Posted 1/6/11 11:52 AM


Member since 6/09

10031 total posts


Re: What are your diet tricks?

Portion control
I write everything down that I eat
I don't drink my calories (no juice or soda)
I eat throughout the day so I don't get hungry
I make sure my diet is balanced (enough carbs/proteins/healthy fats/ fruits& veggies/dairy, etc)

Posted 1/6/11 12:02 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/08

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Re: What are your diet tricks?

Drinks tons of water and tea
No sodas or other drinks
Very little beer or alcohol, only drink wine on the weekends
Very little carbs
Lots of veggies and protein
Limit sugar and processed stuff
Limit salt if possible, but I lovve soups so its hard
Dont eat after 8ish
Portion control
Lots of snacks throughout the day
Make wise decisions when eating out, salads are not always the "healthy" choice

This is what I do on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes I stray away and gain a few pounds but I always comes back to this and it seems to work for me!

Posted 1/6/11 12:16 PM


Member since 3/10

1803 total posts


Re: What are your diet tricks?

I'm just starting to find out that when I stay away from carbs, I don't feel hungry Chat Icon But if I have a little piece of bread or something I start craving everything in sight.... So basically I do pretty good as long as I stay away from carbs. It probably doesn't help but I thought I'd share my experience anyway! Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/11 1:52 PM

3 under 2!!!

Member since 10/10

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Re: What are your diet tricks?

My finger. No - just kidding .. Chat Icon Chat Icon

I try to stay away from cookies and candy and stuff but my addiction to Oreos sometimes takes over and I cant help myself .. Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/11 2:07 PM

2 girls?!?!?

Member since 9/10

3318 total posts


Re: What are your diet tricks?

You all know I'm a WW girl. I count my points, weigh/measure my portions, and indulge every once in a while.

I also make an effort to never get to the "starving" level.

Message edited 1/6/2011 2:48:16 PM.

Posted 1/6/11 2:47 PM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: What are your diet tricks?

* I NEVER drink Soda. I only drink water and the occasional juice.

* I'm allow myself to eat a few cookies a day just to satisfy myself and leave it at that. (I just realized Sugar wafers only have 190 grams of fat for 9 cookies!)

* I eat slowly. I've read somewhere it burns more calories this way. By eating slowly it also tricks your mind into thinking your full and ate more then you actually did.

* Eat frequently.

Message edited 1/6/2011 2:52:03 PM.

Posted 1/6/11 2:51 PM

Kindness matters

Member since 12/10

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Mary (MOB)

Re: What are your diet tricks?

I use a 1200 cal. diet., eat oatmeal first thing, because it's filling. I also think exercise is a key element, because when I'm out walking a lot during the day, I notice I'm not as hungry, and it helps with the weight loss part. I also notice more weight loss, with eating protein, and drinking water!!!! Mary

Re:oatmeal, I eat one pack of organic 120 cal. blueberry, and one pack 170 cal. blueberry Quaker True Dellights oatmeal, with half cup of Lactaid no fat milk.

Posted 1/6/11 2:54 PM

waiting on nugget!

Member since 6/10

4432 total posts


Re: What are your diet tricks?

I drink a ton of water throughout the day. I will have coffee or tea once or twice a day but besides that, always water

I try to eat sensible portions

If I eat carbs, it's usually first thing in the morning and always whole grain

Cut sugars and salt as much as possible

I allow myself to have dessert every night, but usually 2 cookies or something reasonable. I find it really helps because I don't feel like I am depriving myself of anything

Posted 1/6/11 3:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

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Re: What are your diet tricks?

I eat unprocessed foods as much as possible.

I rarely eat refined sugar.

I find that when I don't have refined sugar I am less hungry overall and don't have the cravings.

Posted 1/6/11 3:13 PM

Kindness matters

Member since 12/10

1903 total posts

Mary (MOB)

Re: What are your diet tricks?

Being on LIF!!!! Chat Icon Girls, it's 4 PM, and I haven't eaten yet!!!!!! But I am hungry now!!!! Chat Icon Mary

Posted 1/6/11 4:04 PM

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