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what are your plans for Mother's Day

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

2448 total posts


what are your plans for Mother's Day

I typically do not make a big deal out of holidays but it is my first Mother's Day. It is also DH's birthday weekend! So what do you all have planned

Posted 4/23/11 3:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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nicholas is one!!

Member since 9/07

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Re: what are your plans for Mother's Day

not sure yet but maybe ill plan to go to dinner.. me, dh and ds, my parents, in laws, siblings...

Posted 4/23/11 3:24 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: what are your plans for Mother's Day

Ugh...I always get screwed on Mother's Day. This year my DD's birthday falls on Mother's Day--which I think is awesome. I was hoping to do a brunch with the grandparents and then spend the day doing something fun as a family with her. Well, my DH is in a community theater group and they are having a full dress rehearsal that day (as the 1st performance is the following Friday) and that will pretty much take up most of the late afternoon through late at night. So yeah...probably just the brunch. Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/11 10:52 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: what are your plans for Mother's Day

We recently switched up how we celebrate mom/dad day. This year we celebrate with my parents & will be going to Mohonk for the day.

We'll be seeing DH's parents the day before, which happens to be our DS's birthday.

Posted 4/23/11 10:56 PM


Member since 5/05

6263 total posts


Re: what are your plans for Mother's Day

My sister has a baby now and my mom wants us all to get together.
We tried planning something today and got no where first.
I'm not stressing. I'm going to have a "Special Day" w/ DS the following weekend.
I figure when I'm the oldest mother, I get to decide what I want. Until then, DS and I will have our own celebration.
Mother's Day can be any long as you buy the card before the take them down!

Posted 4/24/11 12:09 AM

BAM 2009
I am who I am!!!

Member since 5/09

6081 total posts


Re: what are your plans for Mother's Day

We are celebrating Mothers Day and our 10 year wedding anniversary tomorrow at Easter dinner. We never go out for Easter, so we figured we would combine all of it in one nice dinner...

Posted 4/24/11 12:47 AM

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