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Do you think they shoulld ban alcohol on the LIRR

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Absolutely 20 32.79%
No, who cares 37 60.66%
Maybe 3 4.92%
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What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

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Feel better my little guy!

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What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Official to MTA: Stop alcohol sales

Newsday Staff Writer

December 7, 2006

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority should stop serving as a bartender for commuters on its railroads, the MTA board's Suffolk County representative said yesterday.

"I would prefer that we don't let anybody drink on the train," Mitchell Pally said during an MTA board committee meeting. "If we're not ready to go that far ... the least we can do is not make it easy for people to do it, which is don't sell it."

For decades, commuters riding home after a long day at the office have been able to drink beer, wine or liquor on the LIRR or Metro-North. The MTA sells alcoholic beverages on some station platforms and on some trains.

LIRR officials said the railroad reaps a net profit of about $350,000 a year from selling alcoholic beverages to commuters.

Profits from alcohol sales on Metro-North were not immediately available yesterday.

LIRR riders can buy alcoholic beverages from up to 12 bar carts on platforms at Penn Station and at the Flatbush Avenue and Jamaica stations between 4 and 8 p.m. weekdays, said spokeswoman Susan McGowan.

A single bar cart operates on both the 6:33 p.m. train from Penn Station to Babylon and the 7:22 p.m. train from Penn Station to Huntington, McGowan said.

During summers, two bar carts operate during rush hours on the platform at Hunterspoint Avenue in Long Island City. On Fridays during the summer, at-seat beverage service is available on two reserved cars on the 4:06 p.m. train from Hunterspoint Avenue to Montauk, she said.

"Since 1983, 2 billion rides have been taken on Metro-North and we have had zero incidences of customers drinking alcohol bothering other customers, causing any injuries to themselves or others, or having any automobile accidents driving home," Dan Brucker, Metro-North spokesman said.

David Mack, the MTA board's Nassau County representative and chairman of the board's Long Island Committee, said the agency should take a look at Pally's concerns and "investigate what the next step is."

An 18-year-old Minnesota tourist who had been drinking on the LIRR was killed Aug. 5 after she fell through the gap at the Woodside station and was struck by another train. Natalie Smead did not purchase her alcohol from the MTA.

Pally said Smead's death did not prompt his proposal. Rather, he said, as a first-year board member, this was his first opportunity to comment during the MTA's budget process.

Gerry Bringmann of Patchogue, chairman of the Suffolk Region PTA's Substance Abuse Committee, said he supports the MTA's alcohol ban on St. Patrick's Day and New Year's Eve, because adults and teenagers are more apt to abuse alcohol then. But a broader limitation on alcohol might not be enforceable, he said.

Belly up to the bar carts

Where it's sold

4 to 8 p.m. weekdays: Up to 12 bar carts on platforms at Penn Station, stations at Flatbush Avenue and Jamaica.

Bar carts on 6:33 p.m. from Penn to Babylon train and 7:22 p.m. from Penn to Huntington.

Summers, two bar carts on the platform during rush hours at Hunterspoint Avenue in Long Island City. On summer Fridays, at-seat beverage service available on two reserved cars on 4:06 p.m. from Hunterspoint to Montauk.

What it costs

Beer: $2.50 imported, $2 domestic

Wine: $3 for 6 ounces

Mixed drinks: $4 or $4.25, single-serving bottles

Copyright 2006 Newsday Inc.

Posted 12/7/06 3:49 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

This doesn't bother me at all... During rush hour people are not getting trashed - they just want a drink after a long's day work - JMO!

I've never utilized the bar cart's - maybe I should, haha! Chat Icon

Posted 12/7/06 3:54 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

I say who cares. You can get drunk in Penn Station & get on the train anyways.

Posted 12/7/06 3:54 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by MsMBV

I say who cares. You can get drunk in Penn Station & get on the train anyways.


Posted 12/7/06 3:55 PM

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by MsMBV

I say who cares. You can get drunk in Penn Station & get on the train anyways.

exactly- she didn't buy a drink on the train- so I am not seeing the connection

Posted 12/7/06 3:55 PM

Feel better my little guy!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

I don't see anybody really getting drunk on the train. When they're drinking, they're quiet.

Posted 12/7/06 3:55 PM


Member since 9/06

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

I use to take that 7:22 everyday and I steered clear of that car, just b/c it is so noisy, but I don't think it is hurting anyone

so no, don't think they should stop selling it

Posted 12/7/06 3:59 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

I commute everyday. It doesn't bother me a bit. The commuters are not drunk from the drinks they buy from the LIRR. I don't see it as a problem.

Posted 12/7/06 4:01 PM

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

When I rode the train, my biggest problem with people drinking on the train was leaving the bottles behind, which would roll around and hit people in the foot. This ban would not solve that problem, b/c people will just bring it on with them.

IMO, the drunk rowdy people are not the commuters buying drinks on the platform - they are getting on the train already drunk after concerts, games, or a night out in the city.

Posted 12/7/06 4:01 PM

Feel better my little guy!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by dpli

When I rode the train, my biggest problem with people drinking on the train was leaving the bottles behind, which would roll around and hit people in the foot. This ban would not solve that problem, b/c people will just bring it on with them.

IMO, the drunk rowdy people are not the commuters buying drinks on the platform - they are getting on the train already drunk after concerts, games, or a night out in the city.

The only thing I don't like is the smell of stale beer - but I can live with it. That's no reason to ban it.

Posted 12/7/06 4:02 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Doesn't bother me, as long as they take their trash with them when they leave the train.

Posted 12/7/06 4:02 PM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by dawnie

I commute everyday. It doesn't bother me a bit. The commuters are not drunk from the drinks they buy from the LIRR. I don't see it as a problem.


Posted 12/7/06 4:04 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by dpli

When I rode the train, my biggest problem with people drinking on the train was leaving the bottles behind, which would roll around and hit people in the foot. This ban would not solve that problem, b/c people will just bring it on with them.

IMO, the drunk rowdy people are not the commuters buying drinks on the platform - they are getting on the train already drunk after concerts, games, or a night out in the city.

I agree with you -- the stinky trash is Chat Icon But it's not too big a deal.

Posted 12/7/06 4:06 PM

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

i could care less honestly. as long as there are no obscenely drunk people throwing up or being loud i dont have a problem with it. my DH is a conductor for LIRR and he doesnt mind either. he says the people that drink are usually quiet businessmen who just leave their tickets out and dont want to make conversation...he's all for that!

Posted 12/7/06 4:10 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by Kate07

LIRR officials said the railroad reaps a net profit of about $350,000 a year from selling alcoholic beverages to commuters.

they are going to have to make that $$ up somewhere. so if they ban it ticket prices will probably go up...

Posted 12/7/06 4:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

They don't bother me. I am sure one drink on the ride home is all well and good.

My only concern would be those who have a "few" and then hop into their cars at the station to drive home.

Posted 12/7/06 4:16 PM

Beyond Compare

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by Kate07

"Since 1983, 2 billion rides have been taken on Metro-North and we have had zero incidences of customers drinking alcohol bothering other customers, causing any injuries to themselves or others, or having any automobile accidents driving home," Dan Brucker, Metro-North spokesman said.

Copyright 2006 Newsday Inc.

I have always wondered about this. If it's true - there's not much I can say. If people are being responsible then no point in taking it away from them.

Posted 12/7/06 4:28 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

My reply is NO but not NO, WHO CARES? I care, because I resent being told what I can and cannot do all the time.

I think most people are fortunately responsible and should be able to have a drink if they want to on the way home. My DH often has a Guiness on the train, and there is nothing wrong with that IMO.

A drunk is usually drunk before they get to the train....

ETA my dad used to have a drink on the way home too.

Message edited 12/7/2006 4:34:08 PM.

Posted 12/7/06 4:32 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by chmlengr

My only concern would be those who have a "few" and then hop into their cars at the station to drive home.

I heard this on the news this morning and I suspect this decision has something to do with the MTA's fear of being liable if a drunk driving accident occurred after they served the person.

Posted 12/7/06 4:33 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by Ang-Rich

Posted by Kate07

"Since 1983, 2 billion rides have been taken on Metro-North and we have had zero incidences of customers drinking alcohol bothering other customers, causing any injuries to themselves or others, or having any automobile accidents driving home," Dan Brucker, Metro-North spokesman said.

Copyright 2006 Newsday Inc.

I have always wondered about this. If it's true - there's not much I can say. If people are being responsible then no point in taking it away from them.

I have also. Metro north claims zero but I wonder if the same could be said for theh LIRR? Is there absent comment an indication that there has been an incident?

Even if there was, it can happen from any place that serves alcohol and people need to drink responsibly and servers have to watch they don't over serve.

Posted 12/7/06 4:33 PM

Feel better my little guy!

Member since 5/05

4476 total posts


Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by karacg

My reply is NO but not NO, WHO CARES?

Sorry I didn't mean to make it sounds so carelessChat Icon

Posted 12/7/06 4:33 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

it doesn't matter. You can buy alcohol anywhere in Penn. I find it more of a problem on the later trains after people have been drinking all night. Those people need to be tossed!

Posted 12/7/06 5:06 PM

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

IMO it should be done away with. The majority of these people drinking on the train then get in their cars and drive. After a day's work and being tired and you then combine that with alcohol, it could be a recipe for disaster.

Message edited 12/7/2006 5:23:14 PM.

Posted 12/7/06 5:22 PM

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Personally, I don't care if someone drinks on the train, but it isn't good at all when they drive themselves home from the station. I can understand the MTAs concern wtih liability issues.

Posted 12/7/06 6:02 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: What do you guys think (LIRR Related)?

Posted by Maathy317

IMO it should be done away with. The majority of these people drinking on the train then get in their cars and drive. After a day's work and being tired and you then combine that with alcohol, it could be a recipe for disaster.

I completely agree, if you are driving and the person ends up hitting you it turns into your problem

Posted 12/7/06 6:42 PM

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