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What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

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Member since 5/05

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What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

I'm really starting to think Alex is following in mommy's footsteps and will make for a kickarse trial attorney. Her teachers are always telling me that she's the rule enforcer in her class and see her as an civil rights or non-profit attorney one day. With her flair for the dramatic, I think she would only be happy in the courtroom though Chat Icon

Posted 3/3/08 11:32 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Bella Bambini

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

As of now, I wouldn't be surprised if it was sports related. My son is 17 months and can throw a baseball/football with distance! He is able catch a football/baseball/basketball. He has a t-ball set and the distance he gets when he hits the ball is very impressive...

ETA: Dh takes video of our sons "skills" all the time just in case ESPN wants film on him for a documentary one day!

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Message edited 3/3/2008 11:37:08 AM.

Posted 3/3/08 11:35 AM


Member since 2/07

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

Ariel wants to be a Palentologist. She has always wanted to be a Palentologist(since she was 3). The fact that she has Down Syndrome might deter that for her a bit but I definitely see her doing something in a Museum.

Jaedyn is a Nature Lover and Animal Lover. She wants to be a Vet and I can see her going all the way. But if not definitely something to do with the enviroment..she's very GREEN my daughter.

Lexi...well Lexi is Lexi....pure politician all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So maybe law school and then on to the senate.

Caden..well Caden will have a starting position on the Dallas Cowboys of course!

Posted 3/3/08 11:37 AM

too excited for words

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

I honestly think it will be something related to music. I mean, I know all kids move to music, but DS is something special. He absolutely LOVES to dance and make music with his toys. He "plays" the guitar and turns things over to use them as a drum. He also loves to be watched, he's a little performer!

Posted 3/3/08 11:38 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

Honestly, I'm not sure yet.

I hope they both find their passions early and work very hard at whatever they want to do.

Posted 3/3/08 11:42 AM

Welcome 2010!

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

No idea yet. He loves being outdoors, but I don't know if that will translate into anything. Both his father and I have jobs that use a fair amount of logic (mine also combines that with working with people), so it's possible he will take after us.

Posted 3/3/08 11:46 AM

My Son is my world...

Member since 10/07

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

As of right now I'd say a Doctor because he is always watching every medical commercial on TV. Don't know what is about them but he will stop what he is doing to go sit and watch it. The best part is he watches it with such a serious look as if he's understanding what the commercial is about...Chat Icon

Posted 3/3/08 12:07 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

I have no idea!! I haven't even figured out what I want to be when I grow up yet!!! Chat Icon

Posted 3/3/08 12:08 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

whatever it is, I see her as the leader. I don't really see her in the subordinate roleChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 3/3/2008 12:23:49 PM.

Posted 3/3/08 12:23 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

Posted by JRG71

Honestly, I'm not sure yet.

I hope they both find their passions early and work very hard at whatever they want to do.

Same here!

Although based upon current behaviours, I think an actress and an acrobat. Katherine says that she's going to be a princess when she grows up and Abby's going to be a doctor!

Posted 3/3/08 12:26 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

DH wants Jacob to play for the Mets Chat Icon

Posted 3/3/08 12:27 PM

10 years on LIF!

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

DS is very interested and very good with computers (like Dad). DW and I think he would make a good architect. He is very analytical and a perfectionist with certain things, but he also has a very good imagination, and he is very artistic. I think an architect would satisfy both sides of him.

DD is still too young to guess, but I was telling DW over the weekend that I would love it if she fixed or built cars during the week, then was the spokesmodel for the cars on the weekends, or at shows. I think it's so cool when an attractive female can out-talk and out-knowledge any male around about "guy" topics. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/3/08 12:33 PM

Then there was 2

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

I want my DD to be whatever she wants ... I am not one to push her to go into a field she does not want to... I will though make a point to tell my DD that as we grow finances are important so whichever she chooses to just make sure she can afford the possible things she may want in life

Posted 3/3/08 12:42 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

I think she will be a dancer. She LOVES to dance. in her music class, all the other kids sit on their mommy's laps and sway. Jordana is full out dancing! She always asks for music and to dance in the mornigns and when I come home from work.

Posted 3/3/08 1:49 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

I could definitely see Lily being a performer of some kind. She loves to entertain everyone. Although, she could be a "perfomer" in a different sense (ie: politician, etc.)

Posted 3/3/08 2:28 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

a linebacker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, he's too young, but it better be something where he make s ton of $$$$ to buy his mommy a huge house in the Carribean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DH wants him to be a musician....

Posted 3/3/08 2:33 PM

My Girl

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

THE BOSS....of anything and everything!!!

Posted 3/3/08 3:16 PM

Just the 4 of us

Member since 12/06

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

cadi already loves the piano more than anything. Always wants to play... oh no another poor musician

Posted 3/3/08 3:16 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

I think she'll do something with jewelry (just like her momma! Chat Icon )

She is always inspecting people's jewelry. So much so, that the people at day care even commented on it! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/3/08 3:18 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

Such a toss up with my DS. He's got such a brain for attention to details, and that would make him the perfect Engineer like his mommy. But he also knows every car's make and model when he sees it, so he could eventually follow in daddy's business Chat Icon Chat Icon

DD? Well, she'll end up on the wrong side of the tracks one day! Chat Icon

Posted 3/3/08 3:23 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

I'm thinking something with music...she's really into it (right now Chat Icon ) But if DH has is way she's going to be the first woman UFC Champion Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/3/08 3:34 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

Message edited 9/11/2011 1:40:45 AM.

Posted 3/3/08 3:39 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

Sarah is so sweet and always trying to care for others, so I could see her as a doctor, nurse, teacher, something nurturing.

Andy is pretty athletic already, we're hoping he remains a lefty and becomes a pitcher for the bigs. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/3/08 3:40 PM

Life is good!

Member since 2/06

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

DS is still too little to tell

DD has a fantastic ear for music. She sings 24x7 and she can listen to a song once and know it. I think her career will have somthing to do with music.

Posted 3/3/08 3:42 PM

10 years on LIF!

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Re: What do you think your kid(s) will be when they are older?

Posted by Kerie-is-so-very

I am not sure what my DS will be. He is small (for now?) and I keep telling DH that small boys often make great gymnasts. DH says he would get beat up for that. My reply is that maybe someone will try but with his training as a gymnast, he will hold his own.

In HS, there were two guys in cheerleading. They were made fun of at first, until they explained that they spend all of their time with attractive, athletic females (basically, all the girls that the other guys drool over).

There's nothing wrong with spending most of your time surrounded by women....
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Posted 3/3/08 3:44 PM
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