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What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

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I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

3966 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?


1. My wedding day

2. The day I was engaged which was also the day I found out I passed my praxis test for teaching-it could not have been a better day

3. When we picked my new puppy up at the airport and saw him for the first time


1. When my grandmother died of cancer in my house

2. When my cousin died in a car accident

3. When I left for college...the actual time-when my parents drove away and I was left in this new place all alone

Posted 8/21/06 12:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?


1. Birth of Emma
2. Birth of Jeremy (kids births in random orderChat Icon )
3. Wedding Day


1. When my father went into the hospital
2. 5 Days later when he died
3. UMmmm

Posted 8/21/06 12:16 PM

Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05

4919 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

Best days:
1. the day we got engaged( we were in Santorini , Greece it was amazing)
2.our wedding
3.probably the 1st Greek Easter I spent with dh when we were dating, so festive, I look forward to it every year.

Worst days:
1. the day DH had to go to the ER(he had chest pain & numbness in arm) so horrible
2. the day my grandpa dies- miss him lots!
2.a- I knowyou asked for 3 but the day I had a m/c
3. the day my father and his selfish g/f ruined the joy leading up to my wedding. THe night of my bridal shower my dad said some really mean things to me via voicemail and we didn't speak for almost 2 years until recently. ( we are now corresponding via email & phone after he apologized)

Message edited 8/21/2006 12:24:45 PM.

Posted 8/21/06 12:23 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

I have had way too many bad days to list.

Some of the good days:

moving into our first house that we bought
graduating college
everytime my mother finds out her cancers are all in remission still.Chat Icon

Posted 8/21/06 12:24 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts



Message edited 12/10/2006 11:29:30 PM.

Posted 8/21/06 12:28 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

Three Best:
1. My wedding day.
2. The day I woke up and realized I was no longer in a dark depression after having Ava. It was the first day I truly began to enjoy her.
3. The day I met JTChat Icon

Three Worst:
1. Probably any of the three days
2. in the first 7 weeks after having
3. Ava. They were horrible, horrible, dark times in my life that I hope to never revisit. Chat Icon

Posted 8/21/06 12:33 PM


Member since 2/06

5581 total posts

Suzanne / SuzBride

Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

1) Day I got engaged
2) Day I got Married
(can't think of a third, how sad!)

1) Day my grandma died
2) Day I got waitlisted at my #1 college choice
3) Day my cat, Coco, died

Posted 8/21/06 12:34 PM


Member since 11/05

9202 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

Three Best

1: Wedding Day

2: Getting my first big city job out of college

3: The day of my wedding proposal

Three Worst

1: When my aunt died suddenly

2: This one is a whole time...but when I was 12 and my sister spent an entire summer at Boston Children's Hospital having a rare back surgery. My parents alternated coming home to see me and I was SADChat Icon

actually...not really a bad third.

Message edited 8/21/2006 12:40:28 PM.

Posted 8/21/06 12:36 PM

I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06

4680 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?


--Wedding day 1/8/06
--Day that a lit agent sent me a letter saying that they wanted to see my work 4/10/04
--Many other random days fall after


--My 21st birthday (too many reasons why)
-- 11/19/98
--When that lit agent rejected my book

Message edited 8/21/2006 12:40:42 PM.

Posted 8/21/06 12:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

Worst EVER:
1.Losing my Mom/Mother in law also (we were very close)
2.Losing my Dad
3.Losing my grandparents

1. The day DH proposed to me
2. My wedding day
3. The day I became a home owner

Posted 8/21/06 1:07 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

1. The day DH proposed, b/c I got to share it with my grandmother.
2. My wedding day
3. The first time that I held my neice

1. Being in the hospital bed with my friend Rachel when she died.
2. When each of my grandparents died (my grandpa when I was 17 and about to graduate high school and my grandmother when I was 24 and about to get married)
3. At my uncle's wake when his girlfriend collapsed on the casket, it was heartbreaking.

Posted 8/21/06 1:25 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

8093 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

Best: Day I graduated college.
Day DH proposed.
Day I got married.

Worst: Day my grandfather died.
Day DH's grandmother died.

Posted 8/21/06 1:50 PM

Family is everything!!!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

3 Best Days of my Life:
1. The day Dominic was born
2. The day I met FH
3. The day I met my best friend Jason.

3 Worst days pf my Life:
1. The day my grandfather died
2. The day I found out Jason died.
3. The day my friend Jeff Died

Posted 8/21/06 5:41 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

1. the day I met DH
2. the day he proposed
3. our wedding day

1. 9/11
2. the day my Grandma died Chat Icon
3. can't think of a 3rd... I guess that is GOOD!

Posted 8/21/06 5:46 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

6787 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

Let's see...

3 worst:

I had a falling out with my mother, and learned something I never wanted to know.

The day my grandmother died.

The night before my wedding...huge family fight.

3 Best:

The day DH proposed

Our Wedding Day

The day we moved into our condo/tied with the day I was hired as a first grade teacher! Chat Icon

Message edited 8/21/2006 6:11:51 PM.

Posted 8/21/06 6:10 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?


~ graduating from Columbia
~ my wedding
~ my HM

~ when i found out that my mother had cancer
(everything else pales in i won't bother naming 2 more

Posted 8/21/06 6:59 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: What have been your 3 best and 3 worst days in your life?

1. Day I found out I was finally pg after IVF
2. Wedding day
3. Day DH proposed

1. Day I found out my father had a massive stroke... i don't know how I drove to the hospital w/o killing someone of the SSP

2. Day my mom died- I only put this second because I was so young

3. 9-11- I had classes coming in and I knew I had to tell them what happened but I was so afraid someone's parent worked in the area.

Posted 8/21/06 7:04 PM
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