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Name: Whatever
Re: What is the best way to get rid of spiders?
Found this online.. Environmental Answers
A chemical free way to chase away, (not kill) spiders is to place Hedge Apples or pieces of Hedge Apples wherever you see spiders. Spiders hate these things. You can not find the Hedge Apples until late summer/early fall but that is when the spiders are at their worst. Also, do not kill the Granddaddy Long Legs, they are lethal to other spiders and bugs but not to humans. Holly
High Tech Answer
There are plug-in devices that create a "barrier" in your walls and emit a high-pitched tone that bugs run from. They sell at Sam's Club for $20 for a package of 3; I've also seen them at Wal-Mart. They work! I hate spiders and our new house was loaded with them until I got these. It took about a month to get rid of them all, but I saw an improvement almost immediately. Or, you could buy a few frogs. Mae
Dust Them Away
I learned this from the man who trained the spiders for the movie "Arachnophobia". Spiders have their taste buds on the tips of their legs. They also hate the taste of Lemon Pledge. Dust your window sills and doorframes with the Pledge, both inside and out, and any areas where they accumulate. The spiders will find that they don't want to live with you. Tina
Speaking From Experience
Living in Kansas, we have a horrific brown recluse spider problem and we have lots of tips for you on how to reduce the amount of spiders you see in your home.
First of all, get yourself some sticky boards (a.k.a. mouse boards or glue traps). You can find these at Wal-Mart or Home Depot. Get as many glue traps as you can and place them all around the inside walls of your home. Don't forget attic, garage, and basement areas. Be sure to avoid high traffic areas or areas where pets like to lay. We had a hilarious incident where our cat got one stuck on his nose! Not only will these glue boards trap spiders (and any other pests), but also they will help you to track where the numbers are higher.
Secondly, be sure your home is not attracting spiders in any way. Clear out unwanted vegetation away from the outside walls of your house. Ivy is a haven for spiders. Seal cracks that may be bringing them into your home. If you have a brown recluse problem, be sure and get rid of all clutter, especially paper sacks and cardboard boxes. We went to tightly covered Rubbermaid storage containers for all of our supplies stored in the basement. Do not leave bedding, towels, or clothing on the floor where spiders can crawl into them. Remember that brown recluse spiders are not web spinners; they are hunters, and they are always on the move for food.
Also, we bought one of those "Pest Offense" plug-in devices that you see advertised on TV. Check eBay; they have them cheaper. Supposedly these work through the wiring in your home, and we have not seen nearly as many bugs since we plugged in this device.
Also, don't get too alarmed if you are seeing web-spinning spiders. If the spiders you are seeing are not black widow spiders or brown recluse spiders, they cannot harm you. A few web spinners in your home are actually beneficial in ridding you of bugs that you don't want!
Lastly, don't be afraid to call the pros in if the problem is getting worse. We didn't want to use chemicals either, but spotting and killing 7-8 brown recluse spiders each day forced us to call in the big dogs. After two years of bi-monthly visits, our problem has gone from infestation to almost non-existent. You will never rid your house of all spiders forever, but you can at least keep them in check.