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What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

MISTAKE: probably that they weren't so supportive financially.... in a way it was good because they wanted us to learn to take care of ourselves and to work for our own money, but there were some times in college that i think a little bit of help with money would have really gone a long way....

BEST THING: everything else! i had the childhood every kid should have! my parents own their own business, so they would take my sister and i to work with them on the weekends, and we spent a lot of time just talking and bonding and we are really close as a family becasue of it.... they also took us on family vacations at least once a year which really, really bonded us also....

Posted 10/9/06 4:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

Posted by ValR

Posted by Goldi0218

BEST: Not making us only children.

WORST: Not encouraging their daughters to be physically active and fit while encouraging their son to be the opposite. My two sisters and myself grew up inactive and morbidly obese. As an adult I can assume responsibility for my own actions, but enabling your child to grow up heavy is a parent's problem and responsibility.

I fully agree!! But look at you now...your picture in your profile is beautiful!! You took your health into your own hands!!

Thank you very much. Both myself and one of my sisters are gastric bypass patients. While we are forever grateful that this procedure helped us acheive our health and weight loss goals, we both wish we never reached the point where this was an option for us. We are children of a diabetic mother who also has CHF and who had triple bypass last year. She, herself is overweight and cooked family style. Portion control was a huge issue with us. My nephew has diabetes and heart disease on both sides of his family and my sister is terrified for him. DH and I have diabetes in our respective families, more than likely due to diet, and we will have to monitor our children carefully.

It is my hope for my children that they will not have to go the route of surgery. It will be our responsibility as parents to set good examples and encourage a healthy lifestyle from an early age - a lifestyle with good eating habits and physical activity. It wont be easy, but we have no choice.

Message edited 10/9/2006 5:13:54 PM.

Posted 10/9/06 5:12 PM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

My parents are my best friends... with that said.....

MISTAKE: The two of them talking about how much they can't stand my dad's side of the family... it kind of lead me and my sisters to take on their opinion instead of forming our own (which in reality, would've been the same as theirs whether they praised them or not)

BEST THING: They were always there for us and never stifled us growing up.

Posted 10/9/06 5:22 PM

My golden boys!

Member since 3/06

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

1. Biggest mistake was constantly criticizing my weight -- it made me feel so down on myself and my self-esteem was like ZERO.....

2. The best thing they ever did was encourage my independence.

Posted 10/9/06 6:06 PM

Love my little girl!

Member since 2/06

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

Mistake: I can't think of one primary one but if I had to pick something probably there just being a general focus on weight within the family (many generations) leading me to have body image "issues".

Best thing: In addition to the love, nurturance, and respect they constantly gave to my brother and I, my parents always made us work whether it was for our allowance or a part-time job. We were taught the value of a dollar, responsibility and a strong work ethic from an early age. Plus, I think it help build self-confidence and strong self-worth.

Posted 10/9/06 6:11 PM

The Perfect Pair

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

My parents did a very good job raising me into the woman I have become. I really thank them for being down on me to chhose good company not to associate myself with just anyone, maintaining high standards, to work very hard for everything, getting a wonderful education, to always maintain good body posture, speak well, good family values, and to be humble.

My parents only mistakes:

Over protective(Not knowing how to let go)

Extremely Strict(about everything)

Posted 10/9/06 6:11 PM


Member since 8/05

12296 total posts


Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

I can honestly say that I feel like I have the best parents anyone could ever want. It is impossible for me to pick one best thing. I always felt loved, respected and safe. I still do.

I guess the only thing I would have liked would have been for them to keep me healthier weight wise. I never had any restrictions on my food intake and I feel like I have been obsessed w/ my weight since I was in HS, maybe even JHS.

Posted 10/9/06 6:11 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

I think my parents did a great job raising me as well...

mistakes: My parents both speak fluent Italian (both sets of my grandparents are from Italy) I speak only english; which my grandfather is really upset about...
My little brother is learning disabled so a big burden was placed on me to do well in school, especially by my father he was very hard on me.

But they told me they loved me all the time, especially my mom...she always told me I could tell her anything and I could; no matter what is was she was so great. They taught me to work hard to get what I want...that things would not be handed to me.

Posted 10/9/06 6:16 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

Honestly? I think I had the best parents in the world and I hope that I can be half as good as they were. DH probably would say that the only thing that they do is favor my sister a little more. I actually think they do that b.c her life is a little crappy right now and mine isn't

Posted 10/9/06 6:27 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

Mistake: Not teaching me how to do the basics-simple cooking, doing laundry, cleaning... When I went away to college I was in for a surprise...I was very dependant on my parents and had a rough freshman year...My friends in Jr high and hs always thought I was lucky to not have to do those things-my mom did it, my grandma, or sometimes a cleaning person...I was "lucky" as a kid, but when it was time to be an adult, I struggled

Best: They were able to give me everything and more-attention, love, understanding, friendship as I got older, they knew when to give me the room I needed and when they need to pull in the reigns a bit.

Message edited 10/9/2006 7:56:22 PM.

Posted 10/9/06 7:30 PM

Nike. Just do it.

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

Mistake: Not teaching me how to do normal things-such as cook, laundry, etc. But I always knew how to clean!!!
My mother was very strict w/me-I often wouldnt do things bc i thought of how she would react-

Best: They will do anything for me, drop whatever they are doing and help.

Posted 10/9/06 7:32 PM

27 dresses.?.ha..TY everyone

Member since 8/06

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

Mistake: Never taught us about the value of money. I racked up a huge credit card debt after I got out of college and dad stopped paying my bills and cut me off. I didn't know how to budget or anything. It was awful.

BEST: They never criticized us for our mistakes. With that I was never embarassed to tell them when I made one. My dad always made me feel better by saying "everyone makes mistakes, that is why God put erasers on pencils". I find myself saying that line alot to people. It's true. All they cared was that we learned from our mistakes.

Posted 10/9/06 7:33 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

My mother cooked every night and we ate together as a family.

Family vacations...We never had tons of money, but took vacations each year even if it was as simple as the next state.

Taught us the value of money and hard work.

Pushing us academically. While stressful I am so glad they stressed the importance of education and goals.

My dad worked all the time and was always preoccupied with work.

Message edited 10/9/2006 8:18:21 PM.

Posted 10/9/06 7:46 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

1. That they didn't force me to do things I was fearful of- they just let me be.

2. They loved and supportive every decision I made- even the bad ones. They let me make my own mistakes and learn from them.
They also were the best listeners.

Posted 10/9/06 7:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

Best: Always encouraged me to just to my best when I was pushing myself too hard. Never pushed me and let me be a kid.

Worst: Never let me express my own opinion, which has led to me having a really hard time doing it as adult, b/c there were no discussions in my house, only yeslling. Also, my mom always made me feel like my feelings were wrong b/c I was "too sensitive"

Posted 10/9/06 8:17 PM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

Well mymother did an excellent job raising my brothers and I on her own...despite having a rough childhood we all grew up to be successful adults and she would do anything for us...

Worst: Maybe not kicking my father out sooner.....but I am sure she had her reasons

Message edited 10/9/2006 8:26:11 PM.

Posted 10/9/06 8:25 PM

Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06

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Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

Mistake: Not encouraging me to get more involved with extra curricular activities to bring me more out of my shell. I was painfully shy until I was in my early to mid '20's. I think if they had gotten me involved with more activities, I wouldn't have been as shy for as long. Even now, at 32, I consider myself shy.

Best Thing: My mother loved me unconditionally and always put family first. She was my biggest fan and supporter. When I got home from school, she was always there and that really had an impact on my childhood. She really instilled in me the importance of family. Now that she's no longer with us, I cherish those memories and lessons.

Message edited 10/9/2006 8:45:37 PM.

Posted 10/9/06 8:44 PM

Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05

9300 total posts


Re: What is the biggest mistake...and the best thing

Best...My parents were both born in Italy and when they had my brother and I they lived each day for us. My parents were and still are extremely LOVING and supportive. My mom is the glue that holds everything together and my dad..well my dad is my world and there are no words to describe how wonderful he is..Anyone who meets my parents falls in love with them and they make anyone feel like they are family. Growing up I always noticed that my parents respected each other and my father adored my mother. The both accomplished so much to give my brother and I the best childhood.
From them I learned to respect my DH, appreciate everything I have and that family is VERY important...

Mistake...this may sound like
I am lying, but I cant think of any they made ( at least in my eyes) thats how amazing they are!

Message edited 10/9/2006 9:21:04 PM.

Posted 10/9/06 8:50 PM
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