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What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

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LIF Adult

Member since 12/08

3860 total posts


What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

I was with a bunch of moms last week, and we were trying to figure out what was average, or above average. My friend was concerned bc she was the only one who still used a highchair, but her dd would just get up in the middle of a meal, so she needed the

I worked in the childcare field for many years, and I thought I had a pretty good grasp on what 2 year olds should be doing...but everyone has a different view.

In terms of speaking, knowlegde of colors, alphabet, counting, potty training, cups, eating, etc.

Posted 1/10/12 10:18 AM
Long Island Weddings
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love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08

10923 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

John was two in November:

Eats at the table on a regular chair
eats with utensils
drinks from a regular cup

knows some colors but confuses them still

counts to 10 (skips #3)

Does not recognize letters.. he called "p" "p" once but probably a fluke

speaks in full sentences most of the time.

and learned the ART OF MANIPULATION PERFECTLY!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

eta: no where near potty trained..he'll sit on it and push but nothing has ever come out yet.. hhehe

Message edited 1/10/2012 10:24:17 AM.

Posted 1/10/12 10:23 AM

Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09

13591 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

Jack turned 2 in oct. he eats at the table in a booster, or sits in his hi chair..depends on what mood he's in.

he knows his, orange, white, black, red, blue and purple.
knows his ABc's and recognizes letters. He even knows the Walmart logo and sign, target, ToysRUs and knows when we are out driving if we are by the mall. (I swear..i dont shop that much.)

he knows his numbers 1-10 except sometimes he counts out of order.

the things he says are hysterical..really..he can now put together 4-5 word phrases. but sometimes it trips him up.

Posted 1/10/12 10:24 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/08

4539 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

I feel like I have seen a wide variety in 2yos.

That said, my daughter (who turned 2 yesterday), is fully conversational and speaks in very full sentences (this blows my mind--I didn't expect her to be this conversational so early on---since about 20 mths); isn't good with colors (she still says blue to everything); can count to 10, sometimes more, knows all her ABCs for a really long time now, is doing pretty well with potty training (we stopped pull ups last week and she usually has 1-3 accidents a day, but I think that's pretty good for her age); can dress herself--at least pants, socks and shoes--shirts only sometimes; brushes her teeth; adores playing with her dolls and taking care of them; highchair has been done for a long time but I use a booster with a belt; eats whatever we eat/feeds herself; uses sippy cups when walking around and regular cups at the table

Posted 1/10/12 10:25 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19458 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DD turned two at the end of September. She knows her numbers 1-10, her colors: red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, brown, purple, pink. She has trouble with orange. She knows some of the alphabet but has trouble with some of the middle letters. She loves to play with her dolls, her doll house, kitchen, tea set, art supplies and animal figurines. She also loves her brothers toys and puzzles. She has full sentence conversations and we understand her about 90% of the time. She loves to jump and play. She uses her utensils correctly. We are starting to teach her how to properly use a knife to cut her food. She sits in a regular chair. She brushes her teeth. She still needs help getting dressed but can put her shoes on herself.

Posted 1/10/12 10:38 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

two in late October

he is doing well with speaking, but he speaks primarily spanish. english is starting to catch up. I try to compare what he says in spanish to's mainly 2 and 3 word sentences but he is conjugating his verbs in spanish which blows my mind. I still have trouble with that lol.

he knows most of his colors, but confuses red and orange often. he has green, blue, yellow, and black down pat.

he can count to 20 in spanish and 10 in english, but he picks and chooses his favorite numbers (currently, ocho, cuartorse, and diez y seis Chat Icon )

he sings the ABC song in english and does decent with it.

he only recognizes the letters in his name.

he is day time potty trained.

he sits in a booster seat. he needs the restraints Chat Icon

he uses utensils and drinks from a regular cup. he still drinks milk in a bottle though.

he is still a pretty good eater. I am pretty strict with it options if it's something I know he likes etc. trying not to get into any bad habits. but he's always eaten what we eat. it's all he knows.

I have no idea where he sits on the scale of 2 year old stuff but he is happy and healthy and seems to be loving life. I can't bring myself to care about anything else. Chat Icon

Message edited 1/10/2012 11:01:24 AM.

Posted 1/10/12 10:59 AM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

12970 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DS was 2 in october.

he sits at the table in a booster seat and eats with utensils. he still drinks out of a straw cup, not a regular cup.

he speaks in full sentences...5 or 6 words. uses "I" and "me" properly. lately he's been repeating his sentences A LOT! like 5-10 times!

he can count to 10 perfectly and ok to 20. he sings the ABCs clearly, but can't distinguish letters. he loves to sing songs.

he first thought every color was purple, now he's on black. he can pick out a triangle, circle and rectangle.

whats potty training? Chat Icon

Message edited 1/10/2012 11:12:26 AM.

Posted 1/10/12 11:11 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17792 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DS was two last month.

He sits at the table at a booster seat and uses utensils (although sometimes if he's hungry he'll use his hands). We just retired the high chair last month - it wasn't because he needed it, it was because he was still willing to sit there. He's hit or miss with the eating - depending on his mood - but, will try anything.

He drinks out of straw and spout sippies mainly but, can drink out of a regular cup as well - until he loses focus. He still has his pre-bed bottle though.

He has a lot of words - but prefers no. He uses 3-4 word sentences and says bless you and thank you most of the time without being asked to. He can name all of the kids in his daycare class when we point to the picture.

He's a little slow on colors - he can identify them at school when they do colors but, if you ask him what color it is - he'll say green (last month everything was yellow).

He can count to 10 and identify the letter B. He knows triangles, circles, squares and rectangles.

His favorite things right now are school busses, trucks, drawing/doodling, and running/jumping. He also loves to read books - after he throws them all on the floor.

Message edited 1/10/2012 12:19:51 PM.

Posted 1/10/12 12:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DS turned 2 end of May
He is delayed in Speech and seeing an EI Specialist and OT for sensory

He can sit at the table, but b/c he's a bad eater he sits in a highchair or booster

still uses sippy cup b/c i don't trust him

NOW is speaking in 3 word sentences, which is HUGE for him.
He is delayed in his expressive language so if he doesn't understand the question he repeats me so I have to use visual for some things.

Even though he's delayed with his expressive he is doing well with congnitive

He eats with utensils, but not a big eater at all

where he is delayed in some things he excels in others... knows and recognizes every letter in the alphabet including what some things start with, knows all his #'s perfect to 20 and skips a few to 30
knows all his shapes and his fav is an octogon. likes to point out all the stop signs
he also knows all his colors

Message edited 1/10/2012 12:31:27 PM.

Posted 1/10/12 12:30 PM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

17826 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DS was 2 in early September but is speech delayed along with receiving OT & special instruction based on his in utero diagnosis. Fortunately he is excelling in all.

He mainly sits in his booster at the table but will air in a regular chair. Is a master with his utensils & has been since 17 months. He can drink out if a regular cup but I don't trust him walking around the house, so sippy straws it is.

Speaking like crazy. He will string 6 words together but right now is working on getting all his words down. He loves "help me" "have you seen...". He has about 75+ words now. He's delayed in expressive.

No where near potty trained, will not even sit on it yet he knows that he has poo. I'm going to attempt at 2.5.

Doesn't know his ABC or to count to 10. He knows red, blue, white, green & black. He also knows square, rectangle, circle, triangle.

Posted 1/10/12 12:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

996 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DS turned 2 in August.

He speaks in full sentences. But sometimes talks in the third person like, "Luke try" instead of I will try.

He knows his letters and numbers and can identify them independently. Knows most shapes and colors and what color to mix to get other colors (thanks Blues clues!)

He knows how to spell his first name, his birth date and the number of our house.

I owe all this knowledge to the daycare because they teach him a lot and it amazes me that they can get a two years old attention to teach them and get them to remember. He is currently learning the five senses and his address.

There are things he should be doing but doesn't: no interest in the potty AT ALL, he still gets a bottle at night and still doesn't STTN Chat Icon (which is tough since DS#2 was born in Oct)

Message edited 1/10/2012 1:06:55 PM.

Posted 1/10/12 1:06 PM

my boys

Member since 2/06

2506 total posts

Wanda (formerly cw0904 on LIW)

Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DS turned 2 in November.

He sits in a high chair but uses our own plates and utensils. He still drinks out of sippys-straws and spouts but every now and then I will give him a topless cup for practice.

We are teaching DS English and Spanish. Below is more or less between both languages.

ABC he sings the entire song and jumbles some of the letters together-LMNOP sounds like LNP…

He can count to 10 but forgets 7-9 sometimes.

He knows colors but when you ask him the first couple of times he will say green. He recently started saying Elmo red, Big Bird yellow…

He knows some of his shapes.

He repeats EVERYTHING. Whatever your last word is when you speak to him, he repeats. He uses some phrases correctly. He is saying 2-3 words together. And will garble a long sentence and repeat it a few times except we have no idea what he says at times.

Potty training not even close to trying. We do have the potty in our bathroom. He understands what you do in it but he has yet to actually go in it. He pulls his pants and diaper down to sit on potty but never actually done anything in it.

Posted 1/10/12 1:11 PM


Member since 1/08

12702 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DD turned 2 in August.

She sits at the table with us and uses regular utensils and cup.

She speaks in full, clear sentences. She is 2 going on 12.

She knows and recognizes all of the letters.

She knows and recognizes all numbers up to 20 (she get confused with a few between 15 and 20. She also throws Eleventeen in there Chat Icon)

She knows all of her shapes- even surprises me and throws out crescent and octagon, etc.

She knows all of her senses and what they're for.

She's completely day time potty trained. Still wearing a pull-up at night, although she usually wakes up dry. She ends up in our bed every night and I don't want to wake up in peepee.Chat Icon

Message edited 1/10/2012 1:38:11 PM.

Posted 1/10/12 1:15 PM


Member since 5/07

5351 total posts

Twin mommy

Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

My boys turned 2 on Thanksgiving. Both sit at the table in a booster, eat with utensils, drink from a sippy but can drink from an open cup. When we go out they will sit in a booster or in a booth without a booster. Both say thank you and no thank you without prompting and that makes me so happy LOL. Still working on please consistently.

C - Speaks in 3 word sentences. Repeats everything. Identifies all letters, numbers 1-10 but has some trouble reciting them. Knows most colors and shapes.

N - Speech delayed, receives EI 2x/week but almost placed out at his 6 month eval. Speaks in 2 word sentences. Recognizes about 10 letters and a few numbers, does not recite at all. Knows a few colors but everything is yellow. Hit or miss with shapes.

Potty training - not even close.

Message edited 1/10/2012 1:21:43 PM.

Posted 1/10/12 1:19 PM

Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07

5213 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

My son will be 2 in February.

He sits in a regular chair at our kitchen table but in a booster chair at our dining room table - we only have 1 booster and I'm too lazy to move it! But he doesn't really need it any more. He's a good eater and uses utensils, though he needs to be reminded. He'd rather eat with his hands. He still uses a sippy cup. I've never given him a regular cup.

He loves letters and can identify most of them. He confuses ones that look similar like N and M, or I and T. He can identify most numbers beween 1 and 10. He's starting to get the concept of counting, though, and if there are 2 books, he will say 1, 2 books. He knows his basic shapes. He has little interest in colors and calls everything either red or blue!

He is speaking more and more every day. He usually speaks in 2 or 3 word sentences though he is starting to string more words together.

He has shown no interset in the potty though we try to put him on it when we can.

Posted 1/10/12 1:20 PM


Member since 5/09

5751 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DS turned 2 in October.

He is a fantastic eater. Still have him in the high chair. He hasn't complained so I see no reason to make a change. Uses his utensils, tries to cut things with his toddler knife.

Drinks out of a straw sippy but increasingly asks for a regular cup. Does really, really well with a regular cup, no mess,

He is a late talker like his dad so at this point he only has about 50 words, in English and Spanish. Is stringing 2 words together.

He can identify all of his letters and can sound them all out (in English only), but he's done this since 18 months. He can also identify his numbers from 1-9. He can identify blue, green, yellow, red, and orange in both English and Spanish. Purple he only knows in English. He is learning his shapes - knows circle, rectangle, star, square.

He blows me away with what he knows and understands. He can follow 3-step commands. Just waiting for him to be able to verbalize all he knows. Oh, and he has an amazing memory. It's shocking sometimes. He can play the board game Memory and is really good at it. He also has really great problem-solving skills. I love watching him figure something out or figure out a way to do make something happen when there's some roadblock.

We are no where near potty training. I haven't even attempted it. When I ask him if he poopied, he says no even though I know he has,lol!

Posted 1/10/12 2:15 PM


Member since 1/08

12702 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

Posted by pnbplus1

He can play the board game Memory and is really good at it. He also has really great problem-solving skills.

I bought DD a memory game for Christmas and she's AWESOME at it.

Posted 1/10/12 2:26 PM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DS will be 2 in March.

He sits in a booster seat at the table for dinner and at a smaller table in a chair with his brother for lunch on the weekends. He sits at small table with a chair at daycare. He can use a fork and spoon. He drinks out of a regular cup at daycare and for dinner but a straw sippy when he is home or out and about with us.

He recently had a word explosion and went from minimal words to non-stop talking. He repeats everything. He won't sing the ABCs but if we sing and pause he'll fill in the next letter. He is starting to string words together to state what he wants/needs. He'll ask me "where Daddy go?" when DH is late from work. He can follow 2-step directions like "pick up the book and put it in the basket"

He can count to 4 and is now starting to get to 5.

He is getting better with colors but defaults to blue when in doubt.

He knows all of his body parts including jaw and forehead (I find that hysterically cute).

He sees the older kids at school in the bathroom (his room is 2-3 yrs old) and he will go to the toilet at home, stand on the stool by the toilet and take off his pants but that's it. LOL No where near potty training yet.

Posted 1/10/12 2:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

1281 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

DD turned 2 mid December.

We speak to her mostly in English but my parents speak to her in spanish and my MIL speaks to her in Greek.

She understand all 3 languages perfectly. It amazes me.

She speaks mostly English and says a few words in spanish. I have no idea if she says things in greek since i dont speak the language. She is starting to talk so much more now. In 4-5 work sentences....but sometimes she babbles. She does repeat EVERYTHING we say. We now have a curse jar for everyone who says bad words in front of her....they need to put in a dollar....because she says "Oh $hit!" perfectly! She likes to sing and says the ABC's....she can't identify the letters yet.

She knows her colors (red, orange, yeyyoo, teen, blue, pink, purple, black, white,,,sometimes brown and grey)

She counts to 13 in English, 11 in Spanish and 10 in Greek. She sometimes misses some numbers.

She knows her body parts in english and in spanish.

She loves playing with her dolls and loves it when i act like a baby and shes my mommy.

She still sits in her highchair. She LOVES her chair!!! I dont mind it because we have counter height table and chairs and she is at our level. She eats with a fork and spoon and drinks out of a regular cup when shes at the table. When she is playing i give her a straw sippy cup.

I have no idea whats the norm. There are some kids that have been speaking perfectly for months before their 2nd bday and that amazes me. I'm glad DD is finally catching up and we can have a conversation!!!

Posted 1/10/12 3:05 PM

My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09

7395 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

Kieran will be 2 on the 21st.

-alternates between eating in a high chair and eating at his little Mickey table in a chair. He would prefer his table, and was eating every meal there for a few weeks (at daycare, he eats in a chair at the table), but we put him in the high chair when we need him to be restrained, which is more frequently since his brother was born last month! He usually uses utensils. He drinks from a straw cup but has been starting to drink from a regular cup as of a month ago or so.

-He speaks in sentences, anywhere from 2-5 words. He just started using "me" appropriately a couple weeks ago. This week, he started saying "him" and "he" appropriately. He likes to narrate what is happening, and *usually* uses the correct verb tense ("Kieran running", or "Did it!", or "Daddy found it").

-He counts accurately to 13 (if he goes too fast, he sometimes skips 6 and 8 Chat Icon). He can identify the numbers 1-9, and can identify a handful of letters, maybe 4 or 5. He knows circle, triangle, heart, and star, occasionally he gets square. He knows all his colors, but will occasionally mix up blue and green.

-He knows every single animal in creation and its sound bc he is OBSESSED with animals!!

-He has been using the potty sporadically since about 18 months, when he first showed an interest. Only about 3 times has he actually told us before he had to go. We're not officially training him yet, but if we can tell he might have to pee or poop soon, or it's been a while since he has, we'll ask him if he wants to go on the potty. He says yes like 95% of the time bc he loves the potty lol! And he often goes then.

-Has recently taken a big interest in dressing himself, so we've been working on it with him. He can put on his pants but needs help pulling the back up over his tushy. He needs a lot more help with his shirt.

Posted 1/10/12 5:02 PM


Member since 1/06

3508 total posts


Re: What is your 2 year old doing/saying?

Dd was 2 in October. She speaks in full sentences and has for a while. I can't count how many words she has. She can count and say hr alphabet but cannot identify all of her numbers or letters by sight. She sits at a regular chair for meals and can use a spoon and fork when she chooses to (she likes to use her hands). She can drink from a regular cup but for neatness sake we use a straw sippy. Shes really good at signing, knows all her shapes and colors. Potty training is hit or miss but I haven't been consistent with it. She needs work on sharing and accepting when we tell her "no!" typical terrible twos stuff going on over here!

Posted 1/10/12 6:17 PM

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