ok i never exspected this one from my daughter... hair qustion
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Member since 5/05 12823 total posts
Name: janet
Re: ok i never exspected this one from my daughter... hair qustion
thank you all for the great advice!!!! the pro's and con's are great things to think about...., i asked her why she wanted to do actually just a little while ago in the car and she said because she thinks the look is really cool, someone said a temp. rinse kind that is waht i was thinking....i also like the idea of the fake hair exspentions to let he get an idea of what it would look like. i also would have someone do it... me and dying hair just don't go hand in hand... i just did mine and man am i ****** i did it, i wanted my red ginger color i use to use and they had something close but it came out to orange at the rout and did not take to the under part of my hair as nice as i would have liked it. when i can i have to get it fixed
then i clarified what color she would want if i let her do it well her answer pink blue green yellow i said well how about like what mommy had in her hair, she said nahhh, she likes it but wants color what am i going to do then i said if i let her it would only be one color and that is it..... and tat's i would let her when she is older, i have them, but the peicings no way in my life would i let her... i had a belly one and man do i regreat it, now i have a nasty scar there
thanks again everyone for your great out put and advice
Posted 9/1/06 5:38 PM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22140 total posts
Re: ok i never exspected this one from my daughter... hair qustion
I am not a mom, but from my own experience, mom said no and I did it anyway. I had kool aid red streaks from the time I was 16 until 24.
Posted 9/1/06 5:57 PM |
My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06 8198 total posts
Name: Me
Re: ok i never exspected this one from my daughter... hair qustion
hmmmm...I was never allowed to do anything to my hair when i was younger, the first time i high lighted my hair was in college...Its really up to you...I think 12 is a tad young...Try to hold her off a bit...b/c that stuff wrecks your hair...maybe you do something special for her 13th, that would be nice i think...or even something temp that will wash out in a few rinses! Go with your gut
Posted 9/1/06 6:03 PM |
Member since 5/05 10425 total posts
Re: ok i never exspected this one from my daughter... hair qustion
My mom let me get a perm in the 6th grade, which was probably worse for my hair AND a worse fashion statement.
When I was 15 she let me dye my hair but talked me out of drying red at home & into subtle highlights done at a salon.
It was a big moment-- I realized my momt wasn't completely unreasonable.
At 12 though, I would stick with something temrporary. Try to hold off till HS with permanent color.
What about something like this:
L'oreal color rays
I think it's temporary, I can't tell.
Message edited 9/1/2006 6:27:21 PM.
Posted 9/1/06 6:25 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 7/06 387 total posts
Name: '
Re: ok i never exspected this one from my daughter... hair qustion
OK...I think you shold let her but don't go overboard and do not use a permanet hair dye use a temp do it on a weekend and see if she even likes it. She may not. Try to let her go for a red but a warm red almost like a deep alburn. If you use colors that are stunning they might stain. You know I know alot about this, lol. I am actually streaking my hair tomrrow. I m gonna color it first then streak it only the top layer with black. Kryssy needs to pick out the color with you let he be the one to tell you what she like give her choises. But whatever you do...do not make it permanent at first she has never had it herself and she might not like it.
Posted 9/1/06 6:48 PM |
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