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What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

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me and baby #3!

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What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

I feely SO guilty throwing it away! This is why I HATE cooking....when it comes out NOT the way I wanted

Posted 7/21/05 8:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

What did you make?

Posted 7/21/05 8:02 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

I throw it out...what good is it if you aren't going to eat it?

Posted 7/21/05 8:13 PM


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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

DH eats it. he's got the stomach of steel Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/05 8:15 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

Depneds how bad..
I am a horrible cook..but if it is Italian, i can usually make it work...
Anything else is garbage city

Posted 7/21/05 8:17 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

Posted by sunny

What did you make?

I tried to make spanish style black beans and they are SO not what I was hoping for!

Posted 7/21/05 8:28 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

We throw it out.

Posted 7/22/05 9:31 AM

My Heart and Soul

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

throw it away!

Posted 7/22/05 9:32 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

if its really bad, garbage. if my kids keep yelling at me and telling me their hungry I ask them how hungry and would let them taste the food and see. then i throw it out. Sometimes they including hubby actually like it and I just dont get it.

Posted 7/22/05 9:35 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

I feed it to DH and he ends up tasting it & says...what is this? Chat Icon Chat Icon He's the guinea pig. Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/05 9:37 AM

My munchkins

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

throw out and by zattaran rice the rice is really easy to make and so good. the black bean is good and the red bean is tasty.

Posted 7/22/05 9:52 AM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

Posted by LadyLainez

I feed it to DH and he ends up tasting it & says...what is this? Chat Icon Chat Icon He's the guinea pig. Chat Icon

We are bad, I do the same. He will eat anything.Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/05 9:53 AM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

We throw it out.

Posted 7/22/05 9:57 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

This is why I STOPPED trying new dishes!

I like to try a new meal once in a while, but almost NEVER seems to come out good.

I throw it away, if DH can't stand it.

One time I attempted Tuna Cassarole. Well, I refused to eat it. DH was STARVING, so he ate it anyway, and got sick in the bathroom when he was done! Chat Icon

Message edited 7/22/2005 9:58:30 AM.

Posted 7/22/05 9:58 AM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

I've tried several things in our Crock Pot and they have all S U C K E D!!

We've thrown them out each time.

I agree, I always feel bad, like it's a waste, but they were truly unedible. I wouldn't feed them to the dog!!

Posted 7/22/05 11:40 AM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

Posted by leighla

I've tried several things in our Crock Pot and they have all S U C K E D!!

We've thrown them out each time.

I agree, I always feel bad, like it's a waste, but they were truly unedible. I wouldn't feed them to the dog!!

Lauren too funny!! I don't like stuff I make in the slow cooker either, no flavor and too mushy!! The ONLY thing that comes out good is Chili...

Posted 7/22/05 11:46 AM

Straight up nasty

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

If it's somewhat bland, I try to pass it off to the dogs..

Hey, the little one eats poops out of the litter box, so how much worse than that could my cooking be?Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/05 11:47 AM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

Posted by ambersmom

If it's somewhat bland, I try to pass it off to the dogs..

Hey, the little one eats poops out of the litter box, so how much worse than that could my cooking be?Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I just toss mine! no need to put ANY living thing though such torture!

Posted 7/22/05 11:49 AM

Twin mommy

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

We eat it anyway! Bad I know but we are too poor to waste.....we just s u c k it up!

Posted 7/22/05 12:01 PM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

throw it away......luckily, Dh likes almost anything.....and I'm trying to lose weight Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/05 12:17 PM

just the girls

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

El Garbage

Posted 7/23/05 9:26 AM

My Babies

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

I feed it to the garbage!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/05 9:33 AM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

If it's that bad, into the garbage it goes!

Posted 7/23/05 11:56 AM

LIF Toddler

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

i give it to dh too - soemtiems he likes it better cold (I have to admit, I have tried eating things that don't taste so good hot when they have been refrigerated and are then cold, and sometimes it improves their taste, other times - no waY!!!!)....when dh(in all his nice-ness!) says "ew!" - then we trash it!

Posted 7/23/05 12:02 PM

Stop 2 smell the roses

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Re: What do you do with food that you cook that comes out yucky?

toss it and order chinese Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/05 12:29 PM
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