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What should kids use their allowance for?

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it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


What should kids use their allowance for?

My 3 kids get allowance each week if chores are done. During camp every week there is opportunity to buy pizza and snacks several times a week. My kids want me to give them additional money for these things which I think they should be using their earned money for. Hubby does not agree. What do your kids spend their money on?

Posted 7/21/18 8:31 AM


Member since 8/10

6011 total posts


What should kids use their allowance for?

I think that’s totally fine for them to use their money on. My DD will bring her money when we go to Target or other stores. She’s a bit frugal with her cash and rations it out. She asked me to take her to 5 below a couple weeks ago. So basically, she uses her money for little toys or accessories.

Posted 7/21/18 8:43 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: What should kids use their allowance for?

Why dont you negotiate- give them the $ for 1x a week pizza/snacks and they can spend their own the others.

I do the same with my older kids who want to go out with friends to eat pizza ice cream starbucks etc in the summer.

Posted 7/21/18 9:40 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


What should kids use their allowance for?

i would maybe give them the extra money for pizza/ snacks one day a week... and then they can use their allowance if they want to do it more than one day a week, or save it up for other stuff.

Posted 7/21/18 11:21 AM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


What should kids use their allowance for?

I don't have them use allowance for anything school or camp related. I think that is my job. They use their allowance if they are out with friends, souvenirs on vacation, want to buy something at the store or the ice cream man.

Posted 7/21/18 12:54 PM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

3324 total posts


Re: What should kids use their allowance for?

Posted by KarenK122

I don't have them use allowance for anything school or camp related. I think that is my job. They use their allowance if they are out with friends, souvenirs on vacation, want to buy something at the store or the ice cream man.

This is how we do it as well. I would also add that we pay for all sports related things too.

Posted 7/21/18 2:00 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


What should kids use their allowance for?

I agree with giving them money for 1 day but anything more, if they want it, they have to use their allowance money. I think they need to start learning that food is also a want, not just a need. They are probably getting it because their friends get it. Once a week is a treat. More than that is on them.

I laugh b/c ds got a lizard for his birthday. My mom gave him a g/c to petsmart. He got upset because I used the g/c to buy his lizard worms. He couldn't understand why *I* wasn't buying the worms. It was time for him to learn that responsibilities are also financial.

Posted 7/22/18 8:35 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

6791 total posts


Re: What should kids use their allowance for?

I pay for additional snacks at camp - my children do not pay for their food.

I use allowance to teach for instance, my DS has an Xbox, he also wants a PS4. I said fine, but I already bought you the Xbox, if you want both, you have to earn and save for the PS4. So he did, and actually just earned enough last night! He was so excited and proud.

He also puts some of it in a savings account, for a car when he is 16/17 (he is 11 now). We told him we would match whatever he is able to save, up to $4000, towards a car.

Message edited 7/30/2018 3:04:23 PM.

Posted 7/30/18 3:03 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: What should kids use their allowance for?

Posted by mommy2B3

Posted by KarenK122

I don't have them use allowance for anything school or camp related. I think that is my job. They use their allowance if they are out with friends, souvenirs on vacation, want to buy something at the store or the ice cream man.

This is how we do it as well. I would also add that we pay for all sports related things too.

Us too. My kids don't receive a set allowance, rather they get money for extra chores like weeding the garden, shoveling the driveway, doing extra school work, etc. They are expected to help around the house by doing laundry, making their beds, setting the table, helping make breakfast, and their school lunches. They don't get money for that.

Our kids use their earned money on souvenirs, and when they are out with their friends.

Posted 7/30/18 3:54 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/16

537 total posts


What should kids use their allowance for?

I think the biggest thing should be teaching them how to budget. So set a budget for extras at camp, e.g., you'll give them $100 to be spent at their own discretion at camp, anything beyond that will be their own money or they go without. If they exceed their budget, no calling up mom and dad for more money.

I had a lot of friends in college who could have used this lesson, but their parents would keep giving them money and they would keep blowing it.

Posted 7/31/18 10:56 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

718 total posts


What should kids use their allowance for?

With my son (who is almost 13) he wants to use all his allowance on Fortnite but we have worked out that out of his allowance, a portion goes into the bank and he can spend that other half on whatever he wants. Like if he gets $10- the $3 goes to the bank and $7 goes to him.

I was totally against him spending on video games but my husband reminded me when I was a kid- how much money did I spend on a sticker collection, or beanie babies or xxx. So i agreed. I feel we are teaching to budget and save. Let’s see how this goes lol

Message edited 8/5/2018 9:13:32 AM.

Posted 8/5/18 9:12 AM

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