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10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
What type of book do you prefer to read?
Not the genre, but the physical aspect of the book?
Posted 5/8/14 9:01 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/11 1169 total posts
Re: What type of book do you prefer to read?
I prefer ebook because I can read it any where ; ipone, ipad; nook even on the computer!
Posted 5/8/14 9:37 AM |
Let It Be

Member since 2/11 5021 total posts
Name: Ashley
Re: What type of book do you prefer to read?
Posted by MaeDe
I prefer ebook because I can read it any where ; ipone, ipad; nook even on the computer!
Me too. But if I'm reading a physical book I prefer soft cover.
Posted 5/8/14 9:42 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/14 703 total posts
Name: Brittany
What type of book do you prefer to read?
I love my kindle but if I'm going to own the book I prefer hard cover.
Posted 5/8/14 1:01 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2961 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: What type of book do you prefer to read?
When I'm home I like a soft cover book & not the small ones. When traveling I use ebooks. I much perfer to have the books in my hands though.
Posted 5/8/14 2:49 PM |
Girls just want to have fun..
Member since 5/12 7482 total posts
Name: Mama
What type of book do you prefer to read?
Softcover for me
Message edited 5/9/2014 9:02:59 AM.
Posted 5/9/14 9:02 AM |
No one sings like you anymore.

Member since 7/10 9264 total posts
Name: Petticoated Swashbuckler
Re: What type of book do you prefer to read?
Softcover. I don't read e-books...I can't get into the idea of a book on a screen. I prefer softcovers because they're easier to handle than hardcovers. I like regular-sized softcovers, not smaller-sized ones. I will buy hardcovers if its a book I really want RIGHT NOW and can't wait for the softcover date.
Posted 5/10/14 12:34 AM |
Re: What type of book do you prefer to read?
I'm open to all- if it's one of the few authors I really love, I buy the hardcover. My softcovers tend to be ones that I stumble across but at least one author I like releases straight to softcover.
I am a very recent convert to e-books because I was able to download a book to my iPad in the middle of a snowstorm, and borrowed another one at midnight. Both were from my library.
I fought ebooks for so long but now I love them. I just got my own Kindle because Amazon had a great deal and I share the iPad with DH and DD and didn't have as much access as I'd like.
The Kindle also fits in my purse much better than print books so I am reading a lot more- when I'm waiting to pick up DD from school, etc.
Message edited 5/14/2014 4:20:20 PM.
Posted 5/14/14 4:19 PM |
Love my boys!

Member since 6/10 2825 total posts
Name: Samantha
What type of book do you prefer to read?
If its an author i truly love i AWAYS buy the book-if its a new author i perfer the ebook. its just easier with two kids
Posted 5/17/14 7:19 PM |
Re: What type of book do you prefer to read?
I still haven't gotten into e-readers. I like my hands on an actual book. No preference hard vs soft cover though
Posted 5/20/14 10:10 AM |