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what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

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LIF Infant

Member since 10/13

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what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

i know this has been asked a million times - but heres to a million and one! and how soon did you feel?

Posted 8/4/14 11:56 AM
Long Island Weddings
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what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

I didn't feel anything until after I got my BFP, hightened sense of smell was the first, with sore boobies.. but those all were intermittent. I didn't start getting nauseous until about 6+ weeks.

Posted 8/4/14 12:00 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/13

212 total posts


what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Lower back ache before I got my BFP. Sense of smell and sore breasts were after BFP. My husband opened a bottle of wine I was able to smell it a few feet away.

Posted 8/4/14 12:10 PM

Grateful for my babies!

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Heightened sense of smell and dizzy spell. Then I tested and got a positive.

Posted 8/4/14 12:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

I remember having period like cramps right after getting first BFP. That was probably the most prominent one - and after that started wanting to eat certain things like a maniac (roasted red peppers), followed by being tired.

Posted 8/4/14 12:17 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/13

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

After days of BFN's I assumed I was out and suddenly I felt lightheaded while food shopping. Tested again and got BFP.

Posted 8/4/14 12:19 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/10

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

I was exhausted, falling asleep at 8pm after I got home from work a few days before BFP.

Posted 8/4/14 12:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

First pregnancy it was not having sore boobs leading up to AF like I normally had. That was the only difference.

With this pregnancy, I didn't normally have sore boobs before AF anymore but the cycle I conceived I actually had them from when I ovulated and they never really went away. I'm not sure if that was just a fluke since obviously that was before I actually conceived but it was strange and had never happened before.

Just goes to show you every person and pregnancy is different since I had completely opposite symptoms each time.

Posted 8/4/14 12:22 PM

He is my world!

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

I felt crappy and tired like I was getting sick, and sore/heavy boobs prior to a + hpt.

Message edited 8/4/2014 1:31:53 PM.

Posted 8/4/14 12:38 PM

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Heightened sense of smell. It was awful and probably happened around 5 weeks? Not sure

Posted 8/4/14 1:10 PM

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what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

At 10DPO I started having morning sickness already. I know most people don't get symptoms that early though. I guess I was one of the lucky ones...

Posted 8/4/14 1:28 PM

Love being a Mom

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

before anything else it was pure exhaustion.

Posted 8/4/14 1:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

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what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Before BFP I felt light implantation cramping about 5-6 days before AF was due. That lead me to test early 12DPO.

Maybe a week after BFP and missed period - sore boobs and they have grown to epic proportions.

5-6 weeks noticable fatigue - in bed sleeping at 9pm (usually I am up till at least midnight-often later), afternoon naps.

6+ weeks - slight to moderate nausea that has been on and off for a few days - especially after taking pre-natals. Food aversions to protein, dairy, and veggies - basically I have been living off of cinnamon raison toast, macaroni with a little butter, gingerale and yogart (when I can stomach it). Almost threw up one day.

Today I felt well enough to have some chicken, albeit it was a chicken finger so not the healthiest option but at least I am getting some protein so that's a win!

Posted 8/4/14 2:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/12

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what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Exhaustion. Before I even had a BFP. When I told DH I was pregnant with DD2, he said he knew it because of how tired I was.

Posted 8/4/14 3:12 PM

my little love

Member since 12/09

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Skin broke out. 2-3 zits. I never had breakouts EVER, so I knew something was up. The zits broke out about 6 dpo and I tested positive 8 dpo.

Posted 8/4/14 3:21 PM

LIF Toddler

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las1 from LIW

what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

None thought I was getting AF. Morning sickness kicked in at 6 weeks that's when symptoms started and at 14 weeks still have morning sickness :(

Posted 8/4/14 4:36 PM


Member since 2/09

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what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

First pregnancy believe it or not was massive nose bleeds. This time around I started getting intense pangs of hunger and I knew. I never had the heightened sense of smell with either time

Posted 8/4/14 5:21 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/14

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Posted by mrsb1

None thought I was getting AF. Morning sickness kicked in at 6 weeks that's when symptoms started and at 14 weeks still have morning sickness :(

this.. my morning sickness is finally getting better at 15 weeks.

Posted 8/4/14 5:26 PM

So in love with my little girl

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Extreme thirst - I was drinking tons of water each day. And I was starving!

Posted 8/4/14 5:46 PM


Member since 12/12

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

So tired I had to nap. I NEVER nap. At 11dpo. I was also on progesterone which can make you tired.

Posted 8/4/14 7:21 PM

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Exhaustion with every one of my 5, I'm not a napper and remember falling asleep midday each time before taking a test

Message edited 8/4/2014 8:23:56 PM.

Posted 8/4/14 8:23 PM

You are my I love you

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what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

This time day before my period was due I was very naseaous and tender breasts. Last time no symptoms for a while and then tugging in my belly

Posted 8/4/14 8:24 PM

And then there were 4

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what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Sore boobs

Posted 8/4/14 8:58 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 5/14

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

My first was sore boobs, this time I just felt crappy, like my period was going to come any second but didn't.

Posted 8/4/14 10:15 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/14

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Re: what was your earliest pregnacy symptom

Implantation bleeding and cramping

Posted 8/4/14 11:38 PM
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