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So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Whatcha all doing today??
Im doing lesson plans and then mtg a friend at Classy Coffee in Huntington for lunch
Posted 11/19/06 9:22 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05 9252 total posts
Name: Deb
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
grading, planning, and probably going to see one of my students who's in a play.
Message edited 11/19/2006 9:31:20 AM.
Posted 11/19/06 9:30 AM |
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Posted by conigs25
Im doing lesson plans and then mtg a friend at Classy Coffee in Huntington for lunch
I love Classy Coffee! I used to go there all the time with one of my college friends before she moved!
I am working on my house today and hopefully using figuring out how to use my crockpot!
Posted 11/19/06 9:52 AM |
My little lamb

Member since 8/05 12633 total posts
Name: aka momma2b
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
I am at work until around noon-ish and then DH and i are doing housework and grocery shopping...
fun fun fun....
Posted 11/19/06 9:57 AM |
Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
not too much. probably just catching up on some cleaning.
I'm proud to say that my lessons for the next 2 weeks are D-O-N-E!! And since we're barely into the second quarter, no grading!!
Posted 11/19/06 9:57 AM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Clean, maybe grocery shop, then my parents for dinner.
Posted 11/19/06 10:01 AM |
My two boys!

Member since 5/05 7279 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Grocery shopping for Thanksgiving, cleaning house (our new sectional comes tomorrow--Yea!) and going to the Evening of Giving at Roosevelt Field tonight to start my Christmas shopping.
Posted 11/19/06 10:03 AM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
My friend is taking me out to dinner tonight. I hope the kids will be good
Posted 11/19/06 10:03 AM |

Member since 6/05 15758 total posts
Name: Gail
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
going to the gym them to the supermarket for a few things for thursday
Posted 11/19/06 10:12 AM |
To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05 21840 total posts
Name: To a brand new year to a healthier me
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
I am going to Stay home today and "clean" maybe go out and get breakfast at Brooklyn bagels But thats it.
Posted 11/19/06 10:14 AM |
Member since 7/06 2969 total posts
Name: lol
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Our nieces(Dh's sisters baby) First birthday party!!!
Then just hanging around and catching up on some cleaning.
Posted 11/19/06 10:23 AM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22140 total posts
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Laundry, cleaning is done (yeah!), some stores for returns, Hospice tree lighting with my family and last minute re-arranging of plans for school.
Posted 11/19/06 10:34 AM |
2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05 15287 total posts
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Meeting DH for lunch then going grocery shopping and doing some cleaning and maybe laundry.
Posted 11/19/06 10:46 AM |
big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Did 3 loads of laundry already, cleaned bathroom and kitchen, vacuumed, and mopped floors. Now off to shower and go food shopping.
I got a great Bath and Body Works coupon in the mail (free item up to $12.50 with any purchase) so I may head to the mall to get myself a present.
And making roast beef for dinner if I can figure out how.
AND bringing out summer clothes to pack for Jamaica!!!!!!
DH is in a day-long softball tournament.
Message edited 11/19/2006 10:49:02 AM.
Posted 11/19/06 10:48 AM |
Lovin my Little guy :)

Member since 5/06 2280 total posts
Name: Marissa
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Cleaning all of the animal cages out this morning, cleaning up a bit around the house and then most likely getting a bit of a head start on Xmas shopping!! Always busy, that's what I do best!
Posted 11/19/06 11:04 AM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
finishing up the laundry from our trip. Was going to clean today, but my contractor who is doing our bathroom, had his cleaning lady come yesterday to clean my entire house top to bottom from all the dust he created! So my house is immaculate right now!
Posted 11/19/06 11:07 AM |
Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05 15567 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
cleaning for when dh friends comes and then doing lanudry. What fun it feels like it does not end
Posted 11/19/06 11:15 AM |
Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05 24460 total posts
Name: Tania
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Posted 11/19/06 11:21 AM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
grocery shopping, going to 2 open houses and then a family dinner at grandmas
Posted 11/19/06 11:22 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/06 184 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
LAUNDRY then more laundry, cleaning then probably more laundry and to finish my night....laundry It never seems to end!
Posted 11/19/06 11:22 AM |
I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05 3966 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
MILs bday so dinner with the family later on
Posted 11/19/06 11:46 AM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Apparently whatever I am doing I am in no rush since I am sitting on LIF...
Dog to park, then cleaning out the office so we can paint some day.
Posted 11/19/06 11:54 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3353 total posts
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Homework, cleaning, food shopping
Posted 11/19/06 11:56 AM |
Earned My Bragging Rights!

Member since 5/05 6141 total posts
Name: Alexandria
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Posted by Aliasmom
Same goes for Me!
Posted 11/19/06 12:04 PM |
Re: Whatcha all doing today??
Feeding my two little lovelies then taking them for a walk...such a nice day out!!! Oh and I also have to wash and put away all of my winter clothes!
Posted 11/19/06 12:47 PM |
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