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Whats your feeding/nap routine for your baby?

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My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


Whats your feeding/nap routine for your baby?

I usually feed DS and keep him up for about an hour or two before putting him down for a nap (he's 4 and 1/2 months). He only catnaps. But he usually eats every 3 hours during the day and sleeps about 12 hours.
Does anyone feed their DS and then put them in for a nap with a full belly or do you wait as I do? I'm trying to find something that may help him nap a little longer.

Message edited 4/15/2007 4:32:29 PM.

Posted 4/15/07 4:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: Whats your feeding/nap routine for your baby?

We pretty much do the same thing. DS gets up in the am and has breakfast, he's up for 2 hours and goes down for a nap (30-45min) Then he gets a bottle 3 hours after breakfast, 2 hours later takes another short nap. Then has lunch, 2 hours later naps, has another bottle, 2 hours later has dinner and goes to bed. He also sleeps 12 hours a night. I guess some kids just don't take long naps. I'd rather he take shorter naps and continue sleeping from 7pm-7am.

Posted 4/15/07 4:37 PM

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