LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/15 609 total posts
Name: allison
What's your "talent"?
So we signed up for the cub scouts last night.
Part of me knows this will be lots of fun for DS, but the other part of me is "ohshit what did we get ourselves into" because I know parents have to be very involved.
Leader even said last night each parent will be expected to lead a group with one of "their talents".
Do you have any advice?
Or am I overthinking and is a lot of it going to be by the book anyway?
Resident Insomniac
Member since 4/13 2050 total posts
What's your
My son was in cub scouts up until 11 when they are supposed to bridge to boy scouts, then he asked to stop. I had that "ohshit" feeling when he joined and it never went away. I found it sort of "cultish" they way they recruit parents or demand they be an active part of the pack. But I'm not particularly outgoing and sort of an introvert. It wasn't my thing. It was sort of torture. Maybe it won't be for you though.
Having said that, you're overthinking the talent thing. There is a badge for everything and they probably just want you to teach something you know. It can be as simple as baking a cake, making a cool paper airplane, a craft, anything.
10 years on LIF!
Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: What's your "talent"?
Every pack is different, and every den in the pack is different, based on the leader(s). However, BSA is very adamant about following the book. Any "talents" will be related to something from their book, either belt loop related, or rank related (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, etc).
Our pack never had the parents show a skill for the boys. In my dens, I organized and arranged everything, and I might have asked for assistance, but parents never ran the activity.
Also, keep in mind that your "talent" is something geared toward 5-10 year olds, so it's not like you are going to be on Cake Wars, Dancing With the Stars, or anything like that...