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Member since 6/09 10031 total posts
Name: Colleen
When are you telling people?
We told our parents at around 6 weeks and then our extended family one week later. Most of our close friends know as well.
I still have to tell work and "the world". My mom wants to tell everyone so badly. A lot of my family members don't understand why we are keeping it a secret (Did people not used to wait 12 weeks back in the day??
I'll be 12 weeks next Monday. I'm debating going pubilc this weekend or waiting until next Wednesday after my NT scan.
I was going to go public this weekend but now I'm so worried that something will happen at the NT scan. I can't seem to calm my nerves. My symptoms are slowly disspearing (which I know is normal as you are near the end of the first trimester) but it makes me worried!!!
I'm just wondering what everyone else is doing.
Posted 5/1/12 12:38 PM |
My angel has a baby brother!

Member since 7/10 1050 total posts
Re: When are you telling people?
I am 7 weeks. My parents and mother in law have been supporting me every step of the way so I told them right away. I wanted to wait 12 weeks but, somehow I keep telling close friends and a few family members. I regret it in a way but, sometimes I swear it just slips out! I am telling my brother in law and his wife tonight and hopefully I can keep my mouth shut for the next 6 weeks
I don't plan to tell work until like 14 weeks or so.
Message edited 5/1/2012 12:43:15 PM.
Posted 5/1/12 12:42 PM |
Re: When are you telling people?
My parents right away, Told many friends right away, told his parents at 9.5 weeks. Will tell Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandmothers at 13 (mother's day).
Message edited 5/11/2012 8:31:26 AM.
Posted 5/1/12 1:27 PM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: When are you telling people?
my mom and sister knew right away since they knew I was seeing a RE. we told DH's family at around 8 weeks. We announced it on FB after the NT scan. I actually had to tell work at 10.5 weeks since I go to the doc during my lunch hour and the appt took an hour and a half!
Posted 5/1/12 1:37 PM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: When are you telling people?
we gave our family the go ahead to share the news when we got the results of our nt scan. it was killing them since we told them at 5weeks.
we came out on fb after the results
Posted 5/1/12 2:01 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/10 2245 total posts
Re: When are you telling people?
we told our immediate family members after the first beta because they knew we were going thru IVF. We told our best friends at 7w and we were planning on telling extended fam when we saw them on mothers day (11weeks) but now i'm second guessing that plan...My NT scan is a few days after mother's day and now i'm nervous and thinking we shouldnt say anything until after.
Posted 5/1/12 2:29 PM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: When are you telling people?
our parents and siblings know and very close friends but that is it..we r waiting til 12 weeks
Posted 5/1/12 9:18 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: When are you telling people?
Ugh this is so hard because I am soooooo superstitious- and super nervous so I really wanted to wait to 12 weeks.
Our parents and siblings know, as well as my BFFs and my aunt who went through her own IF.
We didn't tell grandparents yet (big mouths) and we haven't come out to tell everyone yet but I am SHOWING like nobody's business. I think I may have to just spill on Mother's Day or something. I mean, forget the NT scan because I look like I'm 4 months pregnant already
Posted 5/1/12 10:47 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07 724 total posts
Name: Lolita
Re: When are you telling people?
I'm 7 1/2 weeks and have told all of my immediate family and some good friends. We will probably tell other friends and family as we see them but will def not be posting on fb until after the first tri. When I see friends it's just something I can't hold in
Posted 5/2/12 7:30 AM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: When are you telling people?
I'm actually suspending FB for a few days while I make sure I tell family and friends. I hate when I find something out on FB that I should have found out in person by close friends.
Posted 5/2/12 8:39 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 4/12 211 total posts
Re: When are you telling people?
I am 7 weeks and we haven't told anyone! I will just be past the 12 week mark on fathers day, so I think that is our plan. DH was hoping to tell his mum on mothers day, but I am not ready...
Posted 5/3/12 2:11 PM |
My angel has a baby brother!

Member since 7/10 1050 total posts
Re: When are you telling people?
I guess my husband feels comfortable telling people because I went to get a yogurt at 711 today and the guy at the counter said congrads! I saw the picture. My husband showed the guy at 711 my sonogram picture!
Posted 5/4/12 10:15 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/11 1164 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: When are you telling people?
Posted by wantabuninoven
I guess my husband feels comfortable telling people because I went to get a yogurt at 711 today and the guy at the counter said congrads! I saw the picture. My husband showed the guy at 711 my sonogram picture!
Thats so cute!
Posted 5/4/12 10:25 AM |
Gonna be a big sister

Member since 12/10 1749 total posts
Name: Heather
Re: When are you telling people?
i will be 12 weeks tomorrow -- and the only peopel that know are my parents, his parents, my best friend, and one other friend (and had to tell my boss==b/c I am quitting) -- but turns out that boss didn't keep it a secret and other employees now know My family and best friends don't even know!!!
We are super nervous (3rd pregnancy in a year) so not sure when we will say anything....
Posted 5/4/12 1:38 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/11 309 total posts
Re: When are you telling people?
My mom knew from the start and she of course told the whole side of her family (was not happy but she was watching my son while I was going for some of the appointments). We did not tell the "general population" until I got my amniocentesis results at 17 weeks.
Posted 5/10/12 12:02 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 10/11 2140 total posts
Name: Kristy
Re: When are you telling people?
We are going to try to hold out till 12 weeks if we can, or at least till we hear a heartbeat
Posted 5/10/12 7:16 PM |