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When to tell immediate family

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When to tell family you're preggers.....

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06

749 total posts


When to tell family you're preggers.....

My husband and I are debating this right now. It's still really early for us (3w4d) but I am just so excited I don't know if I can keep it in until my first Dr. appt. I want to tell immediate family members now, then maybe wait for everyone else until 8 or 12 weeks.

What did you do?

Posted 1/2/07 9:56 AM

My Love!

Member since 5/05

2375 total posts


Re: When to tell family you're preggers.....

I actually waited a little bit longer than 12 weeks b/c I didn't see anyone in my immediate family until 14 weeks

Posted 1/2/07 10:09 AM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: When to tell family you're preggers.....

my mother looked at me and Knew right away. So there was no hiding it.

Posted 1/2/07 10:11 AM

My everything

Member since 12/06

1224 total posts


Re: When to tell family you're preggers.....

I am 5w3d and Dh and I are also debating this also. I couldnt wait and told my mother as soon as I got a postive. But we are waiting to tell mil until we get it confirm by the dr. Which I have an app today.

Posted 1/2/07 10:18 AM

"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06

3515 total posts


Re: When to tell family you're preggers.....

It really depends on you.
Here is what I think...
My first time PG I mc at 6 wks, and only my immediate family knew. It was good bc I had their support, but I went on vacation with a bunch of my friends literally 2 days after the mc and they had no idea why I was so upset and withdrawn.
This time around (I am 7 wks, still only my immediate family knows), but I willl probably begin telling my extended family at around 8 wks. The way I see it, the only reason to wait is bc of a possible mc, but if that's the case (knock on wood), I would want the support from my family and friends....

Posted 1/2/07 10:20 AM

"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06

3515 total posts


Re: When to tell family you're preggers.....

Posted by Krystal

I am 5w3d and Dh and I are also debating this also. I couldnt wait and told my mother as soon as I got a postive. But we are waiting to tell mil until we get it confirm by the dr. Which I have an app today.

Good luck at the doctor today Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/07 10:21 AM

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