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When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

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Miracles can happen!

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When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

I am blessed to be home with my baby for a while. I am trying to find a happy medium. I want to clean and straighten up the house, but feel guilty not given her direct attention. She is 11 weeks old and does not really nap for more than 45 minutes during the day. Is it ok if I put her in the bouncy in the room I'm in a just talk to her? Any other ideas? I think I should get used to it now, or else my house will be dirty for the next 18 years~!

Posted 7/5/13 9:39 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

That is 100% fine!!! It is good for babies to just look around at their environment. They don't need to be stimulated constantly.

Posted 7/5/13 9:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/10

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

Totally ok! It's perfectly fine to put her in the bouncer and just talk to her! It's good for her to have some independent time too, and as long as you are still talking to her and engaging her I'm sure she'll be totally content :)

Posted 7/5/13 9:58 AM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

Totally fine! Why do you think they make 521657654 different baby occupyers/containment units? Chat Icon Chat Icon I leave min in the PNP in the next room while I wash bottles. In the playard when I run down for laundry, in the jumparoo in the playroom doorway across from my bedroom when DD wakes at 4:45. Yeah sometimes things can wait, but not always. Unless you have a FT nanny or housekeeper you do what you need to balance keeping them happy and getting things done.

Posted 7/5/13 10:00 AM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

Of course - just b/c she's awake doesn't mean you have to constantly entertain and engage her -

As long as she's safe - you are allowed to leave the room Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/13 10:25 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/11

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

It's actually good for her to have some "alone" time (meaning she's sitting quietly while you're doing something close by.) Everyone needs time to reflect, even the tinies, and this will help her to be comfortable with independence down the road.

Plus, the house isn't going to clean itself. Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/13 10:47 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

Posted by MarisaK

Of course - just b/c she's awake doesn't mean you have to constantly entertain and engage her -

As long as she's safe - you are allowed to leave the room Chat Icon

Exactly! trust me there will be plenty of time for them to be up your azz 24/7- when they are 2 and 3 years old!
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Enjoy the escape while you can!
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Posted 7/5/13 10:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by MarisaK

Of course - just b/c she's awake doesn't mean you have to constantly entertain and engage her -

As long as she's safe - you are allowed to leave the room Chat Icon

Exactly! trust me there will be plenty of time for them to be up your azz 24/7- when they are 2 and 3 years old!
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Enjoy the escape while you can!
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This! Now is the time to get things done at that age. When my boys were babies they were so good at just sitting in the swing or bouncy. I had my house clean always. Now at 4 and 2 it's not easy at all.

Posted 7/5/13 11:16 AM

Miracles can happen!

Member since 10/10

3319 total posts


When you're doing

Thanks ladies! I felt so guilty.... reading these posts make me feel much better! Off to clean the house~

Posted 7/5/13 11:24 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/11

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Momma Bear

When you're doing

besides you want her to be self sufficient as well. She has to learn to entertain herself. Sometimes I will sit my dd on the floor with some toys and books and she keeps herself busy for like an hour.

Posted 7/5/13 11:49 AM


Member since 4/09

3287 total posts


Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

Absolutely. DD loves to lay on the bed while I fold laundry. She is a bit older now. She likes to feel the different fabrics and then I put something over her face for a round of peek-a-boo. She also loves to watch me cook and clean the kitchen.

I always did stuff around the house and still do while she was in RNP, Highchair, bouncy, exercauser, etc.

only way to survive! Just make sure you strap in once the baby gets old enough to wiggle around.

Posted 7/5/13 12:11 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/06

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

I have a 12 week old and know what you mean, but I think it is good for them to have independent play. The toys help them learn.

Posted 7/5/13 4:57 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22141 total posts


When you're doing

you also need to do things to make YOU happy. For me, I need to clean. My home is not perfect and spotless but when the kitchen and bathroom are clean and the floors are vaccuumed, I can enjoy my time with DS more. And did your parents entertain you 24/7 as a kid? They need to learn how to play by themselves and be quiet.

Posted 7/5/13 5:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

I felt the same way as you and still do at times and DD is 9 mos now. I do have to say that I always put her down since she was a tiny baby: on her playmat, rock-n-play etc and she has always been good about entertaining herself with a few toys! She isn't the type of baby that needs to be held a lot and I am happy about that! So there is a pro to leaving her by herself for a bit!

But anyway I try to do heavy cleaning Mon and Tues that way I have the rest of the week to play with her or run errands or set up play dates! While she is playing or napping I will empty dishwasher, do laundry or cook dinner. It doesn't all get done though and I have learned to let it go!

Posted 7/5/13 9:24 PM

Love being a mom!

Member since 5/08

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

Independent play is so important for babies and for you. You need to be able to get things done in the house so keep Lo nearby and safe and get stuff done, with no guilt. I know it's hard.Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/13 9:49 PM

just hangin' around...

Member since 11/06

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

I hope it's okay bc i'd never get anything done otherwise. dd will play on her playmat while I work out for 30min in the morning. i'll count things while i'm doing it and she loves watching my sneakers Chat Icon I put her in the walker in the kitchen if I need to cook something and she'll play with the toys or watch the dogs, same thing if I need to blow dry my hair on occasion. I do engage her somewhat but she's happy just hanging out. and she gets 30min of baby Einstein in her swing, right before bed, while I straighten up, wash bottles, feed the dogs etc. her naps aren't very long and I really have very little help from dh, so a mom's gotta do what she's gotta do to get things done sometimes.

Posted 7/5/13 9:55 PM


Member since 12/09

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Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

with twins if i didn't do this i would never be able to peeChat Icon

Posted 7/5/13 10:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/13

349 total posts


When you're doing

You can wear her.

Posted 7/5/13 10:57 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22141 total posts


Re: When you're doing "stuff" around the house,...

Posted by WockaWocka10

You can wear her.

This is true! Wear her and talk to her. Describe what you are doing, why you are doing it. She'll love being with you and getting a different view. It will also help build her head control.

And as posters pointed out, you can put her in the infant seat and tell her what you are doing.

You don't have to PLAY with her to interact and even entertain.

Posted 7/5/13 11:55 PM

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