where did the introduce yourself topic go?
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LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2922 total posts
Name: Hillary
where did the introduce yourself topic go?
anyway, My name is Hillary and my son Jacob just had his re-evaluation for CPSE. I had my meeting yesterday so I didn't want to post until I had it.
I am very happy with the outcome because I heard they are cutting services all over and especially in my district of Sysosset.
Jacob has been receiving services since he was 18 months- speech... When he turned 3 we switched over to CPSE. He was evaluated for OT and SPEc ED 6 months ago but his actions were appropriate for a 2.5 year old at the time... Over the next 6 months I noticed different things and I knew I coudn't re-evaluate until October which I did. plus his school said he was having trouble in class- adjusting, not socializing with the other children etc.. SO this was the outcome of his evals:
He is going to be receiving OT 2x a week and he will be getting a SEIT in the classroom for 3 hours a day 3 days a week. I thought that wasn't enough but according to the district if you were to get more hours , it would be for children who are almost at self containment classes- Jacob is no where need that... plus he still gets his speech..
I am relieved he got it but I am also upset at the same time.. I feel sometimes that he is the only one in my mommy group that has problems that need to be worked out and every other kid is perfect. why my child??? I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do...
Add this on top of everything else going on with my life. I would have to say it is a bit overwhelming...
I am hoping with these services he will not need anything by kindergarten and tha is our goal. I rather start now than later..
So I will gladly be joinging on discussions on this board...
Posted 11/21/08 6:38 PM |
Re: where did the introduce yourself topic go?
Posted by HillandRon
anyway, My name is Hillary and my son Jacob just had his re-evaluation for CPSE. I had my meeting yesterday so I didn't want to post until I had it.
I am very happy with the outcome because I heard they are cutting services all over and especially in my district of Sysosset.
Jacob has been receiving services since he was 18 months- speech... When he turned 3 we switched over to CPSE. He was evaluated for OT and SPEc ED 6 months ago but his actions were appropriate for a 2.5 year old at the time... Over the next 6 months I noticed different things and I knew I coudn't re-evaluate until October which I did. plus his school said he was having trouble in class- adjusting, not socializing with the other children etc.. SO this was the outcome of his evals:
He is going to be receiving OT 2x a week and he will be getting a SEIT in the classroom for 3 hours a day 3 days a week. I thought that wasn't enough but according to the district if you were to get more hours , it would be for children who are almost at self containment classes- Jacob is no where need that... plus he still gets his speech..
I am relieved he got it but I am also upset at the same time.. I feel sometimes that he is the only one in my mommy group that has problems that need to be worked out and every other kid is perfect. why my child??? I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do...
Add this on top of everything else going on with my life. I would have to say it is a bit overwhelming...
I am hoping with these services he will not need anything by kindergarten and tha is our goal. I rather start now than later..
So I will gladly be joinging on discussions on this board...
Hi! Just so you know, you can change the settings on the thread to display older posts.. mine disappeared too, but I adjusted to show threads older than 2 weeks and it was there.
I had just posted that Ryan's CPSE meeting is in a couple of week and I am so nervous for it. Glad that he got the services he needs.
With the way you feel about DS and other kids in the mommy and me class.... I have the same feelings sometimes. I hear about my friend's kids around the same age and wish that Ryan could do what they could... more than anything, I just wish he could say mommy and I love you.. but I know it will come. Those feelings are normal. It is very hard sometimes. Like you, I just want him to go into Kindergarten and not need any services, so by nipping it in the bud now, we are doing our best to get there!
Posted 11/21/08 8:07 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/08 201 total posts
Name: Kristy
Re: where did the introduce yourself topic go?
I think its wonderful that you got those services for your son. With regards to your feelings about the mommy & me you might want to check out Sensory Street Kids there's a link to it on lifamilies. Its a mommy and me for both typically and developmentally delayed children. It would give you the opportunity to meet other moms going through similar situations. HTH!
Posted 11/22/08 11:55 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2922 total posts
Name: Hillary
Re: where did the introduce yourself topic go?
Posted by ktcmblondie
I think its wonderful that you got those services for your son. With regards to your feelings about the mommy & me you might want to check out Sensory Street Kids there's a link to it on lifamilies. Its a mommy and me for both typically and developmentally delayed children. It would give you the opportunity to meet other moms going through similar situations. HTH!
Thanks so much, I have looked into it but it is too far for me to go to classes and it doesn't fit my schedule. If there was one in Nassau I would definately look into it!!!
Posted 11/23/08 8:01 AM |
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