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Which child gets disappointed?

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Member since 6/08

3290 total posts


Which child gets disappointed?

So my 5 year old has his end of the year program for Pre-K on the SAME day and SAME time as my 1st grader has HIS end of the year program Chat Icon

DH absolutely CANNOT go to either, he is working, and we have no family nearby.

They are at 2 different schools. DS# 1 is in public school, and DS# 2 is in pre-K.

So.... which kid do I disappoint?

This s$cks

Chat Icon

Message edited 5/24/2010 2:37:06 PM.

Posted 5/24/10 2:36 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/10

384 total posts

Eclaire Lover

Re: Which child gets disappointed?

Do they start at the same time? Maybe you could go to each for a short while? Do you have a close friend/family friend that would be willing to travel a little bit to see one or the other?

Posted 5/24/10 3:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

3071 total posts


Re: Which child gets disappointed?

If I couldn't manage a short time at both, I'd probably do the year end pre K because, imo, that is a more significant transition.

Posted 5/24/10 5:16 PM


Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: Which child gets disappointed?

Posted by 2girlsforme

If I couldn't manage a short time at both, I'd probably do the year end pre K because, imo, that is a more significant transition.

I agree with this.. your 5 year old will no longer be in that school next year so I would go to that one.

And I'd do something special for the 1st grader.. a lunch or a movie out to show how special you think his accomplishment is as well!

Message edited 5/24/2010 5:24:17 PM.

Posted 5/24/10 5:23 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Which child gets disappointed?

Is there someone else special to either of your kids that could go in your place? A grandparent? Aunt? Uncle? Older cousin? Family friend?
That might be a nice compromise.

Posted 5/24/10 7:57 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Message edited 9/1/2011 3:46:51 PM.

Posted 5/25/10 6:58 AM


Member since 6/08

3290 total posts


Re: Which child gets disappointed?

Posted by prncsslehcar

Is there someone else special to either of your kids that could go in your place? A grandparent? Aunt? Uncle? Older cousin? Family friend?
That might be a nice compromise.

No one. No family nearby, and I would not send any of my friends in my place.

I think I am going to go to my pre-k sons show, and race over to my 1st graders school, take him out early, and go for ice cream.

Thanks for the replies!

Posted 5/25/10 9:05 AM

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Re: Which child gets disappointed?

Posted by MrsGmomof3

Posted by prncsslehcar

Is there someone else special to either of your kids that could go in your place? A grandparent? Aunt? Uncle? Older cousin? Family friend?
That might be a nice compromise.

No one. No family nearby, and I would not send any of my friends in my place.

I think I am going to go to my pre-k sons show, and race over to my 1st graders school, take him out early, and go for ice cream.

Thanks for the replies!

I think this sounds good. I'd also let the teacher know that you won't be there (and why) so she knows (as a 1st grade teacher, I'd like to know, so I'd help the kid understand and pay special attention to him/her).

Posted 5/25/10 8:58 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Which child gets disappointed?

Aw! I just saw this and I see you decided and it sounds like the best solution. It's hard with a couple kids - someone always seems to be getting disappointed but I think it's OK. They may be small but deep inside I'm sure they comprehend when you are doing the best you can. Or I'm giving them too much credit and that is how I HOPE mine feel Chat Icon You do your best and try not to let the guilt overtake you. I think your solution is better than trying to be at part of both events - that has a way of never quite workin out. I'm sure your 1st grader will love the ice cream trip so no guilt necessary Chat Icon

Posted 5/25/10 9:28 PM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

3923 total posts


Re: Which child gets disappointed?

Can one of you go to one and the other go to the other? This is what I would be so neither is hurt or disappointed. Take your video camera so the other can see what was missed. I'm there with you living 1000mils away from family. So this would be our solution.

Posted 5/27/10 9:15 AM

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