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LIF Toddler

Member since 10/05 472 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
I was straightening up last night and I noticed everything i was picking up was mine I sure do make a mess!!!
Posted 11/10/05 1:09 PM |
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Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05 12023 total posts
Name: Sonia
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
of course dh does. I at least pick up my mess. He thinks I'm a human vaccum
Posted 11/10/05 1:09 PM |
22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05 13659 total posts
Name: And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
i'd say 60/40 boosh
Posted 11/10/05 1:09 PM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
Me by far. It's not that DH is a neatfreak. It's that I'm messy and can't be bothered to put away my stuff after a long day at work.
Posted 11/10/05 1:10 PM |
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
We are both clutter magnets, so I'd say 50/50. But I used to be much messier- I've been trying harder since we've been in the house.
Posted 11/10/05 1:11 PM |

Member since 5/05 10767 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
I just realized last night we both do That was a hard pill to swallow. I'm always after DH to clean up and kep neat and last night I looked around, I had 3 jackets on different chairs, papers all over the place and clothes on the bedroom floor. The mess was all ME! DH had fun tourturing me!
Posted 11/10/05 1:11 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 10/05 472 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
Posted by Elbee
I just realized last night we both do That was a hard pill to swallow. I'm always after DH to clean up and kep neat and last night I looked around, I had 3 jackets on different chairs, papers all over the place and clothes on the bedroom floor. The mess was all ME! DH had fun tourturing me!
That sound like the mess I cleaned up last night plus the five pairs of shoes scattered around the apartment
Posted 11/10/05 1:13 PM |

Member since 5/05 10767 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
Posted by MRSJLK
Posted by Elbee
I just realized last night we both do That was a hard pill to swallow. I'm always after DH to clean up and kep neat and last night I looked around, I had 3 jackets on different chairs, papers all over the place and clothes on the bedroom floor. The mess was all ME! DH had fun tourturing me!
That sound like the mess I cleaned up last night plus the five pairs of shoes scattered around the apartment
I cannot even count the shoes I found in all the different rooms, 8 pairs maybe? The difference is, I will eventually clean it up, DH won't
Posted 11/10/05 1:14 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
It used to be him, but since Christopher was born, it's definitely me. I just plop stuff wherever and then at the end of the day it's like "whoa, where'd this mess come from?"
Posted 11/10/05 1:26 PM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
We both make a mess- but DH never rarely cleans up after himself- unless I say something. Especially not his clothes. They are all over the place.
Posted 11/10/05 1:28 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
I don't really make a MESS...but DH is WAAAAAAYYY neater than I am. I HATE when he comes home from work, sees 2 things in the sink, and starts washing them... I'm like, hey hon, I'll get to it... Take your friggin coat off at least!!
Posted 11/10/05 1:55 PM |
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
Lisa! I cant believe you had shoes in 3 different rooms!!!!!
DH by far! I am completely OCD when it comes to messes.
Posted 11/10/05 2:02 PM |
Member since 5/05 30390 total posts
Name: really
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
definitely HIM.
He's gross. I found a box of cheese its next to his bed yesterday.
ew ew ew
Posted 11/10/05 2:07 PM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
DH is messier than I am...he has piles and piles of papers and I am constantly putting his dirty laundry in the hamper
Posted 11/10/05 2:15 PM |
Sitting on a tree bench!

Member since 5/05 2429 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
but i also clean up more often too... (just had to redeem myself)
Posted 11/10/05 2:37 PM |
2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05 15287 total posts
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
Posted by Shellyesq
We both make a mess- but DH never rarely cleans up after himself- unless I say something. Especially not his clothes. They are all over the place.
Same here.
In fact last night I suggested we buy 3 new hampers to put in the other places DH drops his dirty clothes
Posted 11/10/05 2:41 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
Posted by Shellyesq
We both make a mess- but DH never rarely cleans up after himself- unless I say something.
this sounds exactly like us. We are both messy , that I'll admit. But I do clean up my meess, whereas DH willl let it sit indefinitely until I have to clean up HIS MESS TOO
Posted 11/10/05 2:44 PM |
Member since 10/05 6039 total posts
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
Posted by MrsS2005
can't be bothered to put away my stuff after a long day at work.
My Dear Husband is definitely more messy than me. But he helps me from time to time so I can't really complain. If he cooks something and I'm not home, he'd do the dishes because I hate coming home and finding dirty dishes on the sink.... But I can totally see myself being a little messy after a long day of work so in order to avoid that...I stop in front of my closet and start putting everything in my jacket and then the clothes that are dirty...I put them in the hamper...needless to say my husband finds this totally funny but yet very amusing...must be the strip part he enjoys the most.
Posted 11/10/05 2:49 PM |
Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05 1714 total posts
Name: Brandy
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
My Fiance is messier!!! ALways picking up his clothes, always making dishes right after I do them, always leaves the counters a mess!! AAAHhhh it makes me want to scream some times.
Posted 11/10/05 2:56 PM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
I think we both contribute equally to our mess.
Posted 11/10/05 4:22 PM |
Mommy of 3!
Member since 5/05 2967 total posts
Name: Mommy to two boys and a girl
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
DH is the mess maker- definitely!
The Sunday Times ends up all over the house- if I didn't throw them away we would have stacks of papers from months ago!
Posted 11/10/05 4:29 PM |
Dad of Twins

Member since 5/05 1385 total posts
Name: The 80's Man Let's Go Mets!
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
DW by far
Posted 11/10/05 4:33 PM |

Member since 6/05 2922 total posts
Name: N
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
i'm in the same boat as lisa (elbee) but like her i'll actually clean up my mess and his
Posted 11/10/05 4:40 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
I'd say me 40%, him 60%...I dont think he knows what a hamper is yet..
Posted 11/10/05 5:01 PM |
I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05 6707 total posts
Name: Noel
Re: Who makes more of a mess you or you DH/DW?
DH!! When iget hoime vorm work it looks like our apt was broken in to its uch a mess. he opens drws and doenst close them never makes teh bed his towel is thrown over the rack( if its not on the floor) its sooo aggravating!
Posted 11/10/05 5:02 PM |
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