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Who's a June mommy?

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Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Who's a June mommy?

Just wanted to see who the June mommies were. How's everyone doing?

Posted 12/22/06 4:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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going along for the ride...

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Re: Who's a June mommy?

Me!! I am doing well. I am getting a lot less tired. People at work said I popped and unfortunately are starting to show already. I just got my ultrascreen results which they say are all normal and everything looks great!

Posted 12/22/06 5:34 PM

I'm getting old

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Re: Who's a June mommy?

I am but about 4 1/2 years agoChat Icon

Posted 12/22/06 5:37 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Who's a June mommy?

I was going to do a similar post this week also but haven't had a chance yet.

I'm 15 weeks tomorrow and I still don't feel much better. The heartburn is a killer (I just got Zantac today and can't wait to see how that works) but I haven't gotten sick since last week so that's a good thing. I def. have more energy then I did a few weeks ago - but not enough where I can say that I feel great.

And thankfully I am no longer eating every two hours. It's more like every 3-4 so that's also good.

One day at a time right?! Chat Icon

Posted 12/22/06 5:41 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Who's a June mommy?

I am!! Chat Icon Just a bit past 16 weeks Chat Icon

Feeling pretty good. Much better than last month! Chat Icon I have more stretching pains now. But no more nausea and exhaustion Chat Icon I am actually only getting up 1x a night to pee Chat Icon Chat Icon and I must say I am sleeping MUCH better (thank god)

Posted 12/22/06 6:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

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Re: Who's a June mommy?

I'm a June Mommy too!! I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow. I'm doing okay. Still extremely tired, but I've felt okay throughout. Going 1/8 for my level 2 and can't wait to find out what we're having. I go on Tuesday to give blood for the AFP test. Hopefully all is still fine...

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/22/06 6:19 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: Who's a June mommy?

I am! almost 15 weeks now... still get sick in the morning but feel better during the day, I seem to have more energy and my co-workers say that I am finally back to my talkative self... they thought they lost me forever lol the last couple of days, hearburn has been the worst, maybe thats because I have been eating more with all the christmas parties...

Posted 12/22/06 6:19 PM

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Re: Who's a June mommy?

I am! I'm due at the end of June (6/27) - 13 1/2 weeks now. Fatigues seems to be letting up a bit, but still present. Didn't have any m/s or heartburn. My hips are KILLING me (which my doctor says is NOT normal at this stage, but I am arthritic so unfortunately it comes w/ the territory) and my boobs are unbelievably sore (will that every go away?!). I'm also just about ready for maternity clothes .. everything is so uncomfortable (and I'm not a fan of the Bella Band!).

Chat Icon

Posted 12/22/06 7:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Who's a June mommy?

I'm doing great! Almost 16w right now. I have my next appointment on 1-4-07. Maybe we can see the nugget again then.

I did not get the u/s-AFP, so I have not seen an ultrasound since 13w.

I am just beginning to pop a little, but it still kind of looks like I ate a big lunch.

Posted 12/22/06 7:50 PM

I love the summer

Member since 1/06

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Re: Who's a June mommy?

I was last yearChat Icon

Posted 12/22/06 8:21 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Who's a June mommy?

Me too..

Almost 16 weeks.

Havinga so so time. Things were good except for the vomiting until recently. Started Zofran for that and while I still throw up every now and then , its not every meal, so Im starting to feel better.

I popped about last week and now none of my regualr clothes fit and finding maternity clothes has been hard.

I cannt WAIT till the level 2!!!

We choose not to do the AFP....

Posted 12/22/06 8:32 PM

Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06

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Re: Who's a June mommy?

I am!!! If he's late, I'll be a July Mommy though. Chat Icon

I'm feeling really, really good these days. All of my m/s is gone and while I still have food strong food aversions, I am getting more of an appetite. Chat Icon The heartburn is stronger now but it's not unbearable.

I'm in maternity pants because my regular pants really hurt my waistband. I am able to wear regular tops, just a size medium instead of a small.

I've been feeling some stretching in my uterus and pain in my hips but only little twinges here and there.

All in all, nothing that I didn't expect and even the pain feels wonderful because it means I'm feeling more and more pregnant every day! Chat Icon

Message edited 12/22/2006 9:19:56 PM.

Posted 12/22/06 9:14 PM


Member since 7/06

2168 total posts


Re: Who's a June mommy?

almost 16 weeks for me!

i'm SLIGHTLY less tired than the beginning weeks, but no where near energized enough to clean the house, cook, etc. still!!

my feet are killing me and none of my shoes are comtortable. i tried to go christmas shopping and i thought i was going to die, trying to walk through the mall.

my m/s comes and goes once and a while. my stomach is definitely large and becoming uncomfortable.

the doctors are monitoring me closely, and giving me sonos everytime i go (every 2 weeks), but my level 2 is on jan 25th.

Posted 12/22/06 9:25 PM


Member since 10/06

4563 total posts


Re: Who's a June mommy?

Chat Icon june mommy too about 15 weeks. other than early spotting i have had an easy pregnancy. worst parts for me is my BAD sinus headaches and how i tire out so much easier now! i used to be able to clean the house from top to bottom bed sheets included and work 2 jobs no problem! now i have to sit between all my little chores! i tire so easily! i am also hungry ALL THE TIME and it's just about time for maternity clothes!! reg. clothes are hurting now Chat Icon

Posted 12/22/06 9:35 PM


Member since 3/06

18677 total posts


Re: Who's a June mommy?

I am! Due at the end of June...about 13 weeks right now. I feel GREAT...all of my symptoms are gone and I am not even tired anymore. This pregnancy has been quite easy so far. I am not showing at all yet which is a little dissapointing because I really want to look pregnant! Chat Icon

Posted 12/22/06 11:56 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/05

471 total posts


Re: Who's a June mommy?

I am too! I'm 14 weeks. Still have m/s about 3-4 times a week and still a little tired but doing ok otherwise!

Posted 12/23/06 8:59 AM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

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Re: Who's a June mommy?

I am too!
I'm almost 17 weeks and only look pregnant after I eat because my stomach swells u pand gets hard. Otherwise, I just look like I've gained weight. I can't wait to pop!
My energy is back and I rarely feel sick anymore....but I have more heartburn than I used to. Nothing that I can't deal with though. Chat Icon
Saw the doctor on Thursday night and he said everything looks perfect and that I'm doing a great job Chat Icon

Posted 12/23/06 8:59 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Who's a June mommy?

Me.. I am 13.5 wks now.

I have had a lot of cramping since the beginning and had to take a lot of rest. Knock on wood but my m/s have been really easy to manage. I showed right away. All in the belly.

Posted 12/24/06 2:51 PM

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