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LIF Adult
Member since 2/08 1126 total posts
Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
We have lived in a quiet suburban neighborhood for 6 years and have a dog that is 5 years old.
About 3 years ago we got a new neighbor. The wife and I have been friendly but on very few occasions. As for the husband, I have never spoken to him but my DH has given him a ride to the train station, fixed his lawn mower and such.
Our typical work schedule is 8-6. We let our dog out at 7am, 6pm, and 10pm. He never stays out for more then 30 minutes because most of the time he wants to be with us. On average he is out there for 15 mintues. On the weekend he spends more time outside but we are usually out there with him. He is never outside when we are not home.
SO this past year has changed. I have been keeping track. In April - I let my dog out at 7am, went to change my DS (his window was open) and at 7:10 I heard "LET YOUR DOG INSIDE". I was not sure who it was but as soon as I finished I ran & let him in. I would estimate 5 minutes of "barking to come in" before I heard the voice.
In May - At 9:30 PM my DH opened the back door to let the dog in and we heard "LET YOUR F**ING IN THE HOUSE, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS OPEN THE DOOR" at the top of his lungs out his window. My dog was not by the door but was barking at something (cat, shadow, leaf) which is why DH went to let him in. If he barked even 5 mintues I would be surprised. We were shocked at the nasty tone but figured maybe the guy was trying to sleep early.
In June - I came home from work around 4 and was outside with the dog playing with him. He was barking at his toy while I was throwing. The wife calming said out the window "Can you please let your dog inside" so I did. Who is losing out in this situation?
Last week - 7:30 PM, the dog is outside in the back, DH goes in the garage in the front yard. Our dog started to bark at DH. I swear in 5 mintues the guy is screaming out his top window again using our names "Let your F**ING Dog in the F***ING house". DH goes to that side of the house nd told him that he is outside and he doesn't have to yell out his window.
The guy comes out his house charging him, DH threatened to call the cops and he stopped. He called DH a Piece of SH** and said that we let our dog out purposely to make him mad. He also said the dog was barking all day which was not true because the dog was sleeping with DS and I (3 hour nap) while DH worked in the yard and the other neighbors dog barked at DH. The argument was derogatory and demeaning and unnecessary.
We have been advised to file a police report about this incident. I don't understand how all of a sudden we are targeted for something that has never been a problem.
I know this situation will not get better because this man has been seen having screaming matches with other neighbors. He seems to enjoy spreading misery and right now my dog is the issue.
To be totally honest, this man scares the bejeebies out of me that if he ever approached me (on my property) I would call the police.
I realize peoples tolerances are different when it comes to dogs barking. 20 mintues for one person could be like 2 for another but I believe that barking has to be 30 minutes straight to be a nuisance?
We have been accommodating and they haven't even asked or approached us about this situation except for screamming out there window. My other neighbors do not find my dog a nuisance and it is very hard, at this point, to care if they are bothered by him.
How would you handle the situation?
Posted 10/20/08 3:09 PM |
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Name: Kristin
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
Ok The dog is a DOG it's going to bark. I think they are going about the situation the wrong way. Plus it's not like it's 2 am and the dog is out there barking.
BUT Im going to be honset..... The second my dog barks even if it's a squirel I am out there telling him shhhh and trying to get him back in the house. I don't want him to bother the neighbors!
At 7am I would be annoyed since I work late and sleep past 7 am.
Posted 10/20/08 3:39 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/08 1126 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
I agree with a dog barking at 7am. The reaction though is as if it was everyday the dog does this. He is out for business and comes back in. Its quite amazing because even at night when we come home we have to shove him outside because he is just so happy to see us.
That day I let him out and went to get DS out of bed but he had wet through his clothes, by the time I got his clothes off and a new diaper on I heard the neighbor. I even looked at the clock thinking maybe that I lost time somewhere.
I feel like I have to walk on egg shells now and my dog should be more like a cat. (BTW they have one that hangs around our yard and really gets my dog going when he is inside..I have never said anything because it is not every single day it is once in awhile).
Posted 10/20/08 4:14 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/06 1076 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
In the afternoon or early evening, it wouldn't bother me.
But when I let my dog out in the morning, the second he barks, I rush to bring him back in. It's simply not fair to neighbors to assume that a dog barking for five minutes straight at 7 am is acceptable.
My next door neighbor does it at 6 am for 10 minutes everyday and I find it beyond rude.
Posted 10/21/08 9:40 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/08 1126 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
So we filed the police report and feel much better now.
The police basically said that if we are within the noise ordinance then basically this is his problem. In our area 15 minutes is considered excessive and that never happens. There has never been any complaints in the 5 years that we have had him and our action is to call the police anytime the neighbor approaches us in the manner that he did and to stay away from him. Not even make eye contact with him.
We will see where this goes since he said that its not over.
Posted 10/21/08 10:38 AM |
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Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
I agree that your neighbor's approach was out of line, obnoxious actually - however, I have to agree with the neighbors as far as the dog constantly barking - It IS annoying, especially at 7AM -
I have a Yorkie who is a yapper - she's annoying.
I NEVER let her stay outside alone - I let her out to do her thing and the second she starts barking I know she's bored so I let her back in or I go out to distract her - If she wants to hang in the backyard and play, I'm out there with her b/c if she's on her own, she starts yapping at anything and everything and it's annoying..........
IMO 5 minutes is a long time to listen to a dog barking -
Posted 10/21/08 12:12 PM |
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Member since 8/06 5082 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
I'm glad you filed the police report. Your neighbor sounds a little crazy. I can see being annoyed by the barking, sure, but to get THAT angry? Something else is wrong with the guy, and you don't need to deal with that.
Posted 10/21/08 12:12 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/07 1153 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
Personally, I think it's crazy for the neighbor to get so annoyed over 5 minutes of barking. seriously, i think there's other more worthwhile things to get riled up about.
unless your dog is barking incessantly for extended amounts of time (i hardly consider 5 minutes, or barking while playing "extended").
I'm glad you filed a complaint - this way you have your neighbor's threatening behavior on record.
what if you got your dog a doggy door so your dog can come in and out as he pleases?
honestly, there are so many noises that happen in a neighborhood, where do you draw the line?? i mean, what about lawnmowers going before 8am on a weekend? I've had that happen. Sorry, but I like to sleep in, but I am not going to go ballistic about it. And, no, I really don't think it's any different than a dog barking before 8am as it;s both noise. but that's what happens when you live amongst people - there is noise.
Posted 10/21/08 12:23 PM |
So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08 6368 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
Message edited 12/9/2008 6:04:35 PM.
Posted 10/21/08 1:52 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/08 1126 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
Posted by MarisaK
I agree that your neighbor's approach was out of line, obnoxious actually - however, I have to agree with the neighbors as far as the dog constantly barking - It IS annoying, especially at 7AM -
I have a Yorkie who is a yapper - she's annoying.
I NEVER let her stay outside alone - I let her out to do her thing and the second she starts barking I know she's bored so I let her back in or I go out to distract her - If she wants to hang in the backyard and play, I'm out there with her b/c if she's on her own, she starts yapping at anything and everything and it's annoying..........
IMO 5 minutes is a long time to listen to a dog barking -
I agree that 7 am barking is annoying for those trying to sleep. That happened only once due to the "peeing through the diaper" incident. Now my dog goes out after everyone is up.
My other neighbor has a yapper too (though I don't complain) my dog has a deep "woof". My dog doesn't really bark. He hangs out by the fence and watches the front yard. If people walk by then yes he barks but stops when they are out of his view.
Once we took him to Petco for shots and had to wait 20 minutes in line and there were 2 yappers in front of us. We were amazed because not once did he make a peep. Now if they were a cat that would be different.
Posted 10/21/08 1:58 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/08 1126 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
Posted by karabara
Personally, I think it's crazy for the neighbor to get so annoyed over 5 minutes of barking. seriously, i think there's other more worthwhile things to get riled up about.
unless your dog is barking incessantly for extended amounts of time (i hardly consider 5 minutes, or barking while playing "extended").
I'm glad you filed a complaint - this way you have your neighbor's threatening behavior on record.
what if you got your dog a doggy door so your dog can come in and out as he pleases?
honestly, there are so many noises that happen in a neighborhood, where do you draw the line?? i mean, what about lawnmowers going before 8am on a weekend? I've had that happen. Sorry, but I like to sleep in, but I am not going to go ballistic about it. And, no, I really don't think it's any different than a dog barking before 8am as it;s both noise. but that's what happens when you live amongst people - there is noise.
We filed for that exact reason. He does not seem to be a very stable person and if something happened to my dog I would be devasted. It is only a matter of time before another incident happens. We have tried very hard to accommodate his screamming requests but now it just went too far.
I am not sure about a doggie door. Right now he is not outside when we are at work and he is safe inside. When we are home he goes out 2-3 times. When we first come home we have to shove him out he does his business and is right back in. Later (around 7) he will go out to run and sniff then come back and usually he will only do this if we are with him.
Our dog is like a ball and chain. He has never even attempted to run away. I cannot even board him because he won't eat unless we are near him (Gma will work too, she is our kennel). I boarded him for 4 days once and he came back so skinny the kennel even tried peanut butter on his food.
This is why this situation is insane. We have a border collie behind us who barks all the time but they aren't get yelled at with obscenities.
Posted 10/21/08 2:14 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/08 1126 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
Posted by Frankie
You shouldn't feel like you have to walk on egg shells because you have a crazy neighbor.
This quote is what I even told the police officer.
Even after all the nasty things they said to DH I was going to try and rectify the situation by writing a letter to the wife. I thought that we could make an agreement that if my dog was being excessive she could call me, let it ring 2X and hang up. I would see that it was her and let him in. The more I thought about it I changed my mind because I forsee that being abused. I definitely don't want problems with my neighbors regarding my dog. We would never intentionally antagonize the situation. So I feel we are doing the right thing.
I hope you can find a peaceful resolution with your neighbors.
Posted 10/21/08 2:30 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/08 51 total posts
Name: J
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
Who's the nuisance? I say it sounds like a combination of both. Your neighbor is a bit explosive, which is scary and annoying, but harmless (imagine being his wife when he's pizzed?!?!). But with all due respect, a barking dog needs to be brought inside immediately. I have a neighbor who leaves their yapper out all day. It has driven me to tears of rage. Now anytime I hear the slightest sound of a barking dog, I wig out. I've been conditioned to. Because of my neighbor underestimating how long her dog has been barking, I can't enjoy my backyard or take a nap in my bedroom. It's a real quality of life issue for me. I'm embarrased to admit, but I have often yelled things across the fence when my tolerance has met it's match. Just hoping to show you the other side. I'm a pretty rational person, but there's something about a barking dog that I feel violates any of the serenity and peace that my humble abode should offer.
Posted 10/21/08 4:36 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/08 1126 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
Posted by MrsGT
Who's the nuisance? I say it sounds like a combination of both. Your neighbor is a bit explosive, which is scary and annoying, but harmless (imagine being his wife when he's pizzed?!?!). But with all due respect, a barking dog needs to be brought inside immediately. I have a neighbor who leaves their yapper out all day. It has driven me to tears of rage. Now anytime I hear the slightest sound of a barking dog, I wig out. I've been conditioned to. Because of my neighbor underestimating how long her dog has been barking, I can't enjoy my backyard or take a nap in my bedroom. It's a real quality of life issue for me. I'm embarrased to admit, but I have often yelled things across the fence when my tolerance has met it's match. Just hoping to show you the other side. I'm a pretty rational person, but there's something about a barking dog that I feel violates any of the serenity and peace that my humble abode should offer.
I appreciate your honesty. I think what you are trying to say is that some people may have very low tolerances to certain things due to their past experiences.
I believe if my neighbor had a low tolerance than he would have a. told us b. called the town c. complain about the other dogs surrounding his property.
We are the only people in a 3 house radius that work. My neighbors are retired, SAH types and 75% have dogs. My dog is the only dog that is not outside during the day. So I really believe this guys gets so fed up by the end of the day he targets us because we are closer in age then the retired folk who have been on our block for 50 years. (See he is still the newbie.)
He also hates cigarettes. We know this because for about 2 years a teenage girl from one block over would walk ours to have a cigarette sometimes with a friend sometimes without. He got so fed up with this in the middle of the day he went across the street 2 houses down and approached her (while she was smoking) got in her face, screamed at her and we have never seen her on our block again.
I think she is entitled to some peace in her humble walk around the block.
If this guys wants peace he should have moved somewhere that social interactions do not take place.
Posted 10/21/08 5:25 PM |
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Member since 5/07 6710 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
I think he does sound like a sicko and a time bomb waiting to explode...
I have to add though I hate when people let there dog bark out side as well.. But I try not to let it ruin my day.. 7am was a no no and I see you realized that.. If you are being considerate and aware then you are doing the right thing.. I actually trained my dog not to bark thats how much dh and i dont like a yapping dog.. We worked very very hard at this and started as a puppy.. Good luck..
Posted 10/21/08 5:51 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/08 575 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
I had to share: I have been living on my block for 13 years, a lot longer than most of my neighbors immediately around me. We recently got a dog, 6 months ago to be exact. He is trained and is 5 years old. He's a yorkie-poo. Adorable little guy but he barks at EVERYTHING! I let him out, but the SECOND he starts to bark, i call him in. When the kids are home from school and their friends come over, someone accidently lets him out and then he starts barking so i bring him in. When the kids aren't home, usually he will go out and do his business and come right back in. Sometimes he will go crazy barking at a squirrel or a person walking by. It annoys ME, so i can imagine how it must annoy my neighbors.If your bringing him in as soon as he barks, then what else do they expect you to do? I once had a neighbor complain that my husband was mowing our lawn at 9:15 on a Tuesday morning in the summer. Give me a break. It wasn't a weekend, and my husband worked nights, and it was the only time he could do it. Sometimes people will complain about anything, just to complain. I hope it works out for you.
Message edited 10/26/2008 8:13:11 PM.
Posted 10/26/08 8:11 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/08 1126 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
Posted by justme4u
I had to share: I have been living on my block for 13 years, a lot longer than most of my neighbors immediately around me. We recently got a dog, 6 months ago to be exact. He is trained and is 5 years old. He's a yorkie-poo. Adorable little guy but he barks at EVERYTHING! I let him out, but the SECOND he starts to bark, i call him in. When the kids are home from school and their friends come over, someone accidently lets him out and then he starts barking so i bring him in. When the kids aren't home, usually he will go out and do his business and come right back in. Sometimes he will go crazy barking at a squirrel or a person walking by. It annoys ME, so i can imagine how it must annoy my neighbors.If your bringing him in as soon as he barks, then what else do they expect you to do? I once had a neighbor complain that my husband was mowing our lawn at 9:15 on a Tuesday morning in the summer. Give me a break. It wasn't a weekend, and my husband worked nights, and it was the only time he could do it. Sometimes people will complain about anything, just to complain. I hope it works out for you.
Thanks for sharing. It's really weird, I was never as aware of all the barking dogs in our neighborhood until now. When I hear them I wonder if he thinks its our dog.
I agree, some people just like to complain and he is one of them. He just picked the wrong people to complain too.
We play very nice in the sandbox, until some throws sand at us =).
Posted 10/27/08 9:48 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/08 575 total posts
Re: Who's the Nuisance? Neighbor or Dog
Posted by twiceasnice
Posted by justme4u
I had to share: I have been living on my block for 13 years, a lot longer than most of my neighbors immediately around me. We recently got a dog, 6 months ago to be exact. He is trained and is 5 years old. He's a yorkie-poo. Adorable little guy but he barks at EVERYTHING! I let him out, but the SECOND he starts to bark, i call him in. When the kids are home from school and their friends come over, someone accidently lets him out and then he starts barking so i bring him in. When the kids aren't home, usually he will go out and do his business and come right back in. Sometimes he will go crazy barking at a squirrel or a person walking by. It annoys ME, so i can imagine how it must annoy my neighbors.If your bringing him in as soon as he barks, then what else do they expect you to do? I once had a neighbor complain that my husband was mowing our lawn at 9:15 on a Tuesday morning in the summer. Give me a break. It wasn't a weekend, and my husband worked nights, and it was the only time he could do it. Sometimes people will complain about anything, just to complain. I hope it works out for you.
Thanks for sharing. It's really weird, I was never as aware of all the barking dogs in our neighborhood until now. When I hear them I wonder if he thinks its our dog.
I agree, some people just like to complain and he is one of them. He just picked the wrong people to complain too.
We play very nice in the sandbox, until some throws sand at us =).
He probably does think its's your dog when its the neighbors. If you bring him in as soon as you do, then what can he complain about. Some people think they own the block, they think that since they are paying taxes and what not, that they are entitled to peace and quiet 24/7. Not so when you live in a neighborhood with houses every 75-125 feet and almost every house having a dog, and kids. Give me a break. I like your comment about the sandbox! So true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 10/29/08 4:52 PM |