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LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1280 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
We have a neighbor who lets their dog bark continuously. Sometimes it is for an hour. (Not in an abusive home or anything) All the neighbors are tired of it. I believe it is a breed that tends to bark alot. We also realize that the dog must be let out, but with consideration. I wrote a letter from all the neighbors, with permission. I don't want to come across nasty or anything. Tell me what you think:
Dear Neighbor As your neighbors we are asking for you to please keep your dog from barking continuously. We are all animal lovers and understand you must let your dog out, but some mornings he wakes us up. Other times the dog is left out to bark for over 15 minutes. This is hard to write but it is not fair to us. As the warm weather approaches we would like to keep the window open and not hear the dog bark non-stop. This problem has been discussed by many of your neighbors and we didn’t know the right way to approach this problem. Again, we understand you must let your dog out, but please let him back in in a timely manner. Thanks for your help in this.
Posted 3/24/08 7:47 PM |
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Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
I think as you neighbor I would be upset that everyone was talking about me and nobody approached me personally.
I have two dog and am very conscience about my dogs barking and disturbing my neighbors. I'd rather have them talk to me than get a letter in my mailbox.
Posted 3/24/08 7:59 PM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Honestly, you may want to just talk to them about it rather than write it in a letter.
I am guessing that you do not have a dog, correct? Dogs bark and unless it's really excessive, it something you will have to deal with.
Posted 3/24/08 8:02 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1280 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Its excessive. I call anything over 15 minutes rude, 1 hour or more excessive. I don't know a nice way to approach him.
Posted 3/24/08 8:07 PM |
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Is it a puppy still?
I would just approach them. A letter might be just a little too much.
Dogs do bark, ya know?
Posted 3/24/08 8:09 PM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Maybe you can approach him with another neighbor? I really think you should do it in person. Good luck!!!
Posted 3/24/08 8:11 PM |
He's here!
Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Posted by stephaniea
Its excessive. I call anything over 15 minutes rude, 1 hour or more excessive. I don't know a nice way to approach him.
It may be that he doesn't even realize it. It is amazing what you can tune out. What are they barking at? I know that my dogs will bark if the neighbor's dog is also out.
Posted 3/24/08 8:12 PM |
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Member since 3/07 13217 total posts
Name: They call me "Tater Salad"
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
If you want my honest opinion, a letter is a very passive-aggressive way to handle the situation. If it bothers you, go talk to the neighbors about it face-to-face. Bring one or two neighbors with you... but I wouldn't do a letter.
Posted 3/24/08 8:13 PM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
The next time it happens you should go right over there and explain the issue. I have to agree with PPs- I think the letter is a bit cold.
Posted 3/24/08 8:14 PM |
I Took The Wrong Road

Member since 12/07 6153 total posts
Name: That Led To The Wrong Tendencies
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Yes if I received "a letter" I would totally laugh it off as "my neighbors don't have the guts to approach me in person so I am really not going to give a crap about what they think."
Face to face or don't bother. Nothing bothers me more than a passive-aggressive person.
Just my two cents.
Posted 3/24/08 8:15 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1280 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Not a puppy. What do we say. Excuse me can you keep your dog in, he barks too much. I don't even know what to say. It will be the middle of the day and everyone is either at school or work and this dog barks non-stop. Sometimes for over an hour. Its been as long as 3 hours. Mostly he barks by the door to go in. I always try to be considerate of my neighbors. If my teenage son and all his friends are outside during the week I make them come in at 10 because people have to go to work. If my little guy is screaming to loudly outside, I have him lower his voice. Its the neighborly thing to do. Maybe I'll have my husband approach them. We never even see them.
Message edited 3/24/2008 8:25:17 PM.
Posted 3/24/08 8:19 PM |
Member since 7/07 7639 total posts
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Message edited 11/17/2011 7:57:38 PM.
Posted 3/24/08 8:32 PM |
Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07 6349 total posts
Name: erin
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
I agree, this is something you have to do face to face. Do you have small children, or a work schedule or something that you can use to explain your situation more than it just being annoying (though, I TOTALLY understand and agree that the mere barking is enough for a complaint...)
Like for instance, "you know, I work nights and it's really hard for me to get back to sleep..."
This is something I would send my DH over to handle (just thinking to myself...imagining me in your situation...)
ETA: More Nonsensical advice...
Message edited 3/24/2008 8:41:50 PM.
Posted 3/24/08 8:40 PM |
My Love
Member since 5/05 31600 total posts
Name: M
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
I actually think the letter sounds great and is a good start... if u send the note and it still continues THEN i would gather some neighbors and knock on the door..
Posted 3/24/08 8:41 PM |
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Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
in person is always the best approach IMO.
Posted 3/24/08 8:44 PM |
2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05 15287 total posts
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
I would speak to them directly and not on behalf of the neighbors. I understand it's akward but maybe if you or DH goes over while the dog is barking up a storm the point may be easier to make.
Good luck!
Posted 3/24/08 8:51 PM |
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
I think you should speak to them in person!
My parents' dog is a maltese and barks LIKE CRAZY. They have always been very conscious of it, but figured since no one complains, that it must not be such a big problem.
I'd just go over there and be as nice as possible... just tell them that it's been really disturbing to hear the dog barking constantly and ask if there's anything they can please do to resolve this problem.
There are some really humane barking collars that emit a high pitched tone when the dog barks or ones that spray them with a little water.
Posted 3/24/08 9:00 PM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
I am not sure you are going to like my 2 cents.
Have you gotten to know this neighbor? Have you - or any of the other neighbors had anything to really say to these people during the day to day? Have you taken any time to figure out why they have the dog outside? Is it their dog? Are they sitting for it? Did they inherit it from a dying relative? Do you have an HOA that prohibits animals from being outside for any length of time?
Because it doesn't sound like these people are breaking any laws - unless the dog is out before or after the town noise ordinance dictates. Writing a letter 'on behalf of' x amount of neighbors is pretty offensive. And the idea of going over there with a group of neighbors for the sole purpose of complaining is equally obnoxious IMHO.
Maybe you should take the time to get to know these people. Bring over a coffee cake or catch them outside when they are trimming the hedges and start a dialogue that doesn't begin with "You know - your dog is barking too much." Get to know them and MAYBE you will discover the reason that the dog is outside so much and the reason that he barks. Then maybe you can help them come up with solutions instead of making demands.
I hope this doesn't sound harsh - but I have a big dog who is actually outside a better part of each day - and if someone who didn't know us or our dog was determined to start a neighborhood campaign against my dog I would be hurt AND angry.
Posted 3/24/08 9:05 PM |
So in love with my little guys

Member since 1/07 2963 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
I feel your pain.
Our downstairs neighbor (we live in a 2 family home) has a nasty little dog that they let bark for HOURS on end. The dog snaps and lunges at everyone, and has even taken a chunk out of DH's leg 
My neighbors are of the especially rude brand of people who allow this to go on in the middle of the night (midnight - 3am) or very early in the morning (5 - 9am).
I didn't know how to approach the situation. Since we are both tenants, I considered calling our absentee landlord to alert them of the situation.
I would not approach my neighbors in person, as they are also loud and nasty drunks. More proof that when a pet is misbehaving (especially a dog), it is typically the result of poor pet ownership and not of a bad pet!
When I first read your post, I thought that a letter sounded like a great idea. However I guess I do see the point the other posters were making about it being passive-agressive behavior. That's the main reason I haven't called our landlord about it yet, because I've been searching for a better way to handle it.
I wish I had a suggestion or advice, but I can offer a bunch of and some !
Message edited 3/24/2008 9:12:17 PM.
Posted 3/24/08 9:09 PM |
Love my little boy!

Member since 6/05 2489 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Posted by SweetestOfPeas
in person is always the best approach IMO.
in person is probably better..... but i am chicken and would probably leave a letter in the mailbox in thr middle of the night
Posted 3/24/08 9:16 PM |

Member since 2/06 2984 total posts
Name: Dianne
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
I would go over to them and talk in person. But I wouldn't bring several people with me only because I wouldn't want it to seem as though I was ganging up on them.
Posted 3/24/08 9:19 PM |

Member since 3/07 39159 total posts
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
We received a letter once from a neighbor. For something different than your issue. DH freaked out...he wished they would have come and talked to him in person. And I agree. BUT I can also see why someone would not want to confront somebody. You never know who you're dealing with. Sometimes a letter is the better approach. We took their letter into consideration and didn't hold it againt them and we're still friendly with them.
Good Luck!
Posted 3/24/08 9:28 PM |

Member since 10/06 15979 total posts
Name: BahBahBlackJeep
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Posted by rojerono
I am not sure you are going to like my 2 cents.
Have you gotten to know this neighbor? Have you - or any of the other neighbors had anything to really say to these people during the day to day? Have you taken any time to figure out why they have the dog outside? Is it their dog? Are they sitting for it? Did they inherit it from a dying relative? Do you have an HOA that prohibits animals from being outside for any length of time?
Because it doesn't sound like these people are breaking any laws - unless the dog is out before or after the town noise ordinance dictates. Writing a letter 'on behalf of' x amount of neighbors is pretty offensive. And the idea of going over there with a group of neighbors for the sole purpose of complaining is equally obnoxious IMHO.
Maybe you should take the time to get to know these people. Bring over a coffee cake or catch them outside when they are trimming the hedges and start a dialogue that doesn't begin with "You know - your dog is barking too much." Get to know them and MAYBE you will discover the reason that the dog is outside so much and the reason that he barks. Then maybe you can help them come up with solutions instead of making demands.
I hope this doesn't sound harsh - but I have a big dog who is actually outside a better part of each day - and if someone who didn't know us or our dog was determined to start a neighborhood campaign against my dog I would be hurt AND angry.
Very well put Jeannie (as usual). I agree, try talking to your neighbor and see if you can work out a solution.
Posted 3/24/08 9:34 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 2122 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
one of my neighbors that just moved in sent out a letter to the rest of us saying how we should take better care of our properties she listed examples of how long our lawns should be and how long our garbadge cans should be allowed to stay by the curb after the garbadge man came.. my fellow neighbors and i felt hurt and angry about the letter we all take very good care of our homes. i think your neighbor might feel like you all are attacking him, and although i understand you being upset but it is a dog, and dogs bark are they home when the dog is barking?? maybe they dont know
Posted 3/24/08 10:27 PM |
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Member since 3/06 4268 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog
Another neighbor and you should go together in person first. Try to work something out.
I think someone would be more likely to change the behavior if they can put a face to the problem.
Posted 3/24/08 10:31 PM |
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