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Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

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LIF Zygote

Member since 3/14

37 total posts


Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

Just wondering why people choose to pump exclusively over breastfeeding. I'm asking because I'm thinking I would like to pump over BF even though I'm sure BF is easier and less work. Curious as to what everyone's reasoning was.

Thanks :)

Posted 9/7/14 4:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 2/13

184 total posts


Re: Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

my baby was in nicu and would not latch- got used to the bottles, lc consultant was no help

afterwards it was easier though because my husband could help with night time feedings and i was not the only source of food so to say

Posted 9/7/14 6:39 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

Pumping is A LOT more work, especially if you are not able to pump that much at each session since a pump is just not as efficient as the baby. I would suggest at least trying BF. If not, rent a hospital grade pump.

Posted 9/7/14 6:48 PM

Lovin' my mini man!

Member since 3/07

2475 total posts


Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

I pumped because DS was having trouble latching and I was getting too upset. Looking back, I should have gotten help getting him to latch. Pumping was a huge hassle. I only lasted 6 weeks....

Posted 9/7/14 7:13 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

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Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

When I was pregnant, I always said that if I could BF, great, if not, I'd be fine with formula. Of course that didn't happen lol. DD latched one time in the hospital, on the first try, and no matter what I did or how much help I got, I couldn't get her to do it again. A nurse gave me a manual pump on my first night so I could feed her. I barely got any colostrum out. After 24 hours, she still hadn't had a wet diaper and I had to give her formula.

No matter what I tried when I got home (nipple shield, different positions, etc.) DD wouldn't latch. I began pumping and decided to set small goals for myself starting with 2 weeks. Then I became obsessed with giving her BM even though I was never able to establish a good enough supply and had and still have to supplement with formula. After almost 8 weeks, I decided to rent a hospital grade pump. Now, DD is 6 months old, I'm down to 3 pumps per day and pump 15oz - enough for 3 bottles of BM a day. My next goal is 8 months!

Posted 9/7/14 7:25 PM

I think I got this

Member since 11/10

1523 total posts


Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

I had no choice. DS was born at 28 weeks and in the NICU for 7 weeks. When he came close to coming home, we did try breastfeeding. For me, all of it was a horrible experience and I did not enjoy any of it.

Posted 9/8/14 11:06 AM

mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12

1952 total posts


Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

I had two reasons for pumping:
1. that way, DH could help feed the baby in the middle of the night
2. I knew exactly how much milk he was getting so the time between feedings was more consistent and i was more at ease that he wasn't starving.

Pumping is a huge pain though - mostly because I felt like my life revolved around giving a bottle, pumping, and doing dishes.

Posted 9/8/14 12:11 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 5/14

5 total posts


Re: Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

Posted by lbride

I pumped because DS was having trouble latching and I was getting too upset. Looking back, I should have gotten help getting him to latch. Pumping was a huge hassle. I only lasted 6 weeks....

This exactly with my first. I wish I had done more research. got more help and tried harder to nurse because just pumping did not work for me at all. I was constantly pumping, feeding, or sterilizing and I couldn't keep up. I only lasted about 4 weeks until I got mastitis and gave up. This time I plan to nurse.

Posted 9/8/14 11:54 PM


Member since 1/13

1329 total posts


Re: Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

I sound like a broken record because I say this every time EP comes up but, wow, you EP moms are saints. I dont know how you do it!

signed, mom who BF for 27.5 mo

Posted 9/10/14 11:28 AM

Twins times TWO!

Member since 1/11

1197 total posts


Re: Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

I had twins (and am having twins again). They were in the NICU in the beginning so I had to pump. When we got home I tried to exclusively breastfeed but I hated tandem nursing and feeding separately took way too long especially in the middle of the night. I pumped until 4 months. It is possible to mostly pump if you are religious about the schedule (you have to pump every time baby eats which for us was every 3 hours around the clock). And you have to make time to breastfeed once in a while to keep up your supply.Also, I rented a hospital grade pump that made a world of difference I think.

Posted 9/10/14 1:12 PM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

6162 total posts


Re: Why did you choose to Pump Exclusively

Posted by PitterPatter11

Pumping is A LOT more work, especially if you are not able to pump that much at each session since a pump is just not as efficient as the baby. I would suggest at least trying BF. If not, rent a hospital grade pump.

I agree. I got much less when I exclusively pumped. I was never a great pumper to begin with. The only reason I started to pump exclusively is because I had to return to work.

I personally hated pumping with a passion.

Message edited 9/10/2014 3:56:42 PM.

Posted 9/10/14 3:55 PM

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